Open Lists and Channels

Public lists and channels are available for any member of the community to join.

Project announcements, including product releases. This list does not permit posting.

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Discussion list for COmanage deployers and administrators, both current and potential.

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Community Slack channel for deployers and administrators of COmanage Registry.


Community Slack channel for deployers and administrators of COmanage Match.

Join by sending email to with the Subject: Please add me to the COmanage Slack Channel (for Registry) or COmanage Match Slack Channel (for Match).

Closed Lists and Channels

Closed lists and channels require an invitation based on participation to join.

Discussion list for active project developers and contributors.


Slack channel for active project developers and contributors.


Slack channel for project developers contributors, focused on user experience discussions.

Inactive Lists and Channels


Discussion group for any technologies, policies, or use cases associated with collaboration management platforms, and especially general (non-product specific) topics or topics crossing multiple technologies. This is not a COmanage specific list, and is not sponsored by the COmanage Project or Internet2.


International Collaboration Middleware Coordination


Point for requests for info


Passing notes regarding outreach, immediate priorities, operational tasks


Passing notes regarding outreach, immediate priorities, operational tasks

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