In the registries team we've been writing down a pile of requirements for the registries subsystem.  Some of those are what I think of as "enterprise system requirements" that would apply to anything enterprisey, not just IAM.  Such as

  • event-enabled
  • workflow-enabled
  • management UIs
  • self-service UIs
  • service interfaces
  • reporting capabilities
  • long-term record retention

As we do gap analysis on existing OS products we'll want to measure against these features as well as more IAM-specific features (identity merge, eg).
The question is whether we want to make a list of these outside of the chunk teams, and if so would our team do that.
I do think S&O should maintain this set of "enterprise infrastructure" requirements.   I'll add this to the agenda for today's call and spawn a page on the wiki for it.   --keith
- RL "Bob"