COmanage Call 21-Jan-2011


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (chair)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Chris Hyzer, U. Penn
Keith Hazelton, U. Wisc
R.L. "Bob" Morgan, U. Washington
Steven Carmody, Brown U.
Jim Leous, Pennsylvania State U.
Benn Oshrin, Internet2
Steve Olshansky, Internet2

New Action Items

[AI] Heather will track on a wiki page approaches to sharing metadata between collab platforms.

Carry Over Action Items

[AI] (Ken) will develop a one-page writeup on the differences between a VO IdMS versus an enterprise IdMS
[AI] (Benn and Keith) will talk about Bamboo's requirements for person registry.
[AI] (Ken) will email Bob B. regarding the possibility of speaking at ACAMP
[AI] (Heather) will schedule an Internet Identity webinar for iPlant IT staff.
[AI] (Ken) will contact David Groep about VOMS GUMS.
[AI] (Steven) will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation.
[AI] (Jim) will check on whether there has been discussion on the CIC list concerning LIGO and the domesticated apps list.
[AI] (Heather) will ask U. Chicago people to contribute an academic (intra-institutional) use case to the COmanage use case library.
[AI] (Jim) will share ESWN call notes with the COmanage-dev list.


Development Report

Benn is working towards a February goal of having some core functionality running on the demo servers. This is not expected to be  a full demo; it will be similar to what was shown on the laptop at 2010 FMM.

After meetings and discussions with the VOs in February, the plan is to commit more firmly to a technical direction and technical road map, with details on what features / deliverables should be included for which COs.

Q: Is the registry - the interface to enter people into the population of interest -- in scope?

A: Benn; yes that is what I'm getting ready for the demo servers... mostly  it's the person registry part. The plan is to establish a basic service that understands an organizational identity versus a VO identity and has basic roles built into it. This will serve as a talking point with the VOs

Q: COmanage starts without a system of record. Is there something that corresponds to a person registry, where people get added?

A: Benn: in the current version, you can add someone as an organizational person (you can imagine they came in some other way, to demonstrate the point of external subjects) or provide basic support for doing an LDAP query to populate the organizational directory.

Summary: Benn wants people working with VOs to know that there is a call for requirements coming in early Feb. That should come out of LIGO, iPlant and maybe Bamboo.

VOs Report

 - Project Bamboo

Heather and Keith had a recent call with Project Bamboo folks, including Steve Masover.

Benn: Regarding timing issues, we say we need a real customer to ensure we are developing for real requirements, but maybe we need to approximate what a real customer needs and create it, have running code, so that our timing will align with some real customer.

Keith: The capability that organizations need early is a way to get people in and make them appear available to the outside world via interfaces, such as Grouper. So having the people registry would get us ahead of our customers

Benn: Yes that is the path we are on now.



- IPlant

- US Govt

- Ken will have more to report after an upcoming call w KevinT.
- There may some interest at NIH in using COmanage type services.
- We are engaging w Dept. of Energy via Mike Helm and his role w ESnet
- JimL reported that Penn State is involved with two DOE funded projects.

It was noted that a way to introduce COs to COmanage may be to expose them to Shib, Grouper, and/or Confluence first. Then COmanage can help solve access issues for COs.

Sharing Between Collab Management Platforms

Ken noted that collab management platforms will be a topic at the TF-EMC2 Meeting in Lyon in February.

Q: When there are instances of collab management platforms in diverse countries, what metadata needs to be shared between those for collaborations to work together?

Chris discussed the Grouper Group Sync capability, which is described here:
  Bullets provided by Chris on the Grouper Syncing:

[AI] Heather will track on a wiki page approaches to sharing metadata between collab platforms.

Next COmanage-Dev Call: Friday, 18-Feb-2011, 2 pm ET

4-Feb-2011 COmanage-dev call cancelled due to travel schedules