
  1. Roll Call (by timezone - East to West)
  2. Scribe Shout-out - It's easy to scribe: How To Scribe Itana Notes
  3. Agenda Bash
  4. Connecting with Others:
    1. Ann West, AVP at Internet2
    2. Susan Grajek, VP Communnities and Research at EDUCAUSE
    3. Brenda Spychalla, Bernadette Williams, CG Leaders of Women in IT CG
  5. Itana Org Updates
    1. Working Group Updates
    2. Steering Committee Update



Announcements - Itana News, Working Group Report out

Connecting with Others:

Notes from Chat:

Jim Phelps: Please help by scribing a call. It's easy.

Jim Phelps: Survey for Winter/Spring Topics and Books

Susan Grajek: Hi, everyone! Beth Schaefer - UW Milwaukee: Hi Susan! Louis King - Yale: Hi Susan. Welcome!

Susan Grajek: Digital capabilities article in EDUCAUSE Review Online:

Susan Grajek: Karen Wetzel will now be the EDUCAUSE lead for both working groups and constituent groups. She's really excited about the opportunity to improve EDUCAUSE support for CGs

Jim Phelps: Three EDUCAUSE topics that are interesting to me: Competencies for Emerging Roles (EA, EBA), Digital Capabilites, Maturity Assessments for EA

Jim Phelps: Women in IT Topics: How to be better allies

Jim Phelps: Participation in panels, IT/EA architecture and competencies

Jim Phelps: what drew you into the role

Susan Grajek: Susan Kelley was wonderful to work with (at Yale)!

Susan Grajek: We would be happy to broaden the conversation about architecture, roles, etc.

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2: Hi All, Ann joined.

Susan Grajek: I'm taking notes on your CG needs and will share them with Karen. This is really helpful!

Louis King - Yale 2: Hi Ann. Welcome!

Daniel Black (Miami of Ohio): I like the idea of the "flash talk" too. I'm somewhat new to higher ed and have looked a little at the CGs on the Educause site but don't feel I have a great understanding of what's going on.

Susan Grajek: I have to leave in a couple of minutes. Please do follow up with me on the rest of the conversation.

Jim Phelps: Thank you for joining Susan. Great stuff Susan Grajek: Thanks, I hope to be in touch soon!

Jim Phelps: I2 opportunities: Future Network Use Cases, TIER connectors and contributions

Jim Phelps: Itana member Identity groups - download and try out the TIER packet - comment back on change requests

Jim Phelps: Long Term Trust & Identity - strategic roadmap development

Jim Phelps: Higher Ed - strategic direction

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2:

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2: That's the TIER reference architecture page

Jim Phelps: Thanks Ann

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2: We'd be very interested in your thoughts

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2: Tom Jordan from UWisc is leading this development

Jim Phelps: Survey for Winter/Spring Topics and Book:

Brenda Spychalla: Email me at with additional questons about the WIT

CG Beth Schaefer - UW Milwaukee: Thank you to Susan, Ann, Brenda, and Bernadette for a great call today!

Brenda Spychalla: I concur. Great call today. Looking forward to reconnecting.

Ann West, InCommon/Internet2: Thanks All!