Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
    String provisionTarget = "ad";
    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    Set stemsToProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select s from Stem s, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerStemId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'stem' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object stemObject : stemsToProvisionToSet) { Stem stem = (Stem)stemObject; System.out.println("provision_to assigned to stem: " + stem.getName());  }
    Set stemsToNotProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select s from Stem s, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerStemId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'stem' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'do_not_provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object stemObject : stemsToNotProvisionToSet) { Stem stem = (Stem)stemObject; System.out.println("do_not_provision_to assigned to stem: " + stem.getName());  }
    Set groupsToProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select g from Group g, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerGroupId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'group' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object groupObject : groupsToProvisionToSet) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("provision_to assigned to group: " + group.getName());  }
    Set groupsToNotProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select g from Group g, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerGroupId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'group' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'do_not_provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object groupObject : groupsToNotProvisionToSet) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("do_not_provision_to assigned to group: " + group.getName());  }
    Set allGroups = new LinkedHashSet();
    Set allGroupsToProvision = new TreeSet();

    Set stemNamesToNotProvisionTo = new HashSet();
    Set stemNamesToProvisionTo = new HashSet();
    for (Object stemToProvision : stemsToProvisionToSet) { stemNamesToProvisionTo.add(((Stem)stemToProvision).getName()); }
    for (Object stemNotToProvision : stemsToNotProvisionToSet) { stemNamesToNotProvisionTo.add(((Stem)stemNotToProvision).getName()); }

    for (Object stemToProvision : stemsToProvisionToSet) { allGroups.addAll(((Stem)stemToProvision).getChildGroups(edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Stem.Scope.SUB)); }
    Map groupToPaths = new HashMap();
    for (Object groupObject : allGroups) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; if (allGroupsToProvision.contains(group)) {continue;} if (groupsToNotProvisionToSet.contains(group)) {continue;} List paths = new ArrayList(); groupToPaths.put(group, paths); String currentName = group.getName(); paths.add(currentName);  while(true) { currentName = GrouperUtil.parentStemNameFromName(currentName);  if (GrouperUtil.isBlank(currentName)) {break;} paths.add(currentName);  }   }
    for (Object groupObject : groupToPaths.keySet()) {Group group = (Group)groupObject; List paths = (List)groupToPaths.get(group); for (Object pathObject : paths) { String path = (String)pathObject; if (stemNamesToProvisionTo.contains(path)) { allGroupsToProvision.add(group); break; } if (stemNamesToNotProvisionTo.contains(path)) { break; } } }
    for (Object groupObject : allGroupsToProvision) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("configured to provision to: " + provisionTarget + ": " + group.getName()); }

Include a common GSH file

If this is the file in the container:

Code Block
def  addNewGroup(pathName, dispName,groupType, gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput,grouperSession ) {
    //Verify if allowgroup exist or not and provide appropriate messages
   groupVerify = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, pathName,false);
   if (groupVerify != null) 
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine( pathName + " group already exists!");
        productGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignName(pathName).assignDisplayName(dispName).save();
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Created "+ groupType +" group : "  +pathName);
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Added Group types: "+groupType+" for group : " + pathName);

GdgTypeGroupSave gdgTypeGroupSave = new GdgTypeGroupSave().assignGroup(productGroup).assignType(groupType);;
return productGroup;


Include that in a GSH template or other script

Code Block
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell();
def external = shell.parse(new File('/opt/grouper/gsh/commonFunction.gsh'));


Stem move

try this:

Code Block
stemFrom = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:b", true);
stemTo = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:c", true);
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.StemMove(stemFrom, stemTo).assignAlternateName(false).save();
