

Reference implementations valuable
Oracle changed direction, SW free again?

SPs and App Developers

IdM Project/Process Mgmt.

Agile dev being used in some schools, but some of its principals don't work well in the middleware context - e.g. frequent customer review of deliverables

Loosely affiliated populations

more of a groups and LoA issue, based on a user's attributes...is it time to approach the testing boards, to run an IdP for applicants?


Grids & non-browser apps

- perhaps X.509 deserves more investigation and debate?

Kuali Id. Mgmt. (KIM)

Social Networking

some schools looking at using internally, other looking at developing external presence, e.g. on FaceBook.
raises privacy issues
InCommon interoperability with common social networks, of interest to majority of the community? If so, better to enable it the right way

Next Steps:

assemble a group to think about working with Google, FaceBook, and Twitter

encourage more attendance at IIW to interact with them

Encourage wider use of OpenSocial, and further development of relevant gadgets



IAM Governance