#grouper empty.space=  error.title=Unexpected error error.general=An error has occurred which prevented the page from displaying. If the problem persists please contact your system administrator with the details below: error.undefined=The nature of the error could not be determined error.subtitle={0} jsp.error=Error! access.grouper=Access grouper stem.root.display-name=Root intersection=and (intersection) union=or (union) complement=not (complement) subject.view.yourself=View your summary groups.help.link.group-math=Help for composite group math groups.remove.all.success=All members were removed groups.remove.selected.success={0} selected members were removed groups.remove.none-selected=You did not select any members groups.remove.unkown.error=Cannot determine which members to remove groups.remove.composite.error=Cannot remove members from a composite group groups.remove.no-privs.error=Insufficient privileges to remove members groups.remove.all.warn=You are about to remove all members of this group. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.remove.warn=You are about to remove some members of this group. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.delete.warn=You are about to delete this group and all its memberships. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? stems.delete.warn=You are about to delete this folder. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.composite-member.indicator=This is a composite group groups.composite-member.composed-as=is composed as groups.composite.remove=Remove composite group groups.composite.add=Add composite group groups.composite.add.insufficient-saved=You need more groups in the Group workspace to create a composite group. Browse / search for the groups you require, and, from the Group Summary page, click `Add to Group Workspace` groups.composite.replace=Replace composite group groups.composite.members-replace=Remove members and add composite group groups.composite.rightGroup=Right group groups.composite.leftGroup=Left group groups.composite.type=Type groups.composite.save.duplicate=You must choose two different groups to form a composite group groups.composite.save.self-reference=You cannot make the parent group part of the composite group groups.composite.save.success=The composite group was successfully saved groups.add.member.error.circular=You cannot make a group a member of itself. Other assignments were completed grouper.help=Help groups.my=My Memberships groups.manage=Manage groups groups.create=Create groups groups.join=Join groups groups.all=All groups groups.help=Help search.subjects=Search saved.groups=Group workspace saved.subjects=Entity workspace wheelgroup.action.to-admin=Act as admin wheelgroup.action.to-mortal=Act as self wheelgroup.action.submit=Change groups.my.link.title=Find groups you are a member of groups.manage.link.title=Find groups you may update or where you can see the membership groups.create.link.title=Create new groups or folders in locations where you have appropriate privileges groups.join.link.title=Find groups which you may choose to join groups.all.link.title=Explore all groups that are visible to you groups.help.link.title=Display getting started and general help groups.privilege.direct=has direct privileges groups.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges stems.privilege.direct=has direct privileges stems.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges search.subjects.link.title=Search for entities groups.action.flatten=Hide folder hierarchy and show your groups only groups.action.unflatten=Show folders and groups groups.action.import-members=Import members to {0} {1} using format [{2}] stems.action.flatten=Hide hierarchy and show your folders only stems.action.unflatten=Show hierarchy stems.create=Create folders stems.manage=Manage folders groups.current-memberships=To find groups you are a member of you may browse the groups hierarchy, list your groups, or search for groups by name groups.create.can=To find folders where you can create groups you may browse the groups hierarchy, list your folders, or search for folders by name. #No longer used - se field.displayName #groups.edit.name=Text ID #groups.edit.display-name= Name #groups.edit.description=Description groups.edit.type=Select group types groups.edit.cancel=Cancel edit and return to group summary groups.edit-attributes.types-header=Group type groups.edit-attributes.attributes-header=Attribute groups.edit-attributes.values-header=Value groups.create.cancel=Cancel groups.heading.browse=Browse groups groups.heading.search=Search groups groups.heading.manage=Manage groups groups.heading.where-is-factor=Groups where [{0}] is a factor groups.heading.list-members=Members groups.heading.export-members=Export members groups.heading.import-members=Import members groups.heading.import-members-string=Import members by typing or pasting data groups.heading.change-members-list-scope=Change selection scope groups.export.select-format-title=Export format for member data groups.export.submit=Export members groups.import.select-format-title=Import format of file which will be uploaded groups.import.select-file-title=Select file containing member data groups.import.textarea-title=Type or paste text in the selected format groups.import.submit=Import members groups.import.message.no-separator=separator attribute not defined, or is empty groups.import.message.bad-field-type=field-type must be 'id' or 'identifier' groups.import.message.insufficient-fields=Insufficient fields groups.import.message.existing-member=Already a member groups.import.message.successful=Successfully added groups.import.message.error=Error adding member! groups.import.message.no-subject=No entity identified! groups.import.message.subject-not-unique=Entity not unique! groups.import.message.insufficient-privileges=Insufficient privileges to import members groups.import.message.no-data=You did not select a file or the file was empty! groups.import.message.zero-added=No members were added. This may occur because no entities were recognized or because the entities were already members of the group. groups.heading.list-privilegees=Enities with privileges groups.heading.select-other=Find other group groups.summary.id=ID groups.summary.extension=ID groups.summary.name=IDs path groups.summary.display-name=Path groups.summary.display-extension=Name groups.summary.description=Description groups.summary.types=Types groups.summary.field-is-list=list field groups.summary.select-list=Manage other lists groups.membership.through=through groups.membership.through.title=Assign privileges for all members of groups.membership.chain=membership chain groups.membership.chain.title=View the chain through which this entity is considered a member. groups.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2} groups.access.modify-all.title=View / modify privileges for group stems.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2} browse.assign.title=View / modify privileges for {0} on {1} groups.membership.chain.cancel=Return to membership list groups.membership.chain.member-of=is a member of groups.membership.chain.member-of-list=is a member of the {0} list field of groups.membership.chain.indirect-member-of=is an indirect member of groups.membership.chain.multiple-of=is a member, by {0} paths, of groups.membership.chain.multiple=is a member by {0} paths groups.membership.chain.member=is a direct member groups.membership.chain.indirect-member=is an indirect member groups.membership.view-privileges=privileges groups.membership.view-subject-attributes=attributes groups.membership.view-group-attributes=attributes groups.membership.for=for groups.membership.view-members=members stems.membership.view-privileges=privileges stems.membership.view-subject-attributes=attributes stems.membership.for=for groups.privilege.has-for=has {0} privilege for privs.group.member.none=You are not authorized to change privileges privs.stem.member.none=You are not authorized to change privileges groups.create.privs-for-all=Assign the following privileges for everyone: groups.summary.cancel=Cancel groups.action.edit=Edit groups.action.edit-attr=Edit attributes groups.action.edit-member=Change privileges on {0} groups.action.edit-members=List groups.action.find-new-members=Find new members for [{0}] groups.action.find-new-list-members=Find new members for [{0}], list={1} groups.action.delete=Delete groups.action.join=Join groups.action.leave=Leave groups.action.create=Create group groups.action.show-members=Members groups.action.show-privilegees=Current entities with [{0}] privilege groups.action.summary.return-to-chains=Return to memberships groups.action.summary.start-again-here=Cancel and start browsing from here groups.action.summary.return-to-subject-summary=Return to entity summary groups.action.summary.goto-this-subject=View entity perspective groups.action.show-summary=Group summary groups.action.as-factor=Show where group is a factor subject.action.show-summary=Entity summary groups.action.saved=Group saved groups.action.save=Save groups.action.saved-attr=Attributes were saved groups.action.search=Search groups.action.save-assign=save and add members or assign privileges groups.action.save-add-composite=save and add composite groups.heading.show-chain=Chain by which {0} is a member of {1} #subject-source.qsuob.display-name=people groups.list-members.filter-by-source=Show members from groups.list-members.any-source=Any source groups.list-members.scope.select-list=Select list groups.list-members.scope.ordinary-membership=Default list groups.list-members.scope.imm=Only show direct members of this group groups.list-members.scope.eff=Only show entities who are indirectly members of this group groups.list-members.scope.all=Show all members of this group whether direct or indirect groups.list-members.scope.submit=Change selection groups.list-members.none=This group has no members groups.list-members.imm.none=This group has no direct members groups.list-members.eff.none=This group has no indirect members groups.list-members.all.none=This group has no direct or indirect members groups.list-members.custom.imm.none=This list has no direct members groups.list-members.custom.eff.none=This list has no indirect members groups.list-members.custom.all.none=This list has no direct or indirect members groups.list-privilegees.none=No entities have been assigned the specified privilege for this group stems.list-privilegees.none=No entities have been assigned the specified privilege for this folder groups.action.attr-save=Save attributes and finish groups.action.attr-save-add=Save attributes and add members groups.manage.can=To find groups which you can update or view the membership of, you may browse the groups hierarchy, list your groups, or search for groups by name groups.join.can=To find groups which you can join you may browse the groups hierarchy, list your groups, or search for groups by name groups.all.can=You can look for groups throughout the hierarchy, however, you may not be able to see some groups if you lack appropriate privileges groups.message.group-deleted=Group [{0}] was successfully deleted groups.message.group-deleted-fail.factor=Group [{0}] could not be deleted because it is a `factor` for one or more composites groups.message.group-saved=Group [{0}] was successfully saved groups.message.group-created=Group [{0}] was successfully created #note: the single quotes need to be escaped in a message that has params, #that is why there are two single quotes in a row stems.message.error.add-problem=Could not create folder. Error is ''{0}''. groups.message.error.add-problem=Could not create group. Error is ''{0}''. groups.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save group: Group ID cannot be empty or contain "<>/*' groups.message.showing-initial-stems=Shortcuts stems.message.stem-deleted=Folder [{0}] was successfully deleted stems.message.stem-saved=Folder [{0}] was successfully saved stems.message.stem-created=Folder [{0}] was successfully created stems.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save Folder: Folder name cannot be empty or contain "<>/*' stems.action.find-new-members=Find new entities with privileges for [{0}] stems.message.stem-not-deleted=Folder [{0}] could NOT be deleted groups.message.join-success=You successfully joined the group and are now a member of it groups.message.leave-success=You successfully left the group and are no longer a member of it groups.message.search-results=Showing results for query groups.message.group-fail-delete=The group could not be deleted app.name=Internet2 groups manager menu.title=Groups auth.username=Username auth.password=Password auth.message.login-welcome=Welcome auth.message.logout-success=Goodbye. You appear to have successfully logged out, however, it is recommended that you close ALL browser windows. stems.message.search-results=Showing results for query stems.edit.name=Folder name stems.edit.display-name=Display path stems.edit.full-name=Folder path stems.edit.full-display-name=Display path stems.edit.description=Description stems.action.edit=Edit folder stems.action.search=Search folders stems.action.create=Create folder stems.action.saved=Saved folder stems.action.delete=Delete folder stems.action.save=Save and return stems.action.save-work-in-new-stem=Save and work in new folder stems.action.save-assign=Save and assign privileges stems.action.save-show-members=Save and list enities with privileges stems.action.show-members=Current enities with privileges stems.action.edit-member=Change privileges on {0} stems.action.show-priviligees=Current entities with [{0}] privilege stems.heading.browse=Browse hierarchy stems.heading.search=Search folders stems.heading.manage=Manage folders stems.heading.list-members= Enities with privileges stems.edit.cancel=Cancel stems.create.cancel=Cancel find.search-all-sources=All: search all entity sources find.select-person-source=in find.results.selected-individuals=Selected individuals find.results.selected-groups=Selected groups find.results.none=No results find.results.showing=Showing find.search-browse=Search / select results find.expand-collapse=Expand / collapse tree find.expanded-collapsed=Expanded / collapse tree find.search-term=Search term find.search-in=Search in find.search.and=and find.search.or=or find.search.not=not find.results.search-again=Search again find.results.empty-search=Invalid search: the first search field and query value must be entered find.results.search-in=matches find.search.in-field=Search in attribute find.search.in-group-type=With group type find.search.in-group-type-input=Or/and/not find.results.group-type=group type find.search.in-field-input=for (blank = use previous search term) find.name-desc=Name / description find.name-desc-attr=Name / description / attributes find.search-for=Search for find.people=people find.groups=groups find.groups.select-result-field=Display group results using the find.stems.select-result-field=Display folder results using the find.groups.search-in=Search in: find.groups.search-in.name=Folder path find.groups.search-in.any=any attribute find.stems=folders find.all=people and groups find.group-type=Group type find.search-from=Search from find.here=Here find.root=Root find.next-page=Next page find.previous-page=Previous page find.return-results=Return to search results find.return-find=Find more members find.return-group=Cancel find.return-stem=Cancel find.add-new-members=Add new members find.browse=Browse groups hierarchy find.browse.here=Current folder location is: find.browse.show-results=Showing {0}-{1} of {2} items find.browse.change-pagesize=Change page size find.browse.return-to-quick-links=Show quick links find.browse.hide-quick-links=Hide quick links and browse entire hierarchy find.for-stems.cancel=Cancel find.for-groups.cancel=Cancel find.search.cancel=Cancel find.groups.searched-for=Search results for [{0}] find.subjects.searched-for=Search results for [{0}] find.groups.searched-from=From [{0}] find.groups.no-results=No groups matched your search criteria find.groups.done=Return to group find.groups.add-new-members=Add more members find.groups.add-new-privilegees=Assign privileges to more entities find.stems.searched-for=Search results for [{0}] find.stems.searched-from=From [{0}] find.stems.no-results=No folders matched your search criteria find.subjects.no-results=No entities matched your search criteria find.action.search=Search find.action.select=Select find.selected-people=Selected individuals find.selected-stems=Selected folders find.selected-groups=Selected groups find.result.none=None found find.heading.browse=Browse folders and groups for members find.heading.search=Search people or groups find.heading.select-privs=Select privileges to assign to {0} find.heading.select-results=Confirm entities for assignment find.heading.groups-advanced-search=Advanced search find.action.select.groups-advanced-search=Go to advanced groups search find.heading.stems-advanced-search=Advanced folder search find.action.select.stems-advanced-search=Go to advanced search find.action.cancel-advanced-search=Cancel advanced search find.search-in-display-name=Search in display path find.search-in-display-extension=Search in name find.search-in-display-none=Do not search in name or path find.search-in-name=Search in the ID path find.search-in-extension=Search in the ID find.search-in-none=Do not search in the ID or ID path find.search-source=Search entity source priv.assign=Assign privileges priv.action.assigned=Successfully assigned privileges priv.action.assigned-failed=Privileges were not assigned priv.action.revocation-failure=The following privilege(s) could not be revoked. This is due to the fact that the privilege was not assigned directly to this entity, but to a group which the entity is a member of: priv.create=Create group priv.stem=Create folder priv.member=member priv.member-list-field=member of {0} list priv.optin=optin priv.optout=optout priv.view=view priv.read=read priv.update=update priv.admin=admin priv.CREATE=Create Group - entity can create groups in this folder. priv.STEM=Create Folder - entity can create subfolders in this folder and assign 'Create Folder' and 'Create Group' privileges priv.MEMBER=member - a member of this group priv.OPTIN=optin - Entity can choose to join this group priv.OPTOUT=optout - Entity can choose to leave this group priv.VIEW=view - Entity can see that this group exists priv.READ=read - Entity can see the membership list for this group priv.UPDATE=update - Entity can modify the membership of this group priv.ADMIN=admin - Entity can modify group attributes, delete this group or assign any privilege to any entity MEMBER=Member ADMIN=Admin UPDATE=Update READ=Read VIEW=View OPTIN=Optin OPTOUT=Optout priv.message.assigned=Assigned privileges priv.message.error.no-priv=You did not select any privileges. Please go back and check your input. priv.privilege=privilege priv.show-subjects-with=Show entities with privs.group.member.cancel=Return to member list privs.group.member.return-to-chains=Return to memberships priv.stems.list.cancel=Return to folder priv.stems.list.cancel-and-work-in-new=Return and work in new folder find.stems.add-new-privilegees=Assign privileges to other entities debug.prefs.edit.isActive=Enable debug display debug.prefs.edit.i2miDir=Webapp root for I2mi debug.prefs.edit.siteDir=Webapp root for your site debug.prefs.edit.doShowResources=Show resource keys and values at end of page debug.prefs.edit.doShowResourcesInSitu=Show resource keys in page rather than values debug.prefs.edit.doShowTilesHistory=Show dynamic tiles debug.prefs.edit.editor=Executable for JSP editor debug.prefs.title=Debug preferences debug.prefs.action.save=Save preferences debug.prefs.saved=Your preferences were successfully saved debug.prefs.not-saved=Your preferences could not be saved. Check the value of 'debug.prefs.dir' in build.properties debug.prefs.edit.link=Edit preferences debug.prefs.edit.doHideStyles=Remove CSS stylesheet references? login=Log in logout=Log out cancel=Cancel cancel.to.caller-page=Cancel cancel.to.caller-page-title=Cancel done=Finished browse.expand=Expand browse.to.group.summary=Show group summary for {0} browse.to.subject.summary=Show entity summary for {0} browse.expand.stem=Expand and show children of this folder browse.expand.group=Expand and show members of this group browse.assign=Assign privileges to the entity browse.to.parent-stem=Browse to parent folder browse.select.group=Select the group browse.select.subject=Select the entity list.instructions.assign=Select privileges above, and entities below and submit the form list.instructions.browse=Click on a folder to view its direct children, or a [group] to see its summary list.instructions.search-result=Click on a result to browse to it list.instructions.search-result-group=Click on a group to display its summary list.instructions.search-result-subject=Click on an entity to display its summary list.instructions.search-result-stem=Click on a folder to browse to it list.instructions.find-new=Click on a folder to view its direct children, or a members link to select from group members, or an attributes link to see a group summary or entity link to see a entity summary, or select groups/entitiesand submit the form and assign privileges list.instructions.member-links=Click on a entity link to view a summary or a member link to view/modify privileges. list.instructions.privilege-links=Click on a entity link to view a summary or a privilege link to view/modify privileges subject.summary.view-list-field-members=View {0} list members subject.summary.memberships=This entity is a member of the following groups subject.summary.access-privs=This entity has the selected Access privilege for the following groups subject.summary.naming-privs=This entity has the selected Naming privilege for the following folders subject.summary.start-again-here=Cancel subject.summary.subject-type=Entity type subject.summary.browse-this-group=View group perspective subject.privileges.from-grouperall=inherits from EveryEntity subject.privileges.from-groupersystem=inherits from GrouperSysAdmin (via the SysAdmin group) subject.privileges.has-for=which has privilege(s) subject.privileges.current=Current entity is subject.privileges.chain=has the following privileges. subject.privileges.chain.none=has no privileges. subject.privileges.chain.change=Change privileges subject.privileges.chain.assign=Assign privileges subject.list-membership.scope.imm=Only show groups where this entity is an direct member subject.list-membership.scope.eff=Only show groups where this entity is an indirect member subject.list-membership.scope.all=Show all groups where this entity is a member whether direct or indirect subject.list-access.scope.priv=Show all groups where this entity has this privilege subject.list-naming.scope.priv=Show all folders where this entity has this privilege subject.list-all-access.scope.priv=Show matching groups where this entity has any group privilege subject.list-all-naming.scope.priv=Show matching folders where this entity has any hierarchy privileges subject.list-membership.scope.submit=Change selection subject.list-membership.none=This entity is not a member of any groups given your selection criteria subject.list-membership.imm.none=This entity is not a direct member of any groups subject.list-membership.eff.none=This entity is not an indirect member of any groups subject.list-membership.all.none=This entity is not a direct or indirect member of any groups subject.list-membership.custom.eff.none=This entity is not an indirect member of the selected list for any groups subject.list-access.none=This entity does not have the selected access privilege for any groups subject.list-naming.none=This entity does not have the selected naming privilege for any folders or groups in the hierarchy subject.action.new-search=New entity (i.e. person, group)search subject.action.return-results=Return to list of entities subject.action.search-groups=Find groups and display privileges for Entity subject.action.search-groups.info= Entity is subject.attribute.multi.separator=, subject.message.error.process-search-term=An exception has been thrown for entity {0}, the exception message generated is: {1} members.return-to-subject-summary=Return to entity summary members.remove.selected=Remove selected members members.remove.all=Remove all members saved-subjects.add.group=Add to Group workspace saved-subjects.add.subject=Add to Entity workspace saved-subjects.groups.link.title=Group workspace saved-subjects.link.title=Entity workspace saved-subjects.intro=Entities (i.e. people, groups) are only saved for the duration of your current session and will not be available when you next login. Any groups that you saved to this workspace are also displayed on this page saved-subjects.none=You have not saved any entities yet saved-subjects.list=Current list saved-subjects.added=This subject was added to your list in the entity workspace saved-subjects.remove-selected=Remove selected saved-subjects.removed-selected=Selected entities were removed saved-subjects.add-new-members=Assign privileges to entities in the entity workspace saved-subjects.groups.change-field=Change saved-subjects.groups.intro=Groups are only saved for the duration of your current session and will not be available when you next login saved-subjects.groups.none=You have not saved any groups yet saved-subjects.groups.list=Current list saved-subjects.groups.added=This group was added to your list in the group workspace saved-subjects.groups.remove-selected=Remove selected saved-subjects.groups.removed-selected=Selected groups were removed members.export=export groups.heading.export-members=Export members page.skip.current-location=Skip current location page.skip.children=Skip children for page.skip.search=Skip search form page.skip.stem-links=Skip folder controls page.skip.group-links=Skip group controls homepage.intro.title=Grouper - getting started homepage.intro.text=Grouper is a system for creating and maintaining institutional groups in a central repository. Such groups may be used for \ many different reasons e.g. for mailing lists, or for determining which set of people are allowed to access specific web applications, \ or for sharing resources. The goal is to create a group once, but use it as often as necessary in as wide a range of systems as possible. field.displayName.displayName=Display path field.displayName.displayExtension=Name field.displayName.extension=ID field.displayName.name=ID Path field.displayName.description=Description field.displayName._any=Any attribute field.stem.displayName.displayName= Folder name path field.stem.displayName.displayExtension= Folder name field.stem.displayName.extension=Folder ID field.stem.displayName.name=Folder ID path field.stem.displayName.description=Description field.stem.displayName._any=Any attribute groups.tooltips.disable=Disable tooltips groups.tooltips.enable=Enable tooltips groups.infodot.alt=More Information groups.infodot.example=This is example of grouper infodot text Showing if you click the infodot button infodot.disableText=Disable infodot help buttons infodot.enableText=Enable infodot help buttons ##################################################### ## Define tooltips and terms here: ## tooltips must start with "tooltip." Terms start with "term." ## there should be one and only one tooltip for a term. ## tooltips and terms are linked by the common name, ## which is the suffix of the nav.properties key. e.g. ## tooltip.group=A group is a collection ## term.group=Group ## term.group=group ## ## term.groups.3=gro ## term.groups=groups ## term.groups.1=Groups ## term.groups.2=GROUPS ## tooltip.groups=Groups are many people or groups ## ## these are linked because they all end in "group" ##################################################### tooltip.groups=Groups are 'localized!' many people or groups term.admin=Admin tooltip.admin=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership of this group, delete the group or assign privileges for the group term.createGroup=Create Group tooltip.createGroup=Add or create the name for a new group at this location in the hierarchy and the entity that creates a group is given Admin rights to the group by default.) term.name=Name tooltip.name=The group name that is displayed when browsing or searching term.path=Path tooltip.path=The path is the concatenation of the hierarchy (folders and groups) that lead to the unique location of this group term.textualId=Textual ID tooltip.textualId=An unique identifier describing this group that is searchable but generally not exposed to the user. This name cannot be changed after it is edited term.groups.3=gro term.groups=groups term.groups.1=Groups term.groups.2=GROUPS term.groups.4=group tooltip.groups=a type of entity made up of members term.everyEntity=EveryEntity tooltip.everyEntity=Default group privileges that are inherited upon group creation term.grouperSysAdmin=GrouperSysAdmin tooltip.grouperSysAdmin=the highest level administrative user of the system term.hasDirectPrivileges=has direct privileges tooltip.hasDirectPrivileges=The privileges are assigned at this group term.hasIndirectPrivileges=has indirect privileges tooltip.hasIndirectPrivileges=The priviliges are assigned in another group for which this entity is a member term.manageFolder=Manage Folder tooltip.manageFolder=This is where you can create or edit the folders within the hierarchy or add groups to the hierarchy term.member=Member tooltip.member=Any entity (typically group or person) that is a part of this group term.permanentPath=Permanent Path tooltip.permanentPath=An internal concatenation of the hierarchy to this group that is generally not exposed to the user term.optin=Optin tooltip.optin=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to join this group term.optout=Optout tooltip.optout=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to leave this group term.person=person tooltip.person=a type of entity term.entitiesWithPrivileges=Entities With Privileges tooltip.entitiesWithPrivileges=The entities (typically people or groups) that have this privilige term.read=Read tooltip.read=Entity (typically group or person) may see the membership list for this group term.groupWorkspace=Group Workspace tooltip.groupWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups that you will need to create compound groups, etc term.entityWorkspace=Entity Workspace tooltip.entityWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups that you will need to create compound groups, etc term.folder=Folder tooltip.folder=A fundamental unit (container) of the hierarchy that can have a parent (folder or root) or children (folders or groups) term.createFolder=Create Folder tooltip.createFolder=The ability to create children folders or branches in the hierarchy term.creationPrivileges=Creation Privileges tooltip.creationPrivileges=A hierarchy Is made up of folders. The folder subfolder relationship define the path through the hierarchy term.entity=Entity term.entity.1=Entities term.entity.2=entity tooltip.entity=An entity is an abstract item which may be a member of a group. The two most common types of entities are person or group. (In the future, additional entity types may be used to describe computers or applications.) term.update=Update tooltip.update=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership of this group term.view=View tooltip.view=Entity (typically group or person) may see that this group exists term.sysAdminGroup=SysadminGroup term.sysAdminGroup.1=SysAdminGroup tooltip.sysAdminGroup=All people in this group have full system admin privileges term.groupMathAnd=intersection tooltip.groupMathAnd=The common entities between two groups. - Has to be in both Group A and Group B term.groupMathOr=union tooltip.groupMathOr=All entities in both groups. - Included if they are in either Group A and Group B term.groupMathNot=complement term.groupMathNot.2=subtract tooltip.groupMathNot=The entities in the first group but not in the second. - Subtract Group B from Group A term.root=Root tooltip.root=The top of the hierarchy from which all folders and groups originate term.direct.member=direct member tooltip.direct.member=the entity is a member of the group. If Group A is a member of Group B then members of Group A are considered inderect members in Group B ##################################################### ## Define infodot text here: ## infodot must start with "infodot." ## the page titles are generated dynamically and need to be of the format "infodot.title." ##################################################### infodot.example=More Information infodot.title.groups.all=once you find a group you can click on the group name and act on the group using the buttons at the bottom of the screen infodot.title.groups.my=We are showing you the memberships for which you belong infodot.title.groups.my.group.summary=Shows the name and description details of the group along with a seris of actions that can be performed against the group. infodot.title.groups.my.group.edit=On this screen you can edit the text for the ID, name or description. You cannot enter the path or path ID. infodot.title.groups.my.members=Shows the members of the group and provides an ability to add or remove members and modify permissions (click on is a direct member). Click on the entiy to see an entity summary. infodot.title.groups.my.find=Provides a search utlity so you can find people to add to this group. You can also modify permission (in bulk) of group members from here. infodot.title.groups.manage=After locating a group (by browsing or searching) you can act on the group using the buttons at the bottom of the screen. infodot.title.groups.create=When selecting the create group button you will be creating a group in the current folder location infodot.title.groups.create.find=Provides a search utlity so you can find people to add to this group. You can also modify permission (in bulk) of group members from here. infodot.title.groups.create.members=Shows the members of the group and provides an ability to add or remove members and modify permissions (click on is a direct member). Click on the entiy to see an entity summary. infodot.title.groups.join=A listing of groups for which you can become a member infodot.title.saved.subjects=This is a workspace where you place entities that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.saved.groups=This is a workspace where you place groups that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.search.subjects=Searching for entities infodot.title.grouper.help=when you see this infodot on other pages you can click on it to provide more information infodot.allgroups=This is example of grouper infodot text Showing if you click the infodot button