TAC Meeting 2017-05-25 Minutes

TAC Members Attending: Steve Carmody, Mark Scheible, MIke Grady, Eric Goodman, Janemarie Duh, Tom Mitchell, Jim Jokl, Keith Wessel, Tom Barton, Kim Milford, Steve Carmody, Albert Wu

With: Dean Woodbeck, David Walker, Nick Roy, Tom Scavo, Steve Zoppi, IJ Kilm, Mike LaHaye

Action Items from May 25

(AI) TAC members asked to review the list of entities being filtered by MDA v7 to try to determine whether any of these are well-known or suspected highly used entities. (AI) Tom Barton will check with Jim Basney on this, as well.

(AI) Mark Schieble will revise the Attributes for Collaboration and Federation WG charter for additional review and send it to technical-discuss.

(AI) Ann or Kevin talk with Klaas Weirenga from GÉANT about a presentation to TAC meeting concerning their T&I roadmap for, say, the next 3 years?

(AI) Janemarie will send a note to TAC after she revises the charter for the Streamlining SP Onboarding WG.

(AI) Janemarie will move the information from her email concerning flywheels and co-chairs to a Google doc for collaborative editing/commenting - DONE

Uncompleted AIs from past calls

(AI) Kim Milford will promote the technical-discuss list among the REN-ISAC community - DONE

(AI) Mark Scheible and Ann West will develop an executive summary of the OIDC Survey WG report and recommendations for the InCommon Steering Committee. - Being Reviewed 

(AI) Tom S will send a note to technical-discuss kicking off a discussion about requiring HTTPS endpoints for SPs - Postponed until Fall due to implementation resource requirements

(AI) Mark/Nick will start a discussion on the technical-discuss list about the Discovery 2.0 work plan item. Perhaps focus the discussion on use cases with a goal of a REFEDS discussion at TechEx. 

Ops Update - Tom Scavo

Federation Manager Software Release (Nick)

Trust and Identity Updates (Nick)

Working Groups

Attributes for Collaboration and Federation (Mark) - This has become a joint effort with InCommon Steering and the InCommon AAC, since both have an interest in this topic. Leaders of those groups plus Mark met with Ann to discuss how this joint working group would proceed. Instead of an open call, we will seek representation from specific stakeholders, including Steering, TAC, AAC, registrars (2), CIO, research SP, Internet2 staff, TIER, researcher, risk management, plus occasionally inviting people with specific expertise (like FERPA). The draft roadmap on improving R&S release presented to Steering, will also be considered. (AI) Mark will revise the charter and have Ann/Sean/Brett review prior to sending it to technical-discuss

SP Configuration Standards (Janemarie) - New name is Streamlining SP Onboarding WG. The group will work on a body of standards to help SPs onboard into the InCommon Federation. Charter language now focuses more on SPs. Removed references to testing (that was not in scope). Goals are more narrowly defined and enumerated. CIC Cloud Services Cookbook is the starting point. (AI) Janemarie will send a note to TAC after the next charter revision.

OIDC (Steven) - All comments have been incorporated into the charter. There are both campus activities and federation activities. It is not clear where these overlap or don’t. [Might be similar to the approach with Shibboleth - that covers both of those cases] Perhaps include in the charter a statement - “this is the future vision of how these two efforts (TIER SW and Federation) might play out.”

Change to chair/flywheel roles/process

Just prior to the meeting, Janemarie emailed TAC a proposal that clarifies the roles of working group flywheels and chairs, as well as a change to co-chairs for working groups.


Next Meeting - Monday, June 8, 2017 - 1 pm ET