2010 Action Item Follow-up Call, 30-Mar-2011


Tom Barton, U. Chicago
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Steven Carmody, Brown
Tom Zeller, U. Memphis
Ben Oshrin, Internet2
Ann West, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)




Review of purpose / goals for this Action Item Follow-Up call:

Updates on the Action Item Projects

- Steven's Update

Steven was the lead on two action items: 

"Document and promulgate best practice for syncing Google groups from campus groups"


"Document and promulgate best practice for sharing Google docs with federated users"

Concerning syncing Google groups from campus groups:

Concerning best practices for sharing Google docs with federated users:

Q: What is the deliverable or outcome of Steven's Action Items?


Benn's Update

Benn took the lead on two action items:

"Determine Next Steps for Promotion of Open Source IdM Products"


 "Define a Standard API for Groups"

These action items have moved under the FIFER (Free IDM Framework for Education & Research) framework. https://wiki.jasig.org/display/FIFER/Home

Benn reported that action item on promoting open source IdM products is moving slowly. People do not seem willing to devote time to this effort.

The Action Item on Defining a Standard API for Groups is moving along well.

Q: How should we inform the community about this work,  and promote others to consider adoption? 


- TomZ's Update

TomZ took the lead on the action item Determine How Federated Provisioning Should Work and Participate in SPML Standards Work to Support It

Q: What would be the objectives for this effort? 

Q:  What about change notification? 

Q: Where to put code or documentation that results from this work? 

A: TomZ: need to investigate licensing issues

Suggestion that TomZ discuss this work with Paul Hill.


Overarching Framework and Possible Gaps

Ken asked a two-part question:

1. Do the various parts fit together into an overarching framework? 


2. Do we see gaps in the work?

Is the concept of federation an anchoring concept throughout the work on these action items? 


Reflections on the Action Item Follow-Up Process

How should we change or improve the process of birthing and nurturing work items for the community?

Should we treat some differently than others ?