Day CAMP: Getting Started with InCommon
Providence, Rhode Island * February 15-16, 2011 * www.incommon.org/camp

Thinking about joining the InCommon Federation, but want to know more about what's involved? Or have you just become a member and are now working on next steps?

Consider attending Day CAMP: Getting Started with the InCommon Federation, hosted in Providence, RI, by NEREN, OSHEAN and Five Colleges, Inc with support from Internet2. Registration is now open and all are welcome.

The meeting will feature technical and management information for higher education institutions looking to run an identity provider to access federated services. Attendees will:

Appropriate for any size school, the meeting offers IT managers and technical implementers the chance to learn more about how to federate through InCommon.

PROGRAM: The complete program is posted at https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/DayCAMP.

REGISTRATION: Online registration is open at http://www.oshean.org/Page/Events/Register/121

RESOURCES: Several resources are now available at the Day CAMP website (https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/DayCAMP/Meeting+Resources), including case studies and the InCommon Resources booklet, a handy guide for getting started with federated identity management.

InCommon Day CAMP is sponsored by NEREN, OSHEAN and Five Colleges, Inc., in partnership with Internet2.