Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. General Information

    Code Block
    When setting up the Remote Link in OESS the name of the link needs to be the same as the link= string at the other end. The urns in the topology file for each end of the link must match exactly. Here are two ends of a link taken from the ION topology information at Note that the I2 NOC must set this information up for each remote site. So, whatever you tell the NOC to put in the link= field of the first item below is what you need to use at your end.
    In OESS when setting up a Remote Link the alert box you're presented with asks for Name and Remote URN. In the above example, Name should be "internet2" whatever follows link= in the first item above (what you told the NOC to put there). The second line is the urn of the link to you from the other end's perspective. This is what you should put in the Remote URN field when setting up the remote link in oess.
    CERTS are stored in /etc/pki/tls/certs (key in /etc/pki/tls/private). This CERT is a site cert. If this IDC is peered with 
    Internet2 the CERT must be 
    The CERT for the site must also be inserted into /etc/oscars/keystores/oscars.jks and /etc/oscars/keystores/localhost.jks.
    ./idc-importkeypair -s /etc/oscars/keystores/oscars.jks -a mykey -k /path to/yourhost.key -c /path to/yourhost.crt -p changeit -O
    ---- copy oscars.jks to localhost.jks
    ----The keystores must also contain a CERT for localhost. See below for instructions
    ---- on generating that CERT.
    ---- Whatever you call the CERT and KEY you install in /etc/pki/tls you must also
    ---- update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
      SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/
      SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/
    ---- Also these paths must be placed in /etc/oess/database.xml
    ---- The owner and issuer fields for the local site CERT need to be placed in the local IDC
    ---- user in OSCARS. These also need to be placed in the IDC user at the peer host. See
    ---- below regarding changing the IDC peer.
    ---- In case all you have is the old (.5) OSCARS.jks do the following to get the cert and key:
    keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore OSCARS.jks -srcstorepass changeit -srckeypass password -srcalias rutgers_idc -destkeystore temp.p12 -destalias mykey -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -deststoretype PKCS12
    ---- Now the cert and key are in a .pem file, do this:
    openssl x509 -in temp.pem > yourhost.crt
    openssl rsa -in temp.pem -out yourhost.key
    ---- Copy the cert and key to /etc/pki/tls as mentioned above. Don't forget to update ssl.conf!
  2. More CERT related information...

    Code Block
    -- Suffixes: .cer, .crt
    CER is an X.509 certificate in binary form, DER encoded. CRT is a binary X.509 certificate, encapsulated in text (base-64) encoding. It is not the same encoding but they are otherwise interchangeable.
    -- A .cer file containing PKCS#7-encoded data looks like this:
    -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
    -----END PKCS7-----
    -- To convert a pkcs7 .cer to .crt
    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certificate.cer -out certificate.crt
    -- A PEM certificate data looks like this:
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    If the .cer is in PEM format it's the same as a .crt.
  3. To install/replace the CERT on the IDC

    Code Block
    The steps to import the cert and key and update the user in the OSCARS webUI. This works for both .pem and .crt files.
    -- If cert is in a .pem file do this:
    openssl x509 -in yourcert.pem > yourhost.crt
    openssl rsa -in yourcert.pem -out yourhost.key
    -- Import the cert and key to the oscars.jks and localhost.jks to overwrite the previous entry
    cd /opt/oscars/tools/bin/
    ./idc-importkeypair -s /etc/oscars/keystores/oscars.jks -a mykey -k /path to/yourhost.key -c /path to/yourhost.crt -p changeit -O
    ./idc-importkeypair -s /etc/oscars/keystores/localhost.jks -a mykey -k /path to/yourhost.key -c /path to/yourhost.crt -p changeit -O
    -- (Optional) To check the owner, issuer, and validation date stored in oscars.jks
    -- See below for instructions to extract the cert and key
    keytool -list -v -alias mykey  -keystore /etc/oscars/keystores/oscars.jks |egrep "Owner|Issuer|Valid"
    -- Retrive the updated subject and issuer and update the Local IDC Account (yoursite-idc) in the OSCARS webUI:
    keytool -printcert -file /path to/yourhost.crt|egrep "Owner:|Issuer:"
    Owner: CN=<whatever is there>, OU=Services, DC=doegrids, DC=org
    Issuer: CN=DOEGrids CA 1, OU=Certificate Authorities, DC=DOEGrids, DC=org
    -- Copy the new cert and key to the proper places
    -- Make sure permissions are 644
    -- Also make sure that only one cert is inthe cert file
    -- and the CN in the cert must match the host name
    cp /path to/yourhost.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs
    cp /path to/yourhost.key /etc/pki/tls/private
    -- To check that the keys are the same
    openssl rsa -in /etc/pki/tls/private/yourhost.key
    openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/yourhost.crt
    -- Update the new cert and key locations in the relevant places (if they've changed)
    -- If you make a mistake in database.xml you'll get "Could not send Message" in the OSCARS UI
    -- Restart OSCARS
    service oscars restart
    -- Restart HTTPD
    service httpd restart
    -- Restart OESS (may not be necessary)
    service oess restart
  4. To generate a new self-signed CERT

    Code Block
    -- -nodes means no PEM pass phrase is used
    -- -days 1825 = 5 years use what makes sense
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1825 -nodes
    -- Enter relevant information at the prompts
    -- Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) must match the actual server name
    -- Copyor resulting cert.pem and key.pem to /etc/pki/tls
    -- If you don't overwrite what was already in /etc/pki/tls
    -- then you must update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
    cp cert.pem use localhost
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'key.pem'
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
    into your certificate request.
    What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
    There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
    For some fields there will be a default value,
    If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
    Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
    State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:MI
    Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:.   <- Note period entered here to blank out default
    Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:OSCARS
    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:OSCARS DEFAULT
    Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:localhost
    Email Address []:.   <- Note period entered here to blank out default
    -- Copy resulting cert.pem and key.pem to the appropriate files in /etc/pki/tls
    -- If you don't overwrite what was already in /etc/pki/tls
    -- then you must update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
    -- E.g.,
    cp cert.pem /etc/pki/tls/certs/
    cp key.pem /etc/pki/tls/private/
    -- Now update the cert used by OSCARS
    cd /etc/oscars/keystores/
    -- First delete the old one
    keytool -delete -alias mykey -keystore oscars.jks -storepass changeit
    -- Now add in the new one
    /opt/oscars/tools/bin/idc-importkeypair -s oscars.jks -a mykey -c /etc/pki/tls/certs/ -k /etc/pki/tls/private/ -p changeit -O
    -- Hit return when prompted Enter PEM pass phrase:
    -- IMPORTANT!! oscars.jks and localhost.jks need a cert corresponding to the actual local host name but also one for localhost.
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhostkey.pem -out localhostcert.pem -days 1825 -nodes
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'localhost.pem'
    You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
    into your certificate request.
    What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
    There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
    For some fields there will be a default value,
    If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
    Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:US
    State or Province Name (full name) []:CA
    Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:.   <- Note period entered here to blank out default
    Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:OSCARS
    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:OSCARS DEFAULT
    Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:localhost
    Email Address []:   <- Note period entered here to blank out default
    -- Verify that the stupid CERTs were inserted correctly
    keytool -list -alias mykey -v -keystore /etc/oscars/keystores/oscars.jks -storepass changeit
    keytool -printcert -file /etc/pki/tls/certs/
    -- Update localhost.jks
    cp oscars.jks localhost.jks
    -- Restart everything
    service httpd restart
    service oscars restart
    service oess restart
  5. To install/replace the CERT on the FDT server

    Code Block
    The cert and the key are stored under:
    To import a new certificate and the key:
    1) Go to /home/dynes/FDTAgent/bin
    2) Import the certs using the `dynesfdt cert` command:
    ./dynesfdt cert -import -key </path/to/private/key> -cert </path/to/cert>
    The certs will be imported under a new file
      (in case the user wants to backup the previous one):
    This file must be copied over:
    3) To list the certificate currently installed in the OSCARS.jks file:
    ./dynesfdt cert
    should print the certificate and the validity.
  6. Virtual Machine Issues

    Code Block
    The IDC platform runs one or more virtual machines. Each VM typically runs an instance of OSCARS along with software that controls the DYNES switch. Running task is /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm. It might show up in top as qemu-kvm. service libvirtd restart if you need to kill and restart the task.
    Some useful VM related commands:
      Command                  Function
      virsh                    The virsh program is the main interface for managing virsh guest domains.
                               See man virsh for details.
      virsh list --all         List all the VMs.
      virsh start <domain>     Start the domain (either by name or number as given by virsh list --all
      virsh shutdown <domain>  Shutdown the domain
      virsh console <domain>   Connect to the VM's console. Ctrl-] to exit.
      virsh autostart <domain> Set the domain to automatically start at boot time.
      virsh edit <domain>      Edit the domain's XML.
      virsh dominfo <domain>   Print out info about the domain.
    The XML files for each domain are at /etc/libvirt/qemu. Setting a domain to autostart puts a link to the aforementioned XML file in /etc/libvirt/qemu/autostart. To stop a domain from autostarting delete the link.
    yum install libguestfs-tools will install a set of useful VM related tools. Please see
  7. OSCARS Error Messages

    Code Block
    More information about errors can be retrieved from the log files in /var/log/oscars. The GRI (e.g., can be used to narrow down the search. Another place to look is /var/log/httpd (typically in ssl_error_log).
    Error Message	Watchdog Terminated in status INSETUP
    Error Type	system
    Error Message	OSCARSSoapService.invoke:Exception connecting to setup on Message is: Could not send Message.
    Error Type	system
    Error Message	PSSReplyRequest.execute no CreatePathRequest,TearDownPathRequest or CancelReservation associated with this PSSReply
    Error Type	system
    This error almost always is due to a problem with httpd on the VM. Things to check are whether the cert and key are valid. Cert is in /etc/pki/tls/certs and the key is in /etc/pki/tls/private. The path to both the cert and key must be in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.
    Error Message	There are no VLANs available on link on reservation in VLAN PCE
    This error means that a vlan that was specified in the setup is in use.
    Error Message	PSSReplyRequest.execute no CreatePathRequest,TearDownPathRequest or CancelReservation associated with this PSSReply
    Error Type	system
    Error Message	Watchdog Terminated createReservation in status INPATHCALCULATION
    Error Type	system
    This usually means there's a problem with a site's topology file. As mentioned above, the information in the topology file at each end of a circuit being set up must match EXACTLY. Topology files can be viewed at You need to enter the domain of the site as configured in DYNES. Unfortunately there isn't a standard naming convention.
    Error Message	Unable to find link with id* on reservation in Dijkstra PCE
    Error Type	user
    Another instance of a problem with a topology file.
    Error Message	OSCARSSoapService.invoke:Exception connecting to setup on Message is: Could not send Message.
    Error Type	system
    Error Message	PSSReplyRequest.execute no CreatePathRequest,TearDownPathRequest or CancelReservation associated with this PSSReply
    Error Type	system
    This error can be due to a problem with httpd on the local host but can also be due to a problem with the X509 certs. When two sites peer (e.g., your site and Internet2) each site must configure the X509 owner and issuer information of the other site in OSCARS. On the local site the user id corresponding to the peer site must have the peer's owner and issuer information entered. Likewise the peer site must enter your site's information into its OSCARS. When Internet2 is the peer, a ticket sent to the Internet2 NOC ( will trigger the set up process.
    Error Message	OSCARSSoapService.invoke:Exception connecting to createReservation on https://localhost.localdomain:9002/OSCARSInternal Message is: no location for IDC controlling domain
    In at least one case this was due to a typo in the command that set up the site's IDC on the peer idc:
    # /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idclist
    Loading manifest from /etc/oscars/LookupService/conf/manifest.yaml
    ID: 2
    Type: IDC
    Expiration: NEVER
    Check to see that Type: is http (not https) and Location: is https (and not http)
    This error might occur when running the BridgePSS (i.e., not OESS).
    Error Message	Could not locate config generator for device <your switch> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    Error Type	system
    The file /etc/oscars/PSSService/conf/defs-models.yaml needs this:
    - id: "dell"
        - id:               bridge
          configGenerator:  ""
              "SETUP":          "dell-setup.txt"
              "TEARDOWN":       "dell-teardown.txt"
              "MODIFY":         ""
              "STATUS":         ""
    The above two scripts need to be in /etc/oscars/PSSService/conf/templates/.
    *cat dell-setup.txt*
    configure terminal
    class-map match-all class-map-vlan-${vlan} ipv4
              match vlan ${vlan}
    policy-map policy-map-vlan-${vlan} in
               class class-map-vlan-${vlan}
                     police-simple ${bandwidth}000 128 conform-action transmit violate-action drop
    interface ${portA}
              service-policy in policy-map-vlan-${vlan}
              switchport trunk allowed vlan add ${vlan}
    interface ${portZ}
              service-policy in policy-map-vlan-${vlan}
              switchport trunk allowed vlan add ${vlan}
    cat dell-teardown.txt
    configure terminal
    interface ${portA}
    no service-policy in policy-map-vlan-${vlan}
    switchport trunk allowed vlan remove ${vlan}
    interface ${portZ}
    no service-policy in policy-map-vlan-${vlan}
    switchport trunk allowed vlan remove ${vlan}
    no policy-map policy-map-vlan-${vlan}
    no class-map class-map-vlan-${vlan}
    This error can indicate an expired cert. It means one OSCARS wasn't able to talk to another
    Error Message OSCARSSoapService.invoke:Exception connecting to createReservation on Message is: Problem writing SAAJ model to stream
    Error  Type system
    CERTs are in: 
    keytool -printcert -file /etc/pki/tls/certs/<your_cert.cer>
    keytool -list -v -alias mykey  -keystore oscars.jks (don't forget localhost.jks)
  8. Instructions on how to interact with the OESS database

    Code Block
    OESS data is stored in a mysql database. It should not be necessary to query or change this information but just in case...
    # mysql -u root -p
    Enter password: <password should be the same as the root password>
    mysql> use oess;
    Reading table information for completion of table and column names
    You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with \-A
    Database changed
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_oess |
    | circuit |
    | circuit_edge_interface_membership |
    | circuit_edge_mac_address |
    | circuit_instantiation |
    | interface |
    | interface_acl |
    | interface_instantiation |
    | link |
    | link_instantiation |
    | link_path_membership |
    | network |
    | node |
    | node_instantiation |
    | oess_version |
    | path |
    | path_instantiation |
    | path_instantiation_vlan_ids |
    | remote_auth |
    | scheduled_action |
    | schema_version |
    | urn |
    | user |
    | user_workgroup_membership |
    | workgroup |
    | workgroup_node_membership |
    25 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> describe oess_version;
    | Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | version | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select version from oess_version;
    | version |
    | 1.1.4   |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  9. Error in signature with X509Token

    Code Block
    log into your OSCARS UI:<site>.edu:8443/OSCARS/
    lookup the reservation
    examine the error message.
  10. Can't access both the IDC and FDT iDRAC using Firefox. This is due to all Dell iDRACs using the same cert serial number. Firefox (for some reason) doesn't allow this to be ignored and continue. The workaround is to delete the certs from the first iDRAC accessed or use another browser. Details on removing the certs can be found here.
  11. Mistakenly "Decommissioned" the switch

    Code Block
    # mysql -u root -p
    Enter password: <enter mysql root password>
    mysql> use oess;
    mysql> select * from node; <- Your switch will likely be node=1
    Decoming the device sets an end_epoch for it in the node_instantiation table. You must login to mysql as root.
    mysql> select * from node_instantiation;
    node_id 	end_epoch 	start_epoch 	management_addr_ipv4 	admin_state 	dpid
    1 	1376100241 	1374712867 	2170417085 	active 	281483173139793
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    Set the end_epoch to -1 and it'll be active.
    mysql> update node_instantiation set end_epoch =-1 where node_id =1;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
    Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
    mysql> select * from node_instantiation;
    node_id 	end_epoch 	start_epoch 	management_addr_ipv4 	admin_state 	dpid
    1 	-1 	1374712867 	2170417085 	active 	281483173139793
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  12. Reported by MAX

    Code Block
    -- Decommissioned the node
    -- Lost the node and could not rediscover
    -- Deleted oess database
    -- Reran to restore database to clean state
    -- Discovered and re-added the node and all interfaces
    -- re-add remote link and click "Submit Topology"
    This didn't re-submit the topology
    I believe the correct steps are:
    -- Go 'admin' page
    -- Click 'Workgroups' then choose 'OSCARS IDC'
    -- Add new interfaces in "Allowed Edge Ports"
    -- Click "Remote Links" then click "Submit Topology"
  13. Change IDC peer link (needed if moving from ION OSCARS to AL2S OSCARS)

    Code Block
    -- NOTE!
    Be sure to specify https in the url of the IDC!
    Changing or adding a peer consists of the following steps:
    1. oscars-idcadd to add the new peer or oscars-idcdel to delete a peer
    2. in the OSCARS web ui add a new user for the new peer
        X.509 Subject
        X.509 Issuer
        Set Role to OSCARS-service
    3. If peering with Internet2, ask the NOC to add you as a peer.
        Send your domain and location for oscars-idcadd
        Send your X.509 Subject and Issuer
        Ask the NOC to add an OSCARS user with Role: OSCARS-service
    -- To display the current IDC peer(s)
    # /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idclist
    -- This will list domain= under Relationships:
    -- Example output for Internet2 as the current peer
    ID: 1
    Type: IDC
    Expiration: NEVER
    ID: 2
    Type: IDC
    Expiration: NEVER
    -- To delete the current peer, specify -d using the domain= from the above output for your site
    # /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idcdel
    A domain must me specified
    Option                                  Description
    #- #-- #--- #---- #----- -----------
    -c, --context                           context in which to run the client
    -d, --domain                            required. the domain with the IDC to
    -h, --help                              prints this help screen
    -u, --url                               the URL of the OSCARS lookup module to
    -- Example: To delete the Internet2 ION IDC peer
    # /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idcdel  -d
    -- Now add the new peer
    -- Both -l location and -d domain must be specified
    A domain must me specified
    Option Description
    #-- #--- #---- #----- -----------
    -c, --context context in which to run the client
    -d, --domain required. the domain to add
    -h, --help prints this help screen
    -l, --location required. the URL of the IDC
    -p, --protocol the protocol spoken by the IDC. May be
    OSCARS5, OSCARS6, or a namespace
    URL. Defaults to OSCARS6.
    -u, --url the URL of the OSCARS lookup module to
    -- Example: Add Internet2's AL2S as a peer)
    /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idcadd -d -l
    Note: The new peer must also do oscars-idcadd or equivalent.
    If Internet2 is being added as a peer please contact the Internet2 NOC and
    ask that they add your IDC as a peer and add an OSCARS user if needed.
    Send the NOC your location and domain information
    In addition, you must send the NOC your X.509 certificate Subject and Issuer.
    This must be a signed certificate if peering with Internet2.
      Subject:, O=Internet2, STREET=1000 Oakbrook Drive, STREET=Suite 300, L=Ann Arbor, ST=MI, OID., C=US
      Issuer:  CN=InCommon Server CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US
    Lastly, you must add a user in the OSCARS User List for the new peer. For example,
    to add Internet2's AL2S OSCARS, create a new user, name it something meaningful.
    The password, first name, last name, email, and phone number can be your choice.
      X.509 Subject:, OU=Internet2 NOC, O=Internet2, L=Bloomington, ST=Indiana, C=US
      X.509 Issuer:  CN=InCommon Server CA, OU=InCommon, O=Internet2, C=US
    Organization should be Internet2, create this if needed.
    Set the new user's role to:
      OSCARS-service -> make reservations and view topology
    Save/Modify this.
    -- To modify a current peer's information.
    # /opt/oscars/lookup/bin/oscars-idcmod
    A domain must me specified
    Option                                  Description
    #- #-- #--- #---- #----- -----------
    -c, --context                           context in which to run the client
    -d, --domain                            required. the domain with the IDC to
    -h, --help                              prints this help screen
    -l, --location                          the URL of the IDC
    -p, --protocol                          the protocol spoken by the IDC. May be
    OSCARS5, OSCARS6, or a namespace
    URL. Defaults to OSCARS6.
    -u, --url                               the URL of the OSCARS lookup module to
  14. Errors due to OSCARS not being able to access localhost.jks or oscars.jks

    Code Block
    #- Make sure both files are owned by the id oscars
    # ll /etc/oscars/keystores/
    total 32
    -rw------- 1 oscars oscars 7083 Feb  4 19:30 localhost.jks
    -rw------- 1 oscars oscars 7083 Jan 17 16:48 oscars.jks
  15. Extract cert and key from oscars.jks

    Code Block
    # Find out what the alias is of the cert you want
    keytool -v -list -keystore oscars.jks
    # Extract cert from oscars.jks (see also below for extracting the cert from a .pem file)
    keytool -exportcert -alias <whatever> -rfc -keystore oscars.jks -file oscars.crt
    # Extract the private key from oscars.jks
    # -srckeypass may have to change depending on which jks file is being accessed
    keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore oscars.jks -srcstorepass changeit -srckeypass <password> -srcalias <whatever> -destkeystore temp.p12 -destalias mykey -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -deststoretype PKCS12
    # Turn the resulting pkcs12 file into a pem
    openssl pkcs12 -in temp.p12 -out oscars.pem
    # Turn the pem file into a key file
    openssl rsa -in oscars.pem -out oscars.key
    # The pem file can also give you the cert
    openssl x509 -in oscars.pem -out oscars.crt
    # Result is oscars.crt and oscars.key both of which can be moved to /etc/pki/tls certs or private
    # You may need to service restart httpd
    # To check that the key corresponds to the cert
    openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in oscars.crt |openssl md5
    openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in oscars.key |openssl md5
  16. Missing required permissions manifest attribute in main jar

    Code Block
    This might occur when trying to run the java iDRAC Virtual Console Client. (Click Details in the Application Error alert.)
    Start the Java Console (in System Preferences)
    Click Security tab
    Add site to Exception list, e.g. []
    Set Security Level to Medium (remember to set it to High afterwards!)
  17. Set up remote dynes host to allow X11 interaction

    Code Block
    #- #-- #--- Run XQuartz or equivalent on your base workstation (may need to xhost+ in the xterm window)
    #--- On remote host change X11Forwarding to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd.config
    service restart sshd
    #--- Make sure xauth is available. If not:
    yum install xauth
    #--- Might want to add an innocuous X app
    yum install xclock
    #--- Back on your base workstation use -Y on ssh
    ssh -Y
    #--- This should result in the following message:
    /usr/bin/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/dynes/.Xauthority
    #--- To allow root to also run X11 apps:
    cp ~dynes/.Xauthority .
  18. VM won't start

    Code Block
    #--- If you get errors like these when trying to manually start the VM on the IDC
    # virsh
    error: unable to connect to 'localhost:8000': Connection refused
    error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
    This may be due to a reload of the IDC loading a kernel with xen support. Look at /boot/grub/grub.conf and
    determine which kernel was chosen. The statement "default=0" selects the kernel. If the name includes "xen"
    then pick a different kernel and reboot.
  19. Resync OSCARS and OESS

    Code Block
    #--- OSCARS shows the circuit as either FAILED or UNKNOWN but it still appears in OESS
    # Find the circuit_id in the oess mysql database
    # Log in to vm as root
    mysql -u root –p 
    # Enter password at the prompt
    mysql> use oess;
    mysql> select * from circuit where external_identifier =""; # for this specific circuit
    mysql> select * from circuit; # to display all circuits
    # It prints out the matched row. From this obtain the circuit-ID and workgroup_id. Copy the numbers down. 
    # circuit_id = 66. workgroup_id = 2
    | circuit_id |               name                              | description | workgroup_id | external_identifier | restore_to_primary | static_mac |
    |         66 | OSCARS DC-39b5bd22-1da6-11e4-b52f-5452005fb176  | Test        |            2 |      |                  0 |          0 |
    # In a Web browser window, type this URL: 
    #The result should print on the browser as"
    At this point the circuit has been removed from oess. It may still be configured on the switch. 
    To take care of that simply do this on the vm (as root):
    service oess restart