Messages from the Grouper messaging system from a queue can be read by Grouper and treated like a web service call.


Hook up grouper WS to read from a queue:

# there can be multiple entries, "wsMessagingBridge" is the name of this one, change that for each config section
# the messaging system name must correspond to a messaging system in the
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.messagingSystemName = grouperBuiltinMessaging
# the queue or topic to check
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.queueOrTopicName = sampleWsMessagingQueue
# if this is a "queue" or "topic", generally it will be queue
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.messageQueueType = queue
# the source id of the source of the user to act as
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.actAsSubjectSourceId = g:isa
# the subject id of the user to act as
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.actAsSubjectId = GrouperSystem
# the number of seconds between checking the queue or topic
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.secondsBetweenChecks = 0
# the long polling seconds, listen to the queue for this many seconds for messages
grouper.webservice.messaging.wsMessagingBridge.longPollingSeconds = 20

That will cause