OSIdM4HE-Strategy&Org. call, 5pm - 6pm (ET) Friday, 9/2/2011





Tom Barton

U Chicago

Dedra Chamberlin

Berkeley & UCSF


Jacob Farmer

Indiana U


Keith Hazelton

UW-Madison / Internet2


RL "Bob" Morgan

U Dub / Internet2


Benn Oshrin

Internet2 / Various


Hampton Sublett

UC Davis


Bill Yock

U Dub/Rice Board



1. Convene

2. Agenda Bash

3. AI review

4. Review Bill Yock's draft "Cooperation Agreement for Open Source Identity and Access Management for Higher Education"

"I drafted a cooperation agreement that includes the MOU Template.  I uploaded a draft to the wiki.   OSIdM4HEteam:Word doc attached is a little easier to read.  I think this incorporates the suggestions from our meeting last week.  Look forward to further conversation on this."

5. Planning and Preparation for Sept. 16 meeting.   Definition and assignment of tasks.

6. [OSIdM4HEteam:New] Tough bit-ers F2F Planning.  Between I2MM & Educause? (i.e. between Oct 7 and 16?) Later?

7. Hampton .ppt review

8. Review New Action Items