In most cases, the registration (aka enrollment) process is initiated when a System of Record (SOR) learns about a new person and passes that information on to the Registry. (Some organizations flip this process, where a person cannot be known to the SOR until the Registry tells the SOR about the person.) There are multiple types of SORs, which may vary according to the organization, and may include:

In some cases, a Registry can also behave as an SOR repository for a given population.

A general Registry solution must be able to support multiple types of SORs, which may not provide the same attributes.

Typically, an SOR is only authoritative for role-level data about a specific population (eg: students or employees). [OSIdM4HEteam:Not trying to start a terminology battle here... role just means, eg, attributes associated with being a student.] The Registry is authoritative for person-level data. The line between these two may vary according to a given organization's needs or policies, but typically person-level data includes attributes such as name (which may be selected from an SOR's name for an individual) or netid, while role-level data includes attributes such as title or physical address.

A general Registry solution must be flexible enough to handle variations across organizational data models.

Data may be transferred from an SOR to the Registry via one of several mechanisms:

A general Registry solution must provide multiple interfaces capable of receiving data from SORs.

A new standard for the exchange of data between SORs and Registries would be useful.

When a new record is added to an SOR, it provides information to the Registry to allow the Registry to determine if it already knows about the person being added. The person may previously have been known to the Registry from a different SOR (eg: a student becomes a part time employee) or from the same SOR (eg: a part time employee accepts a second part time position). The latter case is easier (if the same SOR ID, or unique key within the SOR, is provided to the Registry), the former case typically requires some sort of fuzzy matching based on available attributes (such as name, date of birth, email address, national identifier, etc). This process is known as Reconciliation/Identity Matching.

Reconciliation/Identity Matching may generate the following results, each of which must be handled appropriately by the SOR:

A general Registry solution must offer a flexible reconciliation mechanism, capable of adapting to the available data and rules at each organization.

A new standard for calling out to a potentially external matching system (either a standalone product or as part of a transition off a legacy system) would be useful.

Searching vs Matching

An ERP-centric view of identity may incorporate the notion of "searching before adding", born in part from the assumption that the ERP is authoritative for all person data. (This wasn't necessarily brought up in any discussion to date, but caused sufficient damage at a major University to be worthy of calling out.) This causes a number of problems:

In short, the SOR should worry about data managed by the SOR, and the IdMS should worry about data managed by the IdMS.

Additional References