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Configuring and Deploying the Grouper UI v1.0

In this section we describe how to configure, build, and deploy the Grouper UI.



Lightweight UI Configuration

Just a few easy bits, leaving in-depth coverage of the UI's extensive customization capabilities to the Grouper UI Guide.

Building & Deploying

All about building and deploying the UI.

Lightweight UI Configuration

In this subsection we'll describe how to replace the logo image included in the Grouper UI tarball and highlight a couple of settings in the grouper-ui/resources/grouper/ file that control how the UI uses subject attributes.

Using Your Own Logo Image

  1. Place the image file in grouper-ui/webapp/grouper/images/.
  2. Replace the "image.organisation-logo" property in grouper-ui/resources/grouper/ with the name of the file emplaced in the previous step.

Controlling the Use of Subject Attributes in the UI

Subjects are presented in the UI in various contexts. The Grouper UI supports a limited capability to control which subject attributes are displayed in which contexts. Here's a list of associated properties in the grouper-ui/resources/grouper/ file and how to use them.

Property Name


Possible Values


The default attribute used to identify any subject. Might be superseded by other configuration declarations.

Any subject attribute common to all subjects presented by source adapters. The minimum set available by default is determined by the Subject API. Under Subject API v0.2.1, those values are: name, description, and subjectId.


The default attribute used to identify any group. Might be superseded by other configuration declarations.

Any group naming attribute: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension, id.


The default attribute used to identify any stem. Might be superseded by other configuration declarations.

Any stem naming attribute: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension.

The name of the group naming attribute displayed in search results and on the "saved groups" page.

Any group naming attribute: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension, id.


The name of the stem naming attribute displayed in search results.

Any stem naming attribute: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension.

In the case of groups or stems displayed in search results, the media properties above only determine defaults. UI users are enabled to change the default for a UI session. The range of options they are presented are given in the following table.

Property Name


Possible Values

The set of choices of naming attributes that a UI user is presented with for display of groups in search results. If the set is empty, the user cannot change the default.

Space-separated list of zero or more of any of the group naming attributes: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension, id.


The set of choices of naming attributes that a UI user is presented with for display of stems in search results. If the set is empty, the user cannot change the default.

Space-separated list of zero or more of any of the stem naming attributes: name, displayName, extension, displayExtension.

Building & Deploying

  1. Copy grouper-ui/ to grouper-ui/
  2. Review grouper-ui/
  3. Copy grouper-ui/template-tomcat-context.xml to grouper-ui/tomcat-context.xml (or the value of the property deploy.context.xml if you have changed this).
  4. Change directory to grouper-ui and type "ant".

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