The Internet2 community and its counterparts around the world have been actively engaged in developing new network services, including dynamic circuit networking capabilities and performance tools. Both dynamic circuit allocation using the Internet2 DCN (Dynamic Circuit Network) and network performance tools like perfSONAR use an "Information Services plane" that allows users to discover network topology and the location and capabilities of network services within that topology. As global federation of network services occurs, the standardization and flexibility of the network-centric Information Services becomes even more critical.

In order to help catalyze and focus the development of these common information services, the Internet2 Network Advisory Committee (NTAC) has commissioned the creation of a new Information Services Working Group (ISWG).

The group will work to further define the role and functionality of Information Services as well as drive design and development. Since these services will require specialized communications protocols, the group will work with and contribute to standardization bodies such as the OGF, GLIF, and the IETF. Discussions regarding the operation and exchange of information in organization federations will also be an important consideration.

NTAC Charge:

*Information and Topology - *Of late there has been much interest in
ways of describing and discovering network resources and topology. This
group will examine those areas and make recommendations