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Code Block
# these are properties to add to

# put groups in here which go to box, the name in box will be the extension here = a:b:c

# put the comma separated list of sources to send to box
grouperBox.sourcesForSubjects = someSource

# either have id for subject id or an attribute for the box username (e.g. netId)
grouperBox.subjectAttributeForBoxUsername = id

# is grouper the true system of record, delete box groups which dont exist in grouper
grouperBox.deleteGroupsInBoxWhichArentInGrouper = true

#the quartz cron is a cron-like string. 
grouperBox.fullSync.quartzCron = 0 0 5 * * ?

# authentication settings for WS
grouperBox.privateKeyFileName = 
grouperBox.privateKeyPass = 
grouperBox.publicKeyId = 
grouperBox.enterpriseId = 
grouperBox.clientId = 
grouperBox.clientSecret = 
# if using include/exclude in grouper then exclude these groups in box
grouperBox.ignoreGroupSuffixes = _systemOfRecord, _includes, _excludes, _systemOfRecordAndIncludes, _includesMinusExcludes

# if there is a suffix...
grouperBox.subjectIdSuffix =

# if require...
grouperBox.requireGroupInGrouper = community:active

# if delete groups which arent in grouper (will lose permissions if assigned)
grouperBox.deleteGroupsInBoxWhichArentInGrouper = false
# remove memberships in box in groups which arent in grouper
# note if not all groups in box are managed in grouper, this should be false
grouperBox.removeMembershipsInBoxWhenGroupsArentInGrouper = true

# delete groups incremental when groups removed in grouper
grouperBox.deleteGroupWhenGroupDeletedInGrouper = false
# deprovision box sync for inactive users
grouperBox.deprovisionBoxSyncForInactiveUsers = false



This runs in the loader.  Get the grouper-misc/grouper-duo project.  Build (or download 2.1.5, 2.2.2) the jar for the grouper duo source.  Add in the duo client jars (4 of them).  Configure the  Note, the Duo client runs in Java7+.