ITANA Meeting - 16 September 2010

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin-Madison (chair)
Marina Arsiniev, University of California, Irvine
Scott Fullerton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Christian Johansen, Pennsylvania State University
Peter Kung, University of California, Los Angeles
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
RL "Bob" Morgan, University of Washington
Todd Piket, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Ann Kitalong-Will, Internet2 (scribe)

Action Items

(AI) - Scott - will update the Enterprise Portal questionnaire online to reflect the revisions that address those organizations that are not implementing portals.

(AI) - Jim - will send out a survey to gage interest in and availability for the F2F meeting.

(AI) - Jim - will ping list for a third institution that is doing work with Framework/Architecture Tools for a possible S2S. (UW Madison and Penn State would also present.)

(AI) - Jim - will ping list to see if there is still interest in SOA Discussion and Screen2Screen on the Topics of Interest.

(AI) - Jim - will share link to UW-Madison's Enterprise Business Objects (EBO) document with list.

Action Item Updates

Enterprise Portal Questionnaire - Scott sent a draft cover letter and a revised set of questions to the list for review. The revisions are developed to include those institutions that are not implementing a portal as well as those that are, in order to capture a full range of responses. If everyone is comfortable with the survey, it is ready to send out. The link to the draft survey is located here:

(AI) - Scott - will update the Enterprise Portal questionnaire online to reflect the revisions that address those organizations that are not implementing portals.

Joint RO/ITANA S2S Outreach - Jim will get in touch with Mark McConahay (Indiana) to discuss a strategy to work on building relationships with RO community. The plan is to work on a series of S2S sessions to serve as joint sessions for campus ROs & architects, and to develop a full track for AACRAO Tech next year. Jim will invite Mark to be on an ITANA call in the near future.

Topics of Interest Updates

Current Topics of Interest can be viewed here:

F2F Planning - It was discussed that piggy-backing the ITANA F2F with another conference may be the most effective way to plan the F2F for maximum participation. There may be opportunity at the upcoming Educause conference (Oct. 12-15) for a F2F session.

(AI) - Jim - will send out a survey to gage interest in and availability for the F2F meeting.

It was suggested that the ITANA WG might leverage regional Educause meetings; a champion from ITANA would be helpful and welcome to represent ITANA at the regionals.

Framework/Architecture Tools - Currently on hold. UW-Madison has been working on developing an EA maturity model. It was pointed out that at Madison, they realized that architectural maturity needs to be tied to institutional maturity; the two are dependent upon one another.

Penn State is in the process of putting together a framework, and creating an architectural review board.

It was suggested that UW-Madison and Penn State's work would be valuable as case studies presented in S2S format, and could include a third case study.

(AI) - Jim - will ping list for a third institution that is doing work with Framework/Architecture Tools for a possible S2S. (UW Madison and Penn State would also present.)

Enterprise Workflow - Becoming more of a hot topic on campuses. University of Washington is developing quality workflow to support academic business processes, using Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) infrastructure. Many of University of California schools are adopting the KEW infrastructure as well. UW-Madison is working on a redesigned administrative process led by a Six Sigma representative on campus, and is now beginning to build some of the workload tools.

It was suggested that University of California-Irvine and UW-Madison could present their workflow development as case studies in S2S format.

SOA & S2S - Bob sent out a link to an EdUnifying announcement:

and a demo:

(AI) - Jim - will ping list to see if there is still interest in SOA Discussion and Screen2Screen on the Topics of Interest.

Data Governance/Organizational Maturity - UW-Madison has been doing work regarding Enterprise Business Services, a high-level view mapping implementation. It was suggested that data modeling and representation is going to be increasingly a part of architecting at UW-Madison, and in the architecture field as a whole. Higher education needs unified methods to handle data management from different sources and of different types. UC-Irvine is also working on standardizing data management processes and practices.

(AI) - Jim - will share link to UW-Madison's Enterprise Business Objects (EBO) document with list.

Wiki Best Practices - Still needs a champion.

Educause Activities - on hold.

Other Potential Topics of Interest

Next Call - 30 September 2010
2:00 PM (ET) / 1:00 PM (CT) / noon (MT) / 11:00 AM (PT)