4:00 to 4:45PM
Hot Topics - Your items here
Jim Phelps

Presentations and Links


Jim Phelps led a discussion of Hot Topics that had come up through-out the day or were suggested by attendees.  The list of topics was:


Suggested by

How do we articulate the importance of "Architecture" regardless of the leadership and changes in leadership?


Real-life experiences with working with a vendor in implementing something with SOA practices. Good and/or bad.

Steve Kellogg

How is your architecture group organized on your campus? A formal group vs. a virtual group of people playing the architect roles? Pros and Cons?

(from Curtis Bray's notes)

U Madison
    Formal group
    Dotted line to CIO/VP of IT
    Con: Hard to get large enough centralized staff to get input into all areas of campus. Can lose connection out into the field
    Trying to get a virtual group (Deputy Arch) that would come together with central arch for planning
Would be good to document/case studies on the Wiki
    Some captured with a survey already
    5 people - Focus on business, data, web dev
    Develop SLA's - Work with dev groups to make them aware of resources of IT Arch group
    Making arch heavily driven by business arch/processes
    Leveraging groups that are already out there (since they're such a small group)
U Colorado
    Strategy wasn't taking place anywhere else, so it feel on EA
    One group (IT Arch & Program Management) 5 or 6 people
        Only 1 has actual Arch title others are program managers of services
U Washington
    No architecture group
    Doesn't mean arch doesn't happen - people still talk
    Planning group on administrative side proposed new arch needs

Curtis Bray

What do we do when there are 150 people at the meeting?

Ken Klingenstein

What are the follow-ons (if any) from the Security Architecture discussion?


How are campuses approaching the situation where our users are increasingly using direct-to-consumer services (e.g. web2.0 services) to collaborate, communicate, and work productively? I hypothesize that it's simply impossible for IT organizations to replicate all of the tools that are increasingly available in this manner; how does this change what we do? In this new world, what is the core value of our IT organizations?

Kevin Miller

Business Rule repository(ies).  What are they, who has them, what would it look like?