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TAC Meeting Minutes - Sept. 15, 2016

Attending: Tom Barton, Keith Hazelton, Steve Carmody, Janemarie Duh, Tom Mitchell, Scott Cantor, Walter Hoehn, Michael Gettes, Chris Misra

With: Dean Woodbeck, Nick Roy, David Walker, Ian Young, Tom Scavo, Paul Caskey, Steve Zoppi

Action Items from Sept 1

(AI) Steve Carmody will communicate to InCommon Steering the decision to create an IdP-only production aggregate. (DONE)


(AI) Janemarie will draft a note (and share the draft with TAC) to send the EDUCAUSE IdM list and the InCommon Participants list asking about top priority vendors for such deployment guides.

Review of Minutes from Last Meeting

The minutes of the September 1 meeting were approved.

Action Item Update  - Steve Carmody sent the TAC recommendation for implementing an IdP-only aggregate to InCommon Steering

Ops Update

  1. The response to the incident concerning the federation info pages (an outage caused by moving a server) is still outstanding. The Nagios solution is ready, but the cycles for deployment will not be available until after TechEx.
  2. Changes to the Federation Manager software related to the SIRTFI proof of concept are complete, as are the changes in the metadata aggregator tooling to import REFEDS security contacts and the SIRTFI entity attribute. So far, the University of Chicago has the SIRTFI entity attribute. LIGO is waiting on an upgrade to IdPv3, and the NCSA is waiting on approval from its InCommon Exec. This proof of concept is expected to result in webinars and other community communications, as well as better definition of the SIRTFI framework and communicating the importance of federated incident response to InCommon participants.
  3. A new version of the InCommon MDA tooling (incommon-v5) that produces an IdP-only aggregate has been developed. The new tooling has not yet been tested and deployed.

TAC F2F at TechEx

There was a discussion about what the group would like to accomplish in the face-to-face meeting at TechEx. One item is to understand the role of TAC in the coming year. Another is to have a discussion about the “big concerns” facing the community. It was suggested that the latter be led by a newer TAC member. (AI) Steve Carmody will send a note in this regard to the TAC email list.

TAC Membership for 2017

It will soon be time to issue a call for new TAC members with terms starting January 1, 2017. 


After much discussion, it was decided that Steve Carmody will draft a call for nominations (sending it to TAC on Sept. 16 and to the community on Sept. 19). The note will emphasize that self-nominations are welcome and that anyone from an InCommon Participant is eligible. Sending the call prior to TechEx will allow for contacts and discussions at the meeting. The nomination deadline is October 11.

Working Group Updates

Deployment Profile WG - This group will hold its first call this afternoon to gather those interested and refine the scope. There will also be a meeting on Tuesday of TechEx.  


Configuration Guides - Janemarie has drafted a call for those interested in preparing a configuration guide for specific services. The EDUCAUSE IdM list and the Shib list might be good places to recruit. It might also be of value to discuss this with the Big Ten academic coalition. There is a template that people can use to create these guides. It may be beneficial to identify services that are less complicated and recruit people to document their experience with those. Having a few guides publicly available might spur others to create guides for other services.

Next Meeting - F2F at Tech Ex - Weds, Sept 28 - Noon - Merrick Room 1