
Starting Time: Nov 5, 2009 at 1:00 PM, US/Eastern

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New meeting time: Thursdays at 1PM Eastern. Will aim for bi-weekly, but calls will be sporadic till the end of the year.

Review FMM

Not a lot in attendance (Martin, Jason, Aaron, Andy, Chet, Takatoshi, Jin, Phil DeMar, some tourists). Presentation on the normal issues of the group:

New project (Fermilab, UDel), ESCPS, that will be using the topology model. Proposal is to use what was started in OSCARS/DCN and extend.

Review OGF 27

Martin/Jason/John V in Banff. NSI/NML only (no NM/NMC). Same people, same room for the 4 days. Hard to tell the difference between the two since there is so much group bleed. Important topics:

Aaron: How does the defn of a network related to the concept of a domain?
Martin: Domain is an arbitrary/administrative grouping. At the highest level network:domain is 1:1, but as you get close to the lower level they are not that similar.

Plans for the rest of 2009

SC/GENI activities are going to suck a lot of people away from this group. Proposal is to have two more meetings this year:


SCinet use of Information Services

SCinet will be using perfSONAR tools to export monitoring data (as usual). IDC will also be used to manage the Layer 2 infrastructure to all booths. Note that its not a full IDC, can't signal to it from the outside and automatically get your circuit. Will have some controls in place so SCinet gets to control who does what.

Will be a pS Lookup Service that will register all information about pS/IDC services in SCinet.

Internet2 Booth will demo pSPT and GUIs.

BWC use of Information Services

Jason wrote some GUIs for REDDnet:

These will be on display at SC09 for the BWC.

Progress on Documents

Worked has stalled for now. Expected to pick up after the new year

Plans for 2010

Meet at Winter/Summer JTs, Fall/Spring MM. Target is to have drafts of the Topolgy and Use Case documents by Spring MM.

Marcos is doing LS scalability testing for the pS PS group. The IS-WG will get input into any LS design changes.

Considering a new service, the Index Service, that helps take load off of the hLS/gLS. Stores the results of common queries (needs to identify common queries) and acts as a cache for the entire system.