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  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

Include Page

See also Grouper Custom Template via GSH

Table of Contents


Image Added  This topic is discussed in the "Grouper API - Part 2" training video.

GrouperShell (gsh)


gsh is a command line shell for administering and interacting with the Grouper API. See architectural diagramIt can be used in both a batch and interactive manner.  It .  For Grouper 2.3.0 patch 72+, it is built on GroovyShell.  For older versions of Grouper, it is built on Java BeanShell

API Compability

gsh is now a core part of the Grouper API and so is always compatible with the current release.


When using the Grouper API source distribution, grouper.jar needs to be built before using for the first time:

No Format
ant dist


For Windows use $GROUPER_HOME\bin\gsh.bat

Run gsh as an interactive shell:

No Format

Read gsh commands from STDIN:

No Format

Read gsh commands from a script file:

No Format
$GROUPER_HOME/bin/ /path/to/your/script.gsh

Run Grouper utilities:

No Format
$GROUPER_HOME/bin/ <option>
args: -h,               Prints this message
args: -check,           Performs startup check and enters an
                        interactive shell
args: -runarg <command> Run command (use \\n to separate commands)
args: -main <class> [args...]
   class,               Full class name (must have main method)
   args,                args as required by main method of class
args: -initEnv [<configDir>]
       On Windows sets GROUPER_HOME and adds GROUPER_HOME/bin to path
       For *nix 'source' for the same result
       configDir optionally adds an alternative conf directory than
       GROUPER_HOME/conf to the classpath
args: (-xmlimport | -xmlexport | -loader | -test | -registry | -usdu |
                        Enter option to get additional usage for that
  -xmlimport,           Invokes XmlExporter
  -xmlexport,           Invokes XmlImporter
  -loader,              Invokes GrouperLoader
  -registry,            Manipulate the Grouper schema and install
                        bootstrap data
  -test,                Run JUnit tests
  -usdu,                Invoke USDU - Unresolvable Subject Deletion
  -findbadmemberships,  Check for membership data inconsistencies

Supported Commands

Grouper API methods

Any Grouper API method can be directly invoked just by referencing it, inclusive of the class in which it is defined. Methods return a java object which can be stored in a variable. For example, the following gsh session determines all of the groups to which a given subject belongs:

No Format
gsh 0% subj = findSubject("SD00125")
subject: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' name='Barton, Tom'
gsh 1% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj)
edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 29c40f97-9fb0-4e45-88bc-a14877a6c9b5,'SD00125','person'
gsh 2% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj)
member: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' uuid='d0fa765e-1439-4701-89b1-9b08b4ce9daa'
gsh 3% member.getGroups()
group: name='etc:sysadmingroup' displayName='Grouper Administration:SysAdmin Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'




addGroup(parent stem name, extension, displayExtension)

Add group to registry


Delete group from registry

getGroupAttr(group name, attr)

Get value of group attribute


Find all groups with a matching naming attribute value, returns a Set of groups

setGroupAttr(group name, attr, value)

Set value of group attribute

GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, name)

Find one group by name

GroupFinder.findByUuid(grouperSession, name)

Find one group by uuid

You can use GroupSave as an alternate way:

Code Block

 new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem1:a").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();

Group Types



groupAddType(group name, type name)

Add type to group

groupDelType(group name, type name)

Delete type from group

groupGetTypes(group name)

Get group's types

groupHasType(group name, type name)

Check whether group had type

typeAdd(type name)

Create custom group type

typeAddAttr(type name, attr name, read, write, required)

Create custom group attribute. read and write must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

typeAddList(type name, attr name, read, write)

Create a custom list. read and write must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN).

typeDel(type name)

Delete group type

typeDelField(type name, field name)

Delete custom field from group type

typeFind(type name)

Find the group

typeGetFields(type name)

Get fields associated with the group type

Member change subject

Change subject of a Member object, e.g.:

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
oldSubject = findSubject("10021368");
member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession, oldSubject);
newSubject = findSubject("10021366");




Change the subject of the member object.  If the subject is the same, its a no-op.  If the new subject does not have a Member object, then the existing member object simply gets new subject information.  If the new subject does have a member object, then all objects in the grouper registry which uses the old member, will be updated to the new member.  Then the old member object is deleted from the registry


Change the subject, but dont delete the old member.  Do this if the way which deletes the old member doesnt work due to foreign keys.  This will do all the work it can, and the rest can be manual


Dont do any of the work, just print a report to the screen of what will be done.  Dry-run.




addComposite(group name, composite type, left group name, right group name)

Add composite membership.  e.g. CompositeType.UNION

addMember(group name, subject id)

Add member to the members list for the group.

addMember(group name, subject id, field)

Add member to the specified list for the group.

delComposite(group name)

Delete composite membership from group

delMember(group name, subject id)

Delete member from the members list for the group

delMember(group name, subject id, field)

Delete member from the specified list for the group

getMembers(group name)

Get members of group

hasMember(group name, subject id)

Check whether subject is member of the members list

hasMember(group name, subject id, field)

Check whether subject is member of the specified list




grantPriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Grant privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

grantPriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Grant privilege on stem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)

hasPriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Check whether subject has privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

hasPriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Check whether subject has privilege on strem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)

revokePriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Revoke privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

revokePriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Revoke privilege on stem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)





Will generate schema DDL for the DB, and wont drop before creating, will not run script


generate DDL for the DB, dropping existing tables, will not run script


generate DDL for the DB, not dropping, but will run the script after writing it to file

registryInitializeSchema(registryInitializeSchema.DROP_THEN_CREATE | registryInitializeSchema.WRITE_AND_RUN_SCRIPT)

generate DDL for the DB, drop existing grouper tables, and run the script after writing it to file


Restore registry to default state(delete data from all tables, install defaults)


If the default Grouper data is not there, it will be added (e.g. root stem, default fields, etc)







addRootStem(extension, displayExtension)


Add top-level stem to the registry


addStem(parent stem name, extension, displayExtension)


Add stem to registry


delStem(stem name)


Delete stem from registry


getStemAttr(stem name, attr)


Get value of stem attribute




Find all stems with a matching naming attribute value, returns a Set of stems


setStemAttr(stem name, attr, value)


Set value of stem attribute


StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, name)


Find one stem by name


StemFinder.findByUuid(grouperSession, uuid)


Find one stem by uuid

Code Block

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a");
for(child : stem.getChildGroups(Stem.Scope.SUB)) { System.out.println("deleting: " + child.getName()); child.delete();  }
stemList = new ArrayList(stem.getChildStems(Stem.Scope.SUB));
for(childStem : stemList) { System.out.println("deleting: " + childStem.getName()); childStem.delete(); }


Delete stem and subcontents

BeanShell.  The legacy BeanShell version is now deprecated, but you can switch back to it by using one of the options:

  • Setting gsh.useLegacy = true in
  • Using a command line argument  ( -forceLegacyGsh)

GrouperShell is for Grouper admins.  End users can script with the grouper client command line utility

GSH operations

NOTE: Some classes were added a later 2.5.x releases. Not all are documented as to when they were initially added.

AttestationFoldersinsert / update / deleteAttestationStemSave
Groupsinsert / update / deleteAttestationGroupSave
Attribute assignment

Attribute assignmentinsert / update / deleteAttributeAssignToAssignmentSave (2.5.48+)
Foldersinsert / update / deleteAttributeAssignToStemSave
Groupinsert / update / deleteAttributeAssignToGroupSave
Attribute definition
insert / update / deleteAttributeDefSave
Attribute name
insert / update / deleteAttributeDefNameSave
Attribute value
insert / update / deleteAttributeAssignValueSave
insert /update / deleteCompositeSave

Email SMTP

Gc db access
gc db accessGcDbAccess
Grouper session

insert / update / deleteGroupSave


gsh template execGshTemplateExec

ldap session utilsLdapSessionUtils
insert / update / deleteMembershipSave

insert / update / deleteGrouperPasswordSave
Privilege inheritance

Attribute definitionsinsert / update / deletePrivilegeAttributeDefInheritanceSave
Foldersinsert / update / deletePrivilegeStemInheritanceSave
Groupsinsert / update / deletePrivilegeGroupInheritanceSave

insert / update / deleteProvisionableStemSave

insert / update / deleteProvisionableGroupSave


Sync data to SQL table

insert / update / deleteGdgTypeStemSave
insert / update / deleteGdgTypeGroupSave

Hints and tricks

Escape things in groovysh with single backslash.  e.g.

Code Block
attributeValueDelegate.assignValue(RuleUtils.ruleIfConditionElName(), "\${subject.sourceId != 'g:gsa'}");

Check for null like this

Code Block
${someVar ?: 'valueIfNull'}

GSH does not like array constructors

Code Block
Object[] row = new Object[] {emailFromOutsystems, pennkeyPerhaps};

Object[] row = new Object[2];
row[0] = emailFromOutsystems;
row[1] = pennkeyPerhaps;

Reset the shell after an error: 


Escape dollars, e.g. "${something}"

Code Block
'$' + "{something}"

Externalized text

Code Block
if you add to externalized text (config in ui), just make a key, e.g. mySchoolEmailKey, then refer to it like this
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.text.GrouperTextContainer;
String template = GrouperTextContainer.textOrNull("mySchoolEmailKey");

API Compability

gsh is now a core part of the Grouper API and so is always compatible with the current release.


When using the Grouper API source distribution, grouper.jar needs to be built before using for the first time:

No Format
ant dist


For Windows use $GROUPER_HOME\bin\gsh.bat

Run gsh as an interactive shell:

No Format

Read gsh commands from a script file:

No Format
$GROUPER_HOME/bin/ /path/to/your/script.gsh

Run Grouper utilities:

No Format
$GROUPER_HOME/bin/ <option> args: -h,               Prints this message
args: <filename>,       Execute commands in specified file
no args:                Enters an interactive shell
args: -lightWeightProfile
       Use alternate init script (classes/groovysh_lightWeight.profile)
       which has less imports and may improve startup performance
args: -nocheck,         Skips startup check and enters an 
                        interactive shell
args: -runarg <command> Run command (use \\n to separate commands)
args: -main <class> [args...]                                    
   class,               Full class name (must have main method)
   args,                args as required by main method of class
args: -initEnv [<configDir>]
       On Windows sets GROUPER_HOME and adds GROUPER_HOME/bin to path
       For *nix 'source' for the same result
       configDir optionally adds an alternative conf directory than
       GROUPER_HOME/conf to the classpath
args: (-xmlimport | -xmlexport | -loader | -test | -registry |
       -findbadmemberships | -ldappc | pspngAttributesToProvisioningAttributes)                         Enter option to get additional usage for that 
  -xmlimport,           Invokes XmlImporter*
                        *XML format has changed in v1.6. To import
                        the original XML format use -xmlimportold
  -xmlexport,           Invokes XmlExporter
  -loader,              Invokes GrouperLoader
  -registry,            Manipulate the Grouper schema and install
                        bootstrap data
  -test,                Run JUnit tests
  -pspngAttributesToProvisioningAttributes Copies pspng attributes to provisioning
  -findbadmemberships,  Check for membership data inconsistencies    
  -ldappc,              Run the grouper ldap provisioning connector to send data to ldap   

With argument "-lightWeightProfile", gsh will start up with an alternate boot script (groovysh_lightWeight.profile instead of the default groovysh.profile). This will perform on startup only a few Java imports, edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.* and import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.*, and does not set up any help aliases and functions.

Note: you can log sql statements run from gsh by setting this in

Code Block = WARN

Run SQL file

Code Block
./ -registry -runsqlfile subjects.sql

In GSH for Grouper 2.4 and above, to not print the value of every line, use this:

Code Block
:set verbosity QUIET

Valid values for verbosity are DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFO (default), and QUIET.

If the temporary directory used by your JVM doesn't allow execution of executables (e.g. the directory has the noexec option set), then you may run into an error starting GSH.  Try setting the following environment variable before starting GSH.

Code Block
export GSH_JVMARGS="-Dlibrary.jansi.path=/some/other/temp/path/with/exec"

Environment variables that affect GSH startup:

  • GROUPER_HOME: if set to a valid Grouper directory, it will use this directory. Otherwise, it will determine it based on the path to gsh
  • GROUPER_CONF: if set to a valid conf directory, it will use this directory. Otherwise it will determine it based on GROUPER_HOME
  • MEM_START: Override the default -Xms Java parameter (initial Java heap size)
  • MEM_MAX: Override the default -Xmx Java parameter (maximum Java heap size)
  • CLASSPATH: Will prepend to the constructed classpath
  • GSH_JVMARGS: Additional arguments to pass to Java
  • GSH_CYGWIN: (since 2.4.0 api patch 3) if set and not blank, the script will convert paths and the classpath to Windows-style, for use with Windows Java under Cygwin
  • GSH_QUIET: (since 2.4.0 api patch 3) if set and not blank, will not output preliminary diagnostic information before starting Java, other than errors

Command line arg in script

Code Block
./gsh -runarg 'userToFind="user1"\n:load "/opt/grouper/scripts/myGSHScript.gsh"'

Supported Commands

Grouper API methods

Any Grouper API method can be directly invoked just by referencing it, inclusive of the class in which it is defined. Methods return a java object which can be stored in a variable. For example, the following gsh session determines all of the groups to which a given subject belongs:

No Format
gsh 0% GrouperSession.startRootSession();
gsh 0% subj = findSubject("SD00125")
subject: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' name='Barton, Tom'
gsh 1% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj)
edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 29c40f97-9fb0-4e45-88bc-a14877a6c9b5,'SD00125','person'
gsh 2% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj)
member: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' uuid='d0fa765e-1439-4701-89b1-9b08b4ce9daa'
gsh 3% member.getGroups()
group: name='etc:sysadmingroup' displayName='Grouper Administration:SysAdmin Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'


Group insert / update / delete





Find all groups with a matching naming attribute value, returns a Set of groups

When using Java 1.8+ and Grouper 2.3 (later patches)+

this can be handy to print the group.getName() values for all groups that are found.

getGroups("Wheel").each{it -> println "${it.getName()}"}

GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, name)

Find one group by name

GroupFinder.findByUuid(grouperSession, name)

Find one group by uuid

Group Types

New group types on folder

Code Block
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
Stem stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:gdg:app", true);
AttributeDefName typeMarker = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:objectTypes:grouperObjectTypeMarker", true);
AttributeAssign attributeAssign = stem.getAttributeDelegate().hasAttribute(typeMarker) ? stem.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignments(typeMarker).iterator().next() : stem.getAttributeDelegate().addAttribute(typeMarker).getAttributeAssign();
attributeAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValue("etc:objectTypes:grouperObjectTypeDirectAssignment", "true");
attributeAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValue("etc:objectTypes:grouperObjectTypeName", "app");

Provisionable on folder with metadata

Code Block
    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    AttributeAssign attributeAssignMarker = null;
    attributeAssignMarker = new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerStemName("test:chris:test").assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningMarker").save();
    new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerAttributeAssign(attributeAssignMarker).assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningDirectAssign").addValue("true").save();
    new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerAttributeAssign(attributeAssignMarker).assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningDoProvision").addValue("ADTest").save();
    new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerAttributeAssign(attributeAssignMarker).assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningStemScope").addValue("sub").save();
    new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerAttributeAssign(attributeAssignMarker).assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningTarget").addValue("ADTest").save();
    new AttributeAssignSave(grouperSession).assignOwnerAttributeAssign(attributeAssignMarker).assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:provisioning:provisioningMetadataJson").addValue("{\"md_trim_prefix\":\"whatever\",\"md_entityId\":\"theEntityId\"}").save();

Set attribute on group

Code Block
titleAdd a new type with an attribute, add this to group and then set its value on the group, e.g.
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
g = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "admin:loader_groups");
type = typeAdd("sync_group");
type.addAttribute(grouperSession, "sync_group", false, "sync");
groupAddType("admin:loader_groups", "sync_group");
g.setAttribute("sync", "true");



groupAddType(group name, type name)

Add type to group

groupDelType(group name, type name)

Delete type from group

groupGetTypes(group name)

Get group's types

groupHasType(group name, type name)

Check whether group had type

typeAdd(type name)

Create custom group type

typeAddAttr(type name, attr name, read, write, required)

Create custom group attribute. read and write must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

typeAddList(type name, attr name, read, write)

Create a custom list. read and write must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN).

typeDel(type name)

Delete group type

typeDelField(type name, field name)

Delete custom field from group type

typeFind(type name)

Find the group

typeGetFields(type name)

Get fields associated with the group type

Member change subject

"Member change subject" will change the subject that a member refers to. You would want to do this when a person or entity changes their id, or if they were loaded wrong in the system. If the new subject does not have a member associated with it, this is a simple case, where the subject data is put in the member object. If the new subject does have a member object, then all data in all tables that referred to the old member object, will now refer to the new member object. The old member is deleted from the member table by default, though this is an option. Generally you will want it removed, unless there is a foreign key problem where you need to do as much work as possible. In GSH you can get a dry-run report of what will be done.

The operation is potentially time consuming only when two formerly separate Subjects are being merged into one, and that the time required is to replace the memberships (and audit fields e.g. modifiedBy) of the formerly separate Subject that is being retired with new ones associated with the other Subject.

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
oldSubject = findSubject("10021368");
member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession, oldSubject);
newSubject = findSubject("10021366");




Change the subject of the member object.  If the subject is the same, its a no-op.  If the new subject does not have a Member object, then the existing member object simply gets new subject information.  If the new subject does have a member object, then all objects in the grouper registry which uses the old member, will be updated to the new member.  Then the old member object is deleted from the registry


Change the subject, but dont delete the old member.  Do this if the way which deletes the old member doesnt work due to foreign keys.  This will do all the work it can, and the rest can be manual


Dont do any of the work, just print a report to the screen of what will be done.  Dry-run.




addComposite(group name, composite type, left group name, right group name)

Add composite membership.  e.g. CompositeType.UNION

addMember(group name, subject id)

Add member to the members list for the group.

addMember(group name, subject id, field)

Add member to the specified list for the group.

delComposite(group name)

Delete composite membership from group

delMember(group name, subject id)

Delete member from the members list for the group

delMember(group name, subject id, field)

Delete member from the specified list for the group

getMembers(group name)

Get members of group

hasMember(group name, subject id)

Check whether subject is member of the members list

hasMember(group name, subject id, field)

Check whether subject is member of the specified list

GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
Group group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:b:c", true);
group.addMember(SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource("someId", "sourceId", true), false);
Add member with subjectId and sourceId
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
Group group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:b:c", true);
group.addMember(SubjectFinder.findByIdentifierAndSource("someIdentifier", "sourceId", true), false);
Add member with subjectIdentifier and sourceId




grantPriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Grant privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

grantPriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Grant privilege on stem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)

hasPriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Check whether subject has privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

hasPriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Check whether subject has privilege on strem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)

revokePriv(group name, subject id, privilege)

Revoke privilege on group. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN)

revokePriv(stem name, subject id, privilege)

Revoke privilege on stem. privilege must be a NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM)





Will generate schema DDL for the DB, and wont drop before creating, will not run script


generate DDL for the DB, dropping existing tables, will not run script


generate DDL for the DB, not dropping, but will run the script after writing it to file

registryInitializeSchema(registryInitializeSchema.DROP_THEN_CREATE | registryInitializeSchema.WRITE_AND_RUN_SCRIPT)

generate DDL for the DB, drop existing grouper tables, and run the script after writing it to file


Restore registry to default state(delete data from all tables, install defaults)


If the default Grouper data is not there, it will be added (e.g. root stem, default fields, etc)




addRootStem(extension, displayExtension)

Add top-level stem to the registry

addStem(parent stem name, extension, displayExtension)

Add stem to registry

delStem(stem name)

Delete stem from registry

obliterateStem(stem name, testOnlyBoolean, deleteFromPointInTimeBoolean)    (Grouper v2.0.2+)

Delete stem, and subobjects.

If testonly (true|false), then only
print a report.  This is not supported when deleteFromPointInTime is true.

If deleteFromPointInTime (true|false), then delete from point in time as well.  Otherwise, point in time records are not deleted.

Note that point in time data can only be deleted after the actual objects have been deleted and those deletions have been processed by the changeLogTempToChangeLog job, which runs once a minute by default with the Grouper Daemon.  So when you call obliterateStem(name, false, true), it will first obliterate the actual stem, then sleep and keep checking if the changeLogTempToChangeLog job has completed.  When it completes, it will obliterate from the point in time data.

GrouperSession must be open before calling...

getStemAttr(stem name, attr)

Get value of stem attribute


Find all stems with a matching naming attribute value, returns a Set of stems

setStemAttr(stem name, attr, value)

Set value of stem attribute

StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, name)

Find one stem by name

StemFinder.findByUuid(grouperSession, uuid)

Find one stem by uuid

Delete stem and subcontents

Code Block
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a");
for(child : stem.getChildGroups(Stem.Scope.SUB)) { System.out.println("deleting: " + child.getName()); child.delete();  }
stemList = new ArrayList(stem.getChildStems(Stem.Scope.SUB));
for(childStem : stemList) { System.out.println("deleting: " + childStem.getName()); childStem.delete(); }




addSubject(id, type, name)

Add local subject to registry. You need the jdbc source for this to work. The type parameter describes the type of subject (e.g. "person"), and is required non-null even though there are few useful api methods to query it.

In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, this will also create the id, name, description, and loginid attribute (unless create.attributes.when.creating.registry.subjects is false)

RegistrySubject.addOrUpdate(grouperSession, id, type, name, nameAttributeValue, loginid, description, email)In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, add a registry subject like addSubject, but specify the attribute values of name, loginid, etc
e.g. RegistrySubject.addOrUpdate(grouperSession, "someTestSubject", "person", "Some Testsubject", "Name Some Test Subject", "stsub", "Some Testsubject - employee - also alumni", "some@test.subject");
RegistrySubject.find(id, errorOnNotFound)In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, get a registry subject
e.g. registrySubject = RegistrySubject.find("someTestSubject", false);
registrySubject.delete(grouperSession)In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, delete a registry subject
e.g. registrySubject.delete(grouperSession);
RegistrySubjectAttribute.addOrUpdate(subjectId, attributeName, attributeValue)In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, add or update a registry subject attribute
registrySubjectAttribute.delete()In 2.4.0.api.41+ patch, delete an attribute value


Find a subject by id or identifier

findSubject(idOrIdentifier, type)

Find a subject by id or identifier; type is a deprecated parameter that is ignored

findSubject(idOrIdentifier, type, source)

Find a subject by id or identifier for a specific subject source; type is a deprecated parameter that is ignored


Find all Subject sources

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
SubjectFinder.findAll(searchString, source);

Find all subjects in a source by search string

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource(id, source, exceptionIfNull);
SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource("12345", "jdbc", true);

Find a subject by id in a certain source

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
SubjectFinder.findByIdentifierAndSource(identifier, source, exceptionIfNull);
SubjectFinder.findByIdentifierAndSource("jsmith", "jdbc", true);

Find a subject by identifier in a certain source

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
SubjectFinder.findByIdOrIdentifierAndSource(idOrIdentifier, source, exceptionIfNull);
SubjectFinder.findByIdOrIdentifierAndSource("jsmith", "jdbc", true);

Find a subject by id or identifier in a certain source

add test subjects to registry (e.g. test.subject.0 through 9)

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
new RegistryReset()._addSubjects();

Edit subject (in this case name)

RegistrySubject registrySubject = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getRegistrySubject().find("user1a", "person", true);
registrySubject.setName("New name");

add a subject application principal with attributes (GSH)

Code Block
String principal = "someApp";
String email = null;

GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();

addSubject(principal, "application", principal);
HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("insert into subjectattribute (subjectId, name, value, searchValue) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal, "description", principal, principal.toLowerCase()}));
if (email != null){ HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("insert into subjectattribute (subjectId, name, value, searchValue) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal, "email", email, email.toLowerCase()}));}
HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("insert into subjectattribute (subjectId, name, value, searchValue) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal, "loginid", principal, principal}));
HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("insert into subjectattribute (subjectId, name, value, searchValue) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal, "name", principal, principal}));

remove a subject with attributes (GSH)

Code Block
String principal = "someApp";
String email = null;

GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();

HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("delete from subjectattribute where subjectId = ?", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal}));
HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().executeSql("delete from subject where subjectId = ?", GrouperUtil.toListObject(new Object[]{principal}));

subject api diagnostics (temporarily)

Code Block
gsh.exitOnSubjectCheckConfigProblem = false


Code Block
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.grouperUi.serviceLogic.SubjectSourceDiagnostics().assignSourceId("SMUPerson_DEV").assignSubjectId("empl1").assignSubjectIdentifier("").assignSearchString("em").subjectSourceDiagnosticsFromGsh()
SUCCESS: Found subject by id in 37ms: 'empl1'
         with SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource("empl1", "SMUPerson_DEV", false)
SUCCESS: Subject id in returned subject matches the subject id searched for: 'empl1'
WARNING: No subject found by identifier in 14ms: ''
         with SubjectFinder.findByIdentifierAndSource("", "SMUPerson_DEV", false)





Execute each line of a sql file, just like ant would.  This can run the files generated by registryInitializeSchema()


Executes a single sql statement


Terminate shell


Display usage information


Pretty print results.


Terminate shell


Return version information

Find bad memberships

 This command will find membership records in the database which are invalid, and prints them on the screen, along with a GSH script that will fix the memberships.

 For more information, see Bad Membership Finder




complete findBadMemberships run

Grouper export to GSH script

See page: Grouper export to a GSH script

XML legacy




Load registry from XML in file


Load registry from XML in string


Load registry from XML at URL


Exports registry to file


Exports registry to string.


Update registry from XML in file


Update registry from XML in string


Update registry from XML at URL

XML export legacy

There is an object: XmlExport which has various chaining methods, which should be ended with an exportTo() method.  You can export to file or string.

For more information, see Import-Export



XmlExport xmlExport.stem(stem)

The stem to export. Defaults to the ROOT stem.


The group to export

XmlExport xmlExport.relative(boolean)

If group or stem specified do not export parent Stems.

XmlExport xmlExport.includeParent(boolean)

If group specified, export from the parent stem

XmlExport xmlExport.childrenOnly(boolean)

If stem specified, export child stems and groups only - not the specified stem

XmlExport xmlExport.userProperties(file)

Properties file for extra settings for import

XmlExport xmlExport.grouperSession(grouperSession)

Operate within a certain grouper session (defaults to root session)

void xmlExport.exportToFile(file)

Export to an XML file

void xmlExport.exportToString(string)

Export to an XML string


No Format
gsh 1% new XmlExport().exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))

No Format
gsh 1% grouperSession = GrouperSession.start(SubjectFinder.findById("mchyzer"));
gsh 2% stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "aStem");
gsh 3% new XmlExport().stem(stem).relative(true).userProperties(new File("C:/temp/some.props")).grouperSession(grouperSession).exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"));

 -or- (without chaining)

No Format
gsh 3% xmlExport = new XmlExport();
gsh 4% xmlExport.stem(stem);
gsh 5% xmlExport.grouperSession(grouperSession);
gsh 6% xmlExport.exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))

XML import legacy

There is an object: XmlImport which has various chaining methods, which should be ended with an importFrom() method.  You can import from file, string, or url.

For more information, see Import-Export



XmlImport xmlImport.stem(stem)

The Stem into which data will be imported. Defaults to the ROOT stem.

XmlImport xmlImport.updateList(boolean)

XML contains a flat list of Stems or Groups which may be updated.
Missing Stems and Groups are not created.

XmlImport xmlImport.userProperties(file)

Properties file for extra settings for import

XmlImport xmlImport.grouperSession(grouperSession)

Operate within a certain grouper session (defaults to root session)

XmlImport xmlImport.ignoreInternal(boolean)

Ignore internal attributes, including group and stem uuids.

void xmlImport.importFromFile(file)

Import from an XML file

void xmlImport.importFromString(string)

Import from an XML string

void xmlImport.importFromUrl(url)

Import XML from a URL


No Format
gsh 1% new XmlImport().importFromFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))

No Format
gsh 1% grouperSession = GrouperSession.start(SubjectFinder.findById("mchyzer"));
gsh 2% stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "aStem");
gsh 3% new XmlImport().stem(stem).updateList(true).userProperties(new File("C:/temp/some.props")).grouperSession(grouperSession).importFromUrl(new URL("http://whatever.xml"));

 -or- (without chaining)

No Format
gsh 3% xmlImport = new XmlImport();
gsh 4% xmlImport.stem(stem);
gsh 5% xmlImport.grouperSession(grouperSession);
gsh 6% xmlImport.importFromFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))


Transactions facilitate all commands succeeding or failing together, and perhaps some level of repeatable reads of the DB (depending on the DB).  If there is an open transaction and an exception is thrown in a command, GSH will shut down so that subsequent commands will not execute outside of a transaction.




print help information


print the list of nested transactions


start a transaction, or make sure one is already started


commit a transaction


rollback a transaction


end a transaction
    Note if it was read/write, and not committed or rolled back, this will commit and end


You can schedule daemon jobs (and in UI) in v2.5.23+

Code Block

Enable a job (OTHER_JOB_grouperLoaderJexlScriptFullSync is the job name)

Code Block org.quartz.JobKey("OTHER_JOB_grouperLoaderJexlScriptFullSync"));


Above, it describes how you can kick off the loader in daemon mode.  You can also execute one job with:



grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
loaderGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "stem:group");

Kick off the loader for one group (configured by group attributes)


Kick off the loader by job name


Move change log entries from the temp table to the real table


Run the Grouper Rules daemon (the changelog or full version)


Run a change log consumer

GrouperLoaderType.validateAndScheduleSqlLoad(group, null, false)Schedule SQL job
GrouperLoaderType.validateAndScheduleLdapLoad(attributeAssign, null, false)Schedule LDAP job
GrouperLoaderType.scheduleAttributeLoads();Schedule all attribute loader jobs

This query (in Oracle) will find jobs with no success in the last day and make a gsh script:

Code Block
select distinct 'loaderRunOneJob("' || job_name || '");' as script 
from grouper_loader_log gll where started_time > sysdate-1 and status != 'SUCCESS'
and gll.job_name not like 'subjobFor%'
and not exists (select 1 from grouper_loader_log gll2 where gll2.started_time > sysdate-1
 and gll2.status = 'SUCCESS' and gll2.job_name = gll.job_name)

Code Block
titleHSQLDB (similar example)
select distinct job_name from grouper_loader_log gll where started_time > CURRENT_DATE - 1 DAY and status != 'SUCCESS' and gll.job_name not like 'subjobFor%' 
AND NOT EXISTS (select job_name from grouper_loader_log gll2 where gll2.started_time > CURRENT_DATE - 1 DAY and gll2.status = 'SUCCESS' and gll2.job_name = gll.job_name)

v1.6+ loader




Run an attribute definition loader job

You can run the loader as a linux service

Jobs not firing in daemon

  1. Stop all daemons
  2. Run these sqls from a file: fixLoaderScheduler.sql

    Code Block

    Code Block -registry -runsqlfile fixLoaderScheduler.sql

  3. Restart daemons

It took a couple of hours to catch up on a few days of changes, but it seems to be back to normal. Thanks again, guys!

GrouperShell Variables (BeanShell only)

gsh has several variables that can be set to modify runtime behavior




Stack traces will be printed upon failure if true


Summaries of returned objects are not automatically printed if true


Prints time spent evaluating each command if true


No Format
gsh 4% GSH_DEVEL = true
gsh 5% subj = findSubject("SD00125")
gsh 6% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj)
gsh 7% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj)
gsh 8% p(member.getGroups())
group: name='etc:sysadmingroup' displayName='Grouper Administration:SysAdmin Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'

Membership scripts

Code Block
# (1) Print tab-separated summary of all group members, and flags for direct, indirect, or both
# Depending on the results, you could use the data to create a scrutinized list of Ids to delete, then import it and delete in a loop

me = SubjectFinder.findByIdentifierAndSource("my-username", "pid", true);
session = GrouperSession.start(me);
// OR: session = GrouperSession.startRootSession(True)

group = GroupFinder.findByName(session, "tmp:my:group", true);

effectiveMembers = group.getEffectiveMembers();
immediateMembers = group.getImmediateMembers();

System.out.println(String.join("\t", "id", "name", "Effective", "Immediate"));

for (Member m: group.getMembers()) {
    System.out.print(m.getSubject().getId() + "\t" + m.getSubject().getName() + "\t");
    System.out.print(effectiveMembers.contains(m).toString() + "\t");
    System.out.println(immediateMembers.contains(m).toString() + "\t");

# (2) Get the immediate and effective members for a specific source ("pid" in this example), intersect them to find the redundant ones
# This has a dryRun flag, so you can test first

sources = new HashSet<Source>()

effectiveUsers = group.getEffectiveMembers(Group.getDefaultList(), sources, null)
immediateUsers = group.getImmediateMembers(Group.getDefaultList(), sources, null)

# use retainAll() to find the intersection; i.e., users both as effective and immediate member

System.out.println("There are " + immediateUsers.size() + " users having both direct + indirect memberships");

dryRun = true

for (Member m: immediateUsers) {
    if (dryRun) {
        System.out.println("Ok to delete " + m.getSubject().getId());
    } else {
        System.out.println("Deleting " + m.getSubject().getId());
        group.deleteMember(m, false);

# (3) Get the groups this subject is a member of. Note that a group is a kind of subject, and has a toSubject() method to convert it.

import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.membership.MembershipSubjectContainer

GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();

Group group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:testGroup", true);
Subject subject = g.toSubject();

Set<MembershipSubjectContainer> msc = new MembershipFinder().addSubject(subject).findMembershipResult().getMembershipSubjectContainers();

for (MembershipSubjectContainer membershipSubjectContainer : msc) { println(membershipSubjectContainer.getGroupOwner().getName());}

//Note there are a few other options for the search. Add these to the MembershipFinder method chain before calling findMembershipResult():
//  - search immediate, effective, etc. (needs to import MembershipType)
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.membership.MembershipType
membershipFinder.assignMembershipType(MembershipType.IMMEDIATE) // options are IMMEDIATE|NONIMMEDIATE|EFFECTIVE|COMPOSITE
//  - retrieve specific groups based on pattern
//  - Enabled status -- true means enabled only, false, means disabled only, and null means all
// For other methods, refer to the Javadoc at

Configuration in the database


In v2.4.0 ui patch #56+, or 2.5 versions before 2.5.51, replace edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig() in the script below with edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.grouperUi.beans.config.GrouperDbConfig(). Also, GSH must be run from the UI in WEB-INF/bin.

In 2.5.51+, use class edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig for ADD / DELETE and edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.grouperUi.beans.config.GrouperDbConfigImport for IMPORT as in the example.

Code Block

new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig().configFileName("").propertyName("abc").value("123").store();

new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig().configFileName("").propertyName("abc").delete();
GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getConfig().findAll(ConfigFileName.GROUPER_LOADER_PROPERTIES, null, "changeLog.consumer.pspng_oneprod.groupCreationLdifTemplate").iterator().next().delete();

new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.grouperUi.beans.config.GrouperDbConfigImport().configFilePath("d:/temp/temp/").store();  


Note: you can use the MorphString class to encrypt and update a password field, but it will be saved in the local GSH command history:

Code Block
import edu.internet2.middleware.morphString.Morph
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig().configFileName("").propertyName("loader.myApp.password").value(Morph.encrypt('xxxxxxxx')).store();

You can also encrypt the password outside of GSH:

No Format
java -cp "lib/*:classes" edu.internet2.middleware.morphString.Encrypt
Type the string to encrypt (note: pasting might echo it back):               
The encrypted string is: ca8a15be4ad0fb45c6f1b3ca0cfd9c9e

v2.0: to sync up the point in time tables with regular tables.  In v2.5.47+, run the one-time OTHER_JOB_syncAllPitTables daemon.  In a prior version, you can run this.

Code Block
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.SyncPITTables().syncAllPITTables()

To create missing group sets:

Code Block
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.AddMissingGroupSets().addAllMissingGroupSets();

Delete memberships not in transaction

Code Block
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:testGroup3", true);
for (membership : group.getImmediateMemberships()) {membership.delete();}

Note: in v2.4.0 patch 91+ ( unreleased at the time of writing ) you can use gsh to do simple sql tests through jdbc loader connection

Code Block
gcDbAccess = new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess();
// "loaderConnection" is the string used in the ( Example: db.warehouse.url --> "warehouse")
gcDbAccess.connectionName("loaderConnection").sql("select count(1) from test1").select(int.class);

Code Block
List results = new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess().sql("select name, id from grouper_groups").selectList(Object[].class);
for (Object[] row : results) { System.out.println(row[0] + ", " + row[1]);}

See the WIKI for running the Grouper Report manually

External systems

Test all external systems

Code Block
import java.util.List;

import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.GrouperUtil;

public class Test77externalSystemTest extends GshTemplateV2 {

  public void gshRunLogic(GshTemplateV2input gshTemplateV2input, GshTemplateV2output gshTemplateV2output) {

    GshTemplateOutput gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput = gshTemplateV2output.getGsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput();


    List<GrouperExternalSystem> grouperExternalSystems = GrouperExternalSystem.retrieveAllGrouperExternalSystems();
    for (GrouperExternalSystem grouperExternalSystem : grouperExternalSystems) {
      try {
        List<String> errors = grouperExternalSystem.test();
        if (GrouperUtil.length(errors) == 0) {
          gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Success: extenal system '" + grouperExternalSystem.getConfigId() + "' passed its test");
        for (String error : errors) {
          gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("error", "Error: extenal system '" + grouperExternalSystem.getConfigId() + "': " + error);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("error", "Error: extenal system '" + grouperExternalSystem.getConfigId() + "' failed: " + e.getMessage());


Create a script from SQL

Here is an example to remove access from someone...  run a SQL to generate a GSH script, e.g. in oracle:

Code Block
set linesize 1000;
set pagesize 1000;
select 'delMember("' || gmlv.GROUP_NAME || '", "' || gmlv.SUBJECT_ID || '");' as script
from grouper_memberships_lw_v gmlv where subject_id = '12345678' and gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'members';

Put that script in a text editor and remove extra whitespace (probably optional), and add this to the beginning:

Code Block
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();

Look at it and remove lines that dont apply...  then run in GSH

Code Block
[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ remove.script

Here is a more complicated example.  I want all groups in a certain folder which do not have an ADMIN privilege assigned to my application service principal, to assign that privilege.  Here is the query for oracle:

Code Block
select 'grantPriv("' || || '", "someid/", AccessPrivilege.ADMIN);' as script 
from grouper_groups gg where like 'school:apps:appName:spaces:%' 
and not exists
(select (1) from grouper_memberships_lw_v gmlv where = gmlv.group_name and list_name = 'admins' 
and gmlv.subject_id = 'someid/');

Here is an example of deleting memberships for a user in oracle, dont forget at top of script to add grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession():

Code Block
set linesize 1000;
set pagesize 1000;
select 'delMember("' || || '", "' || gm.subject_id || '");'
  as script
from grouper_memberships_all_v gmav, grouper_fields gf, grouper_groups gg, grouper_members gm
where GMAV.FIELD_ID = GF.ID and gm.subject_id = '12345678' and = 'members'

Here is an example of removing privileges from a user on groups in oracle, dont forget at top of script to add grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession():

Code Block
set linesize 1000;
set pagesize 1000;
select 'revokePriv("' || gmlv.group_name || '", "' || gmlv.subject_id || '", AccessPrivilege.' ||
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'admins' then 'ADMIN'
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'readers' then 'READ'
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'viewers' then 'VIEW'
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'updaters' then 'UPDATE'
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'optins' then 'OPTIN'
when gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'optouts' then 'OPTOUT'
else gmlv.LIST_NAME
end  || ');'
  as script
from grouper_memberships_lw_v gmlv where subject_id = '12345678' and GMLV.LIST_TYPE = 'access'

This oracle script will remove privileges on folders for a certain user, dont forget at top of script to add grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession():

Code Block
set linesize 1000;
set pagesize 1000;
select 'revokePriv("' || || '", "' || gm.subject_id || '", NamingPrivilege.' ||
when gf.NAME = 'stemmers' then 'STEM'
when gf.NAME = 'creators' then 'CREATE'
else gf.NAME
end  || ');'
  as script
from grouper_memberships_all_v gmav, grouper_fields gf, grouper_stems gs, grouper_members gm
where GMAV.FIELD_ID = GF.ID and gm.subject_id = '12345678' and GF.type = 'naming'

Example of copying memberships and enabled/disabled dates from one group to another (postgres/oracle)

Code Block
select 'new MembershipSave().assignGroupName("test:testGroup2").assignMemberId("' || gm.member_id || '")'
  || (case when gm.enabled_timestamp is not null then '.assignImmediateMshipEnabledTime(' || cast(gm.enabled_timestamp as varchar) || 'L)' else '' end)
  || (case when gm.disabled_timestamp is not null then '.assignImmediateMshipDisabledTime(' || cast(gm.disabled_timestamp as varchar) || 'L)' else '' end)
  || '.save();' as script
  from grouper_memberships gm, grouper_groups gg, grouper_fields gf
where gm.field_id = and gm.owner_group_id = 
and = 'members' and = 'test:testGroup1'

Attribute framework

Create a permission and configure action list:

Code Block
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
attributeDef = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("stem2:sub:c").assignToEffMembership(true).assignToGroup(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.perm).assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();

Retrieve assignments for the attribute "school:attr:students:artsAndSciences"

Code Block
attributeDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("school:attr:students:artsAndSciences", true);

disableLoaders.gsh ( disableLoaders.gsh ) 

The following script will print to standard output (not saved as files) two scripts.

  • One to disable all loader jobs (AKA: "DISABLE ALL SCHEDULES").
  • A second one to re-enabled  them (AKA: "RESTORE OLD SCHEDULES") .

  Note: The disableLoaders.gsh script does not change the state of the loader jobs. Rather it only prints (outputs) GSH scripts that you can later execute to do disable/enable for the jobs on the system at the time.

  Note: After running either of the scripts that are output, you need to restart all grouper daemon instances to make the changes effective.( So you might choose to stop them before running the "DISABLE" or "RESTORE" script.That order is not strictly required.)

  Note well: The method used to "disable" the jobs is to alter the quartz schedule for the job to be a fixed time in the distant future. ( specifically: "0 0 0 1 1 ? 3000" ) So the "RESTORE OLD SCHEDULES" script is the only record of what the orginal scheduled values were. Don't lose it.

Note this works in the new GSH.  To use in legacy GSH, take the set verbosity away...

Code Block
:set verbosity QUIET
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
sqlLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyGroupType_grouperLoader", true);
sqlLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron", true);
ldapLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdap", true);
ldapLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron", true);
result = new StringBuilder();
result.append("\n\n############  RESTORE OLD SCHEDULES, BOUNCE GROUPER DAEMONS AFTERWARDS  #############\n\ngrouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();\n");
result.append("sqlLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:legacy:attribute:legacyGroupType_grouperLoader\", true);\n");
result.append("sqlLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron\", true);\n");
result.append("ldapLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdap\", true);\n");
result.append("ldapLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron\", true);\n");
attributeAssigns = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getAttributeAssign().findAttributeAssignments(, null, sqlLoaderDefName.getId(), null, null, null, null, null, true, false);
for (AttributeAssign attributeAssign : attributeAssigns) {result.append("group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, \"" + attributeAssign.getOwnerGroup().getName() + "\");\nattributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, sqlLoaderDefName, false, false);\nattributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString(\"" + sqlLoaderDefScheduleName.getName() + "\", \"" + attributeAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().retrieveValueString(sqlLoaderDefScheduleName.getName()) + "\");\n"); }
attributeAssigns = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getAttributeAssign().findAttributeAssignments(, null, ldapLoaderDefName.getId(), null, null, null, null, null, true, false);
for (AttributeAssign attributeAssign : attributeAssigns) {result.append("group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, \"" + attributeAssign.getOwnerGroup().getName() + "\");\nattributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, ldapLoaderDefName, false, false);\nattributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString(\"" + ldapLoaderDefScheduleName.getName() + "\", \"" + attributeAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().retrieveValueString(ldapLoaderDefScheduleName.getName()) + "\");\n"); }
result.append("\n\n############  DISABLE ALL SCHEDULES, BOUNCE GROUPER DAEMONS AFTERWARDS  #############\n\ngrouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();\n");
result.append("sqlLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:legacy:attribute:legacyGroupType_grouperLoader\", true);\n");
result.append("sqlLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron\", true);\n");
result.append("ldapLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdap\", true);\n");
result.append("ldapLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(\"etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron\", true);\n");
attributeAssigns = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getAttributeAssign().findAttributeAssignments(, null, sqlLoaderDefName.getId(), null, null, null, null, null, true, false);
for (AttributeAssign attributeAssign : attributeAssigns) {result.append("group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, \"" + attributeAssign.getOwnerGroup().getName() + "\");\nattributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, sqlLoaderDefName, false, false);\nattributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString(\"" + sqlLoaderDefScheduleName.getName() + "\", \"0 0 0 1 1 ? 3000\");\n"); }
attributeAssigns = GrouperDAOFactory.getFactory().getAttributeAssign().findAttributeAssignments(, null, ldapLoaderDefName.getId(), null, null, null, null, null, true, false);
for (AttributeAssign attributeAssign : attributeAssigns) {result.append("group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, \"" + attributeAssign.getOwnerGroup().getName() + "\");\nattributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, ldapLoaderDefName, false, false);\nattributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString(\"" + ldapLoaderDefScheduleName.getName() + "\", \"0 0 0 1 1 ? 3000\");\n"); }

Example: was run against a server with two jobs that are both scheduled to run at "0 0 * * * ?" .

Code Block
titleExample of running disableLoaders.gsh
[appadmin@i2midev6 bin]$ ./gsh disableLoaders.gsh 


grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
sqlLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyGroupType_grouperLoader", true);
sqlLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron", true);
ldapLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdap", true);
ldapLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron", true);
group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "nyu_apereo:presenter:allStevens3");
attributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, sqlLoaderDefName, false, false);
attributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 0 * * * ?");
group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:loader:testLdapGroupList");
attributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, ldapLoaderDefName, false, false);
attributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron", "0 0 * * * ?");


grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
sqlLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyGroupType_grouperLoader", true);
sqlLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron", true);
ldapLoaderDefName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdap", true);
ldapLoaderDefScheduleName = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron", true);
group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "nyu_apereo:presenter:allStevens3");
attributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, sqlLoaderDefName, false, false);
attributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString("etc:legacy:attribute:legacyAttribute_grouperLoaderQuartzCron", "0 0 0 1 1 ? 3000");
group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:loader:testLdapGroupList");
attributeAssignOnAssign = group.getAttributeDelegate().retrieveAssignment(null, ldapLoaderDefName, false, false);
attributeAssignOnAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString("etc:attribute:loaderLdap:grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron", "0 0 0 1 1 ? 3000");


In Grouper 2.3 the UI can delete inherited privileges rules.

To delete a rule, find it in the database in grouper_rules_v.  Get the attributeAssignId

Code Block
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
AttributeAssign attributeAssign = AttributeAssignFinder.findById("b629bd8170964663be507968752f4f17", true);

NOTE: You can also use the AttributeAssignFinder.findById( String id, boolean exceptionIfNull)  to find attribute assignments from the logs too.
Example log "ERROR RuleEngine$3.callback(560) - - Error with daemon on rule: attributeAssignTypeId: 3d6ccb6c5a584f32919682ae154c0523". id="3d6ccb6c5a584f32919682ae154c0523". The returned AttributeAssign object will show you the stem/group that the attribute is attached to. (smile)

Grouper Builtin Messaging

Create queues / topics, assign privileges for Grouper builtin messaging (not activemq, rabbitmq, AWS, etc) (Grouper 2.3+)

Code Block
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
// create objects

// delete objects

// permissions on objects
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.allowSendToQueue("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.allowSendToTopic("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.allowReceiveFromQueue("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.disallowSendToQueue("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.disallowSendToTopic("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.disallowReceiveFromQueue("abc", SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);

// topics send to queues
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.topicAddSendToQueue("def", "abc");
Collection<String> queues = GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.queuesTopicSendsTo("def");
GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.topicRemoveSendToQueue("def", "abc");

Grouper messaging 

Send, receive, acknowledge messages in any message system (Grouper builtin, activeMQ, rabbitmq, AWS, etc) (Grouper 2.3+)

Code Block
//note, or whatever user should be sending the messages
grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
//send message to queue
GrouperMessagingEngine.send(new GrouperMessageSendParam().assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME).assignQueueType(GrouperMessageQueueType.queue).assignQueueOrTopicName("queueName").addMessageBody("Some message body"));

//send message to topic
GrouperMessagingEngine.send(new GrouperMessageSendParam().assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME).assignQueueType(GrouperMessageQueueType.topic).assignQueueOrTopicName("queueName").addMessageBody("Some message body"));

//receive messages
GrouperMessageReceiveResult grouperMessageReceiveResult = GrouperMessagingEngine.receive(new GrouperMessageReceiveParam().assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME).assignQueueName(queueName));

Collection<GrouperMessage> grouperMessages = grouperMessageReceiveResult.getGrouperMessages();

//acknowledge message as processed
GrouperMessagingEngine.acknowledge(new GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam().assignAcknowledgeType(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeType.mark_as_processed).assignQueueName("abc").addGrouperMessage(grouperMessage).assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME));
//acknowledge message as return to queue (receive next time ask for messages)
GrouperMessagingEngine.acknowledge(new GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam().assignAcknowledgeType(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeType.return_to_queue).assignQueueName("abc").addGrouperMessage(grouperMessage).assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME));

//acknowledge message as return to queue (receive after other messages on the queue)
GrouperMessagingEngine.acknowledge(new GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam().assignAcknowledgeType(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeType.return_to_end_of_queue).assignQueueName("abc").addGrouperMessage(grouperMessage).assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME));
//acknowledge message send to another queue or topic (e.g. dead letter queue, dlq)
GrouperMessagingEngine.acknowledge(new GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam().assignAcknowledgeType(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeType.send_to_another_queue).assignQueueName("abc").addGrouperMessage(grouperMessage).assignGrouperMessageSystemName(GrouperBuiltinMessagingSystem.BUILTIN_NAME).assignAnotherQueueParam(new GrouperMessageQueueParam().assignQueueOrTopicName("dlq").assignQueueType(GrouperMessageQueueType.queue));

Expression language testing

Code Block
Set this in = DEBUG

Run GSH:

gsh 0% GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
gsh 1% Group group = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "apps:loader");
gsh 2% Map variableMap =  new HashMap();
gsh 3% variableMap.put("theGroup", group);
gsh 4% String result = GrouperUtil.substituteExpressionLanguage("Name: ${}", variableMap);
gsh 5% result
Name: apps:loader

This is the log entry:

2018-06-04 22:32:58,197: [main] DEBUG GrouperUtil.substituteExpressionLanguage(9416) -  - Subsituting EL: 'Name: ${}', and with env vars: theGroup, grouperUtil with result: 'Name: apps:loader'

Example of attribute value assign to group and SQL query

Code Block
gsh 0% GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
gsh 1% AttributeDef attributeDef = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("test:testAttribute:someAttrDef").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignToGroup(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.attr).assignMultiAssignable(false).assignMultiValued(false).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string).save();
gsh 2% AttributeDefName attributeDefName = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, attributeDef).assignName("test:testAttribute:someAttr").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();
gsh 3% Group group = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("test:testAttribute:group").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save()
gsh 4% group.getAttributeValueDelegate().assignValueString(attributeDefName.getName(), "someValue");
edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.attr.value.AttributeValueResult: edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.attr.value.AttributeValueResult@2f08e6d3
gsh 5% HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().select(String.class, "SELECT value_string FROM grouper_aval_asn_group_v WHERE group_name = 'test:testAttribute:group' AND attribute_def_name_name = 'test:testAttribute:someAttr'");
gsh 6% 

Example of finding groups with a certain attribute value

Code Block
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
Set<Group> groups = new GroupFinder().assignNameOfAttributeDefName("bath:provisionClass").assignAttributeValue("groupmanager-groups")

Example of finding groups with a certain attribute value on metadata assignments

This is useful for attestation and loader metadata, for example.

Code Block
//groups loaded by a particular group
def attrDef = AttributeDefNameFinder.findByName(GrouperCheckConfig.loaderMetadataStemName() + ":" + GrouperLoader.ATTRIBUTE_GROUPER_LOADER_METADATA_GROUP_ID, true)            
def groups = new GroupFinder().assignIdOfAttributeDefName("3779b51223804784b4a02ee238b73079")).findGroups()

//    OR, without the extra attributeDef, look up the name directly in GroupFinder
def groups = new GroupFinder().assignNameOfAttributeDefName("etc:attribute:loaderMetadata:grouperLoaderMetadataGroupId").assignAttributeValuesOnAssignment(GrouperUtil.toSetObjectType("3779b51223804784b4a02ee238b73079")).findGroups()

//attestations that are due
def groups = new GroupFinder().assignIdOfAttributeDefName(GrouperAttestationJob.retrieveAttributeDefNameCalculatedDaysLeft().id).assignAttributeValuesOnAssignment(GrouperUtil.toSetObjectType("0")).findGroups()

Example of finding provisioning targets for PSPNG

Example of finding provisioning targets for PSPNG

Code Block
gsh 0% HibernateSession.bySqlStatic().listSelect(String.class, "SELECT DISTINCT gaaa.value_string FROM grouper_attribute_assign_value gaaa, grouper_attribute_assign gaa, grouper_attribute_def_name gadn WHERE gaaa.attribute_assign_id = AND gaa.attribute_def_name_id = AND gadn.extension IN ('provision_to', 'do_not_provision_to')", null, null);
java.util.ArrayList: [ad, ldap]

Example of finding which groups are provisioned to a certain target (from daemon where PSPNG is installed)

Code Block
provisioner_name="xyz"; // Whatever your provisioner is called in

Long hand example of which groups are provisioned to a certain target

Code Block
    String provisionTarget = "ad";
    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    Set stemsToProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select s from Stem s, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerStemId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'stem' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object stemObject : stemsToProvisionToSet) { Stem stem = (Stem)stemObject; System.out.println("provision_to assigned to stem: " + stem.getName());  }
    Set stemsToNotProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select s from Stem s, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerStemId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'stem' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'do_not_provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object stemObject : stemsToNotProvisionToSet) { Stem stem = (Stem)stemObject; System.out.println("do_not_provision_to assigned to stem: " + stem.getName());  }
    Set groupsToProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select g from Group g, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerGroupId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'group' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object groupObject : groupsToProvisionToSet) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("provision_to assigned to group: " + group.getName());  }
    Set groupsToNotProvisionToSet = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("select g from Group g, AttributeAssign aa, AttributeDefName adn, AttributeAssignValue aav where = aa.ownerGroupId and aav.attributeAssignId = and aa.attributeDefNameId = and aa.attributeAssignTypeDb = 'group' and aa.enabledDb = 'T' and adn.extensionDb = 'do_not_provision_to' and aav.valueString = '" + provisionTarget + "'").listSet(Stem.class);
    for (Object groupObject : groupsToNotProvisionToSet) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("do_not_provision_to assigned to group: " + group.getName());  }
    Set allGroups = new LinkedHashSet();
    Set allGroupsToProvision = new TreeSet();

    Set stemNamesToNotProvisionTo = new HashSet();
    Set stemNamesToProvisionTo = new HashSet();
    for (Object stemToProvision : stemsToProvisionToSet) { stemNamesToProvisionTo.add(((Stem)stemToProvision).getName()); }
    for (Object stemNotToProvision : stemsToNotProvisionToSet) { stemNamesToNotProvisionTo.add(((Stem)stemNotToProvision).getName()); }

    for (Object stemToProvision : stemsToProvisionToSet) { allGroups.addAll(((Stem)stemToProvision).getChildGroups(edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Stem.Scope.SUB)); }
    Map groupToPaths = new HashMap();
    for (Object groupObject : allGroups) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; if (allGroupsToProvision.contains(group)) {continue;} if (groupsToNotProvisionToSet.contains(group)) {continue;} List paths = new ArrayList(); groupToPaths.put(group, paths); String currentName = group.getName(); paths.add(currentName);  while(true) { currentName = GrouperUtil.parentStemNameFromName(currentName);  if (GrouperUtil.isBlank(currentName)) {break;} paths.add(currentName);  }   }
    for (Object groupObject : groupToPaths.keySet()) {Group group = (Group)groupObject; List paths = (List)groupToPaths.get(group); for (Object pathObject : paths) { String path = (String)pathObject; if (stemNamesToProvisionTo.contains(path)) { allGroupsToProvision.add(group); break; } if (stemNamesToNotProvisionTo.contains(path)) { break; } } }
    for (Object groupObject : allGroupsToProvision) { Group group = (Group)groupObject; System.out.println("configured to provision to: " + provisionTarget + ": " + group.getName()); }

Include a common GSH file

If this is the file in the container:

Code Block
def  addNewGroup(pathName, dispName,groupType, gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput,grouperSession ) {
    //Verify if allowgroup exist or not and provide appropriate messages
   groupVerify = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, pathName,false);
   if (groupVerify != null) 
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine( pathName + " group already exists!");
        productGroup = new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignName(pathName).assignDisplayName(dispName).save();
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Created "+ groupType +" group : "  +pathName);
        gsh_builtin_gshTemplateOutput.addOutputLine("Added Group types: "+groupType+" for group : " + pathName);

GdgTypeGroupSave gdgTypeGroupSave = new GdgTypeGroupSave().assignGroup(productGroup).assignType(groupType);;
return productGroup;


Include that in a GSH template or other script

Code Block
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell();
def external = shell.parse(new File('/opt/grouper/gsh/commonFunction.gsh'));


Stem move

try this:

Code Block
stemFrom = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:b", true);
stemTo = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "a:c", true);
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.StemMove(stemFrom, stemTo).assignAlternateName(false).save();

Check health of database connection or run a query

(in 2.4.0 api patch 93+)

Code Block
gcDbAccess = new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess();
gcDbAccess.connectionName("warehouse").sql("select count(1) from grouper_groups").select(int.class);

Set password using Grouper built-in authentication

Code Block
new GrouperPasswordSave().assignApplication(GrouperPassword.Application.UI).assignUsername("username").assignPassword("password").save();

Remove all group / folder privs for a user.  Remove user from groups which have a privilege on another object

Code Block
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.FieldType;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Group;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GroupFinder;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GroupSave;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Member;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Membership;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.MembershipFinder;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Stem;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.StemSave;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.SubjectFinder;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.membership.MembershipType;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.privs.AccessPrivilege;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.privs.NamingPrivilege;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.util.GrouperUtil;
import edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess;
import edu.internet2.middleware.subject.Subject;

//public class Test36revokePrivs {
//  public static void main(String[] args) {

    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    String subjectId = "test.subject.0";
    String subjectSourceId = "jdbc";
    Subject subject = SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource(subjectId, subjectSourceId, true);
    Group group1 = new GroupSave().assignName("test:test1").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();
    Group group2 = new GroupSave().assignName("test:test2").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();        
    group1 = new GroupSave().assignName("test:test1").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();
    group2 = new GroupSave().assignName("test:test2").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); 
    group1.grantPriv(subject, AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
    group1.grantPriv(subject, AccessPrivilege.UPDATE, false);
    group2.grantPriv(subject, AccessPrivilege.ADMIN, false);

    group2.grantPriv(group1.toSubject(), AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
    Stem stem1 = new StemSave().assignName("test1").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();
    stem1.grantPriv(subject, NamingPrivilege.CREATE, false);
    stem1.grantPriv(subject, NamingPrivilege.STEM_ATTR_READ, false);
    Stem stem2 = new StemSave().assignName("test2").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();        
    stem2.grantPriv(subject, NamingPrivilege.STEM_ADMIN, false);

    List<String> groupNames = new GcDbAccess().sql("select from grouper_groups gg where exists (" +
      " select 1 from grouper_memberships gmem, grouper_fields gf, grouper_members gm " + 
      " where gmem.field_id = and gf.type in ('naming', 'access', 'attributeDef') " +
      " and gmem.member_id = and gm.subject_id = and gm.subject_source = 'g:gsa') " +
      " and exists (select 1 from grouper_memberships gmem, grouper_fields gf, grouper_members gm " + 
      " where gmem.field_id = and = 'members' " +
      " and gm.subject_id = ? " +
      " and gmem.member_id = and gm.subject_source = '" + subjectSourceId + "')").addBindVar(subjectId).selectList(String.class);   

    for (String groupName : GrouperUtil.nonNull(groupNames)) {
      Group group = GroupFinder.findByName(groupName, true);
      group.deleteMember(subject, false);
      System.out.println("Deleted membership from group: " + group.getName() + ", since group has privilege on another object");
    Set<Object[]> membershipsOwnersMembers = new MembershipFinder().addSubject(subject).assignFieldType(FieldType.ACCESS).
    for (Object[] membershipOwnerMember : GrouperUtil.nonNull(membershipsOwnersMembers)) {
      Membership membership = (Membership)membershipOwnerMember[0];
      Group group = (Group)membershipOwnerMember[1];
      Member member = (Member)membershipOwnerMember[2];
      group.revokePriv(member.getSubject(), AccessPrivilege.listToPriv(membership.getField().getName() ));
      System.out.println("Deleted priv from group: " + group.getName() + ": " + membership.getField().getName());
    membershipsOwnersMembers = new MembershipFinder().addSubject(subject).assignFieldType(FieldType.NAMING).
    for (Object[] membershipOwnerMember : GrouperUtil.nonNull(membershipsOwnersMembers)) {
      Membership membership = (Membership)membershipOwnerMember[0];
      Stem stem = (Stem)membershipOwnerMember[1];
      Member member = (Member)membershipOwnerMember[2];
      stem.revokePriv(member.getSubject(), NamingPrivilege.listToPriv(membership.getField().getName() ));
      System.out.println("Deleted priv from folder: " + stem.getName() + ": " + membership.getField().getName());
//  }
//Deleted membership from group: test:test1, since group has privilege on another object
//Deleted priv from group: test:test1: readers
//Deleted priv from group: test:test1: updaters
//Deleted priv from group: test:test2: admins
//Deleted priv from folder: test2: stemAdmins
//Deleted priv from folder: test1: creators
//Deleted priv from folder: test1: stemAttrReaders

Delete all members from a subject source

Note that it is not normal to remove entries from the grouper_members table, which is what this example is doing.  But, for example, this may be useful if you temporarily added a subject source that you need to get rid of completely.  If you need to instead merge members from one source to another, there's another option here - Member change subject

Also note that this doesn't handle all the foreign keys that may exist on members.  So tweaks may be needed if some of the members are not able to be deleted.

Code Block
String sourceId = "sourceIdToDelete";
Set<Member> members = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic().createQuery("from Member as m where m.subjectSourceIdDb=:sourceId").setString("sourceId", sourceId).listSet(Member.class);
System.out.println("Found " + members.size() + " members to delete");

Set<Field> fields = FieldFinder.findAll();
for (Member member : members) {
  for (Field field : fields) {
    for (Membership membership : member.getImmediateMemberships(field)) {
      System.out.println("Deleting membership with id=" + membership.getImmediateMembershipId());

  try {
    System.out.println("Deleted " + member.getSubjectId());
  } catch (Exception e) {




addSubject(id, type, name)

Add local subject to registry


Find a subject

findSubject(id, type)

Find a subject

findSubject(id, type, source)

Find a subject


Find all Subject sources





Execute each line of a sql file, just like ant would.  This can run the files generated by registryInitializeSchema()


Executes a single sql statement


Terminate shell


Display usage information


Print commands that have been run


Print the last N commands that have been run


Run the last command executed


Execute command number N


Pretty print results. This command is more useful when GSH_DEVEL is enabled


Terminate shell


Return version information

Unresolvable subject deletion utility (USDU)

usdu finds which memberships are with subjects which cannot be found in a subject source, and prints them on the screen
- if the usdu.DELETE option is passed in, then the memberships will be deleted
- a grouper session must be open when this command is run.

 For more information, see Unresolvable Subject Deletion Utility (USDU)




Sample call to find all unresolvable subjects in the registry and print details to the screen


Pass in that you want to delete memberships in the usdu call


Work only in a specific subject source, pass in the sourceId from sources.xml

usduBySource("schoolperson", usdu.DELETE)

Work in a specific source and delete membeships


Work only with a specific member

usduByMember(member, usdu.DELETE)

usdu by member, and delete memberships

Find bad memberships

 This command will find membership records in the database which are invalid, and prints them on the screen, along with a GSH script that will fix the memberships.

 For more information, see Bad Membership Finder Utility




complete findBadMemberships run

XML legacy




Load registry from XML in file


Load registry from XML in string


Load registry from XML at URL


Exports registry to file


Exports registry to string.


Update registry from XML in file


Update registry from XML in string


Update registry from XML at URL

XML export

There is an object: XmlExport which has various chaining methods, which should be ended with an exportTo() method.  You can export to file or string.

For more information, see Import-Export



XmlExport xmlExport.stem(stem)

The stem to export. Defaults to the ROOT stem.


The group to export

XmlExport xmlExport.relative(boolean)

If group or stem specified do not export parent Stems.

XmlExport xmlExport.includeParent(boolean)

If group specified, export from the parent stem

XmlExport xmlExport.childrenOnly(boolean)

If stem specified, export child stems and groups only - not the specified stem

XmlExport xmlExport.userProperties(file)

Properties file for extra settings for import

XmlExport xmlExport.grouperSession(grouperSession)

Operate within a certain grouper session (defaults to root session)

void xmlExport.exportToFile(file)

Export to an XML file

void xmlExport.exportToString(string)

Export to an XML string


No Format
gsh 1% new XmlExport().exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))
No Format
gsh 1% grouperSession = GrouperSession.start(SubjectFinder.findById("mchyzer"));
gsh 2% stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "aStem");
gsh 3% new XmlExport().stem(stem).relative(true).userProperties(new File("C:/temp/some.props")).grouperSession(grouperSession).exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"));

 -or- (without chaining)

No Format
gsh 3% xmlExport = new XmlExport();
gsh 4% xmlExport.stem(stem);
gsh 5% xmlExport.grouperSession(grouperSession);
gsh 6% xmlExport.exportToFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))

XML import

There is an object: XmlImport which has various chaining methods, which should be ended with an importFrom() method.  You can import from file, string, or url.

For more information, see Import-Export



XmlImport xmlImport.stem(stem)

The Stem into which data will be imported. Defaults to the ROOT stem.

XmlImport xmlImport.updateList(boolean)

XML contains a flat list of Stems or Groups which may be updated.
Missing Stems and Groups are not created.

XmlImport xmlImport.userProperties(file)

Properties file for extra settings for import

XmlImport xmlImport.grouperSession(grouperSession)

Operate within a certain grouper session (defaults to root session)

XmlImport xmlImport.ignoreInternal(boolean)

Ignore internal attributes, including group and stem uuids.

void xmlImport.importFromFile(file)

Import from an XML file

void xmlImport.importFromString(string)

Import from an XML string

void xmlImport.importFromUrl(url)

Import XML from a URL


No Format
gsh 1% new XmlImport().importFromFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))
No Format
gsh 1% grouperSession = GrouperSession.start(SubjectFinder.findById("mchyzer"));
gsh 2% stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "aStem");
gsh 3% new XmlImport().stem(stem).updateList(true).userProperties(new File("C:/temp/some.props")).grouperSession(grouperSession).importFromUrl(new URL("http://whatever.xml"));

 -or- (without chaining)

No Format
gsh 3% xmlImport = new XmlImport();
gsh 4% xmlImport.stem(stem);
gsh 5% xmlImport.grouperSession(grouperSession);
gsh 6% xmlImport.importFromFile(new File("c:/temp/export.xml"))


Transactions facilitate all commands succeeding or failing together, and perhaps some level of repeatable reads of the DB (depending on the DB).  If there is an open transaction and an exception is thrown in a command, GSH will shut down so that subsequent commands will not execute outside of a transaction.




print help information


print the list of nested transactions


start a transaction, or make sure one is already started


commit a transaction


rollback a transaction


end a transaction
    Note if it was read/write, and not committed or rolled back, this will commit and end


Above, it describes how you can kick off the loader in daemon mode.  You can also execute one job with:



grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
loaderGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "stem:group");

Kick off the loader for one group (configured by group attributes)


Kick off the loader by job name


Move change log entries from the temp table to the real table


Run the Grouper Rules daemon


Run a change log consumer

v1.6+ loader




Run an attribute definition loader job

GrouperShell Variables

gsh has several variables that can be set to modify runtime behavior




Stack traces will be printed upon failure if true


Summaries of returned objects are not automatically printed if true


Prints time spent evaluating each command if true


No Format
gsh 4% GSH_DEVEL = true
gsh 5% subj = findSubject("SD00125")
gsh 6% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj)
gsh 7% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj)
gsh 8% p(member.getGroups())
group: name='etc:sysadmingroup' displayName='Grouper Administration:SysAdmin Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'


Note: you cannot encrypt passwords with GSH since the passwords end up in the GSH history.  To encrypt passwords, issue the command:

No Format
C:\mchyzer\isc\dev\grouper-qs-1.2.0\grouper>java -jar lib\morphString.jar
Enter the location of conf/
Type the string to encrypt (note: pasting might echo it back):
The encrypted string is: ca8a15be4ad0fb45c6f1b3ca0cfd9c9e

v1.6: to sync up the flat tables with regular tables, run this:

Code Block

 new SyncFlatTables().sendNotifications(false).syncAllFlatTables();

To create missing group sets:

Code Block

 new edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.AddMissingGroupSets().addAllMissingGroupSets();

Create a script from SQL

Here is an example to remove access from someone...  run a SQL to generate a GSH script, e.g. in oracle:

Code Block

set linesize 1000;
set pagesize 1000;
select 'delMember("' || gmlv.GROUP_NAME || '", "' || gmlv.SUBJECT_ID || '");' as script
from grouper_memberships_lw_v gmlv where subject_id = '12345678' and gmlv.LIST_NAME = 'members';

Put that script in a text editor and remove extra whitespace (probably optional), and add this to the beginning:

Code Block

grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();

Look at it and remove lines that dont apply...  then run in GSH

Code Block

[appadmin@lorenzo bin]$ ./ remove.script


     (question) Questions or comments? (info) Contact us.
