
Attending: Tom Barton, Keith Hazelton, Steve Carmody, Jim Jokl, Janemarie Duh, Tom Mitchell, Scott Cantor, Albert Wu, Chris Misra

With: Dean Woodbeck, Kevin Morooney, Ann West, Tom Scavo, IJ Kim, Steve Zoppi

Action Items

(AI) Steve Carmody will coordinate the TAC work list presentation requested by Steering for Steering’s July 11 meeting.

(AI) TAC will provide a written reaction to the InCommon projects/sequencing list, which can then be shared and consulted as the process continues.

(AI) Trust/Identity staff will develop a companion document to the projects/sequencing list, to discuss strategic direction and how the projects/sequencing fit with that direction.

(AI) Steve Carmody will identify those topics on the TAC  work plan ready for working group development and contact potential working group chairs.

May 26 Minutes

Approved for posting.

Microsoft update

Steve Carmody reported that Microsoft has responded to a conversation on the InCommon Participants email list from people looking for help with ADFS. Nick Roy will be following up with Microsoft and the participants needing the help.

Ops Update


Tom Scavo reported that incidents reported on previous Ops Updates are either resolved or scheduled for completion by Monday, June 13. He also noted that the import filter logs are now published daily on the web server.

Upgrades in progress include:

  1. Upgrade to Shibboleth MDA V0.9.1

  2. Upgrade to Shibboleth xmlsectool 2.0.0 (use to sign and verify metadata)

  3. Upgrade to Ruby on Rails v3.2.22.1 upgrade (use for Federation Manager)

Upgrading to Shibboleth IdP v3

Dean Woodbeck reported that InCommon staff discussed stepping up communications with participants about end-of-life of IdPv2 (July 31) and the need to upgrade to IdPv3. Dean is developing a plan (concentrating on two audiences: execs and site admins). He will share the plan with TAC; communications with site admins will begin Tuesday, June 14.

Update - Steering meeting

Kevin Morooney reported on items from Monday’s InCommon Steering meeting that have relevance to the TAC. Steering has asked for additional details about the seven overall priorities from the operations review. Kevin, Nick Roy, and Ann West will present those on July 11. TAC has also been asked to present its work list and priorities (Steve Carmody will coordinate).

Kevin also reported on a meeting, June 27-28, with TIER Community Investment Council (TCIC) members concerning development of a sustainable business model for TIER. In July, a handful of trust and identity community leaders will have a similar meeting, focusing on the business model for InCommon.

InCommon Projects List


There was substantial discussion about this project/sequencing list, particularly concerning those items that are not scheduled for 2016. Of particular concern is the Per-Entity Metadata Project, which is a priority for TAC. Staff responded that this item has some dependencies, including recommendations that will come from a soon-to-be-constituted TAC working group on the topic. It was pointed out that items not scheduled for 2016 are still important, but that they are not scheduled for some reason (perhaps sequencing or dependencies).

It may be helpful to split some of the non-scheduled items apart to make the sequencing and dependencies clear (for instance, the MFA IdP Proxy item).

There is also concern about line 28 on the spreadsheet - which indicates that some services may need MFA, but this item is not scheduled for 2016.

(AI) TAC will provide a written reaction to this projects/sequencing list, which can then be shared and consulted as the process continues.

(AI) Trust/Identity staff will develop a companion document to this projects/sequencing list, to discuss strategic direction and how the projects/sequencing fits with that direction.

TAC Work Plan


There was a brief discussion of the TAC work plan and how to reconcile this plan with the InCommon projects/sequencing list discussed above. For example, it was noted that Per-Entity Metadata is a high priority on the TAC work plan.

Some items on the TAC work plan are ready for the development of working groups. (AI) Steve Carmody will identify those topics and contact potential working group chairs.

Next Meeting - Thurs., June 23, 2016

1:00pm ET | 12:00pm CT | 11:00am MT | 10:00am PT