[AI] Metadata FAQ needed before transition to inline certs

[AI] ALL will review the CA Plan and Timeline for the next call
[AI] Bob will contact Georgia/Steve L for eAuth Update
[AI] Bob will contact Georgia for the Treasured List of Apps
[AI] John will ask Ken to bug Georgia at the upcoming PESC meeting
[AI] Renee is setting up Apple discussions (John will provide eDial)
[AI] Bob will ping Bruce at WindowsMarketPlace
[AI] Bob will send a note to Educause IdM list about CAP help
[AI] John will migrate the TAC wiki to Spaces once the access issues are resolved
[AI] Bob will ping Leif re: how much he is developing with his tool, in support of 2.0


[AI] Bob and Keith will look into the Attributes pages and Profiles issues 


[AI] TAC will consider adding Benefits to Risk Assessment (for balance)