This page was last updated on January 27, 2017.

List of errorURLs in IdP Metadata

The InCommon Federated Error Handling Service relies heavily on the Error Handling URL in IdP metadata. If a user arrives at an SP with insufficient attributes, and the SP is configured to use the Error Handling Service, the SP can display a page that directs the user to click on the IdP's published errorURL for assistance.

Summary of errorURLs in IdP Metadata

As a service to the community, InCommon Operations regularly probes errorURLs in IdP metadata. The results of the latest probe are recorded in the table below. Your IdP is good to go if all of the following are true: 1) your IdP metadata currently includes an errorURL, 2) the curl error code is 0, and 3) the HTTP response code is 200. If your IdP metadata does not include an errorURL, or the one you have listed in metadata is not working properly, please update your metadata today!

Please double-check the content of your error page. It should give the user clear instructions what to do in the case of insufficient attributes.

Alternatively, if you prefer that your IdP not be shown on discovery interfaces by default, you may self-assert membership in the Hide From Discovery Category. To do this, simply log into the Federation Manager and check the appropriate checkbox.

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