InCommon Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Attending: David Walker, Steve Carmody, Nick Roy, Tom Barton, Ian Young, Michael Gettes, Scott Cantor, Keith Hazelton

With: Ann West, Dean Woodbeck (scribe)

Action Items

(AI) David Walker will make edits to the proposed community review process.

(AI) Steven will discuss a potential Google Apps for Education working group with the Steering Program Subcommittee and, pending the outcome, potentially bring a draft working group charter to the next TAC meeting (including estimates of the resources needed to pursue this).

(AI) Steve will send a note to the TAC list proposing shifting TAC meetings by a week and moving to 1 pm ET.


TAC extended its congratulations to Ann West on receiving the Centennial Award for Excellence from AACRAO. The presentation will take place March 30, 2014

Planning Process

The Steering Committee’s program subcommittee plans to have a first draft of the priorities document for the full steering meeting on March 3, 2014. TAC and the Steering Program Subcommittee are working through priorities for 2014 and 2015.

There is a Google Doc for TAC to comment at

There was discussion, as well, concerning

Pros/Cons of Google Apps for Education as IdP

The discussion started from a request on the email list that TAC produce a white paper with the pros and cons for campuses considering using GAE as an IdP. The questions at hand are:

  • Should TAC be investing effort in this area? Currently, this is not on the priority list
  • Should TAC engage 2-3 campuses using GAE for a conversation on this topic? Or, should this become a working group? The former approach would be quicker, but the working group approach would be more systematic
  • (AI) Steven will discuss this with the Steering Program Subcommittee and, pending the outcome, potentially bring a draft working group charter to the next TAC meeting (including estimates of the resources needed to pursue this).
 Community Review Process

There was discussion of the draft community review process that David Walker developed. (AI) David will make the document TAC-specific and add some language concerning the chronology of the process.

Middleware Web Site

(AI) Steven has a copy of the old site and will make it available in a protected way at Brown.

Meeting Day/Time

(AI) Steve will send a note to the TAC list proposing shifting TAC meetings by a week and moving to 1 pm ET.

F2F at Global Summit

At this point, there do not appear to be pressing items to discuss in a F2F at the Internet2 Global Summit in Denver.

Next Meeting - TBD
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