wg-SDN call notes 3/27/2014
Dan Schmiedt -- willys@clemson.edu
Michael Lambert - lambert@psc.edu
Michael Van Norman -- mvn@ucla.edu
kevin mayeshiro - kmayeshiro@ucdavis.edu
Dale W. Carder - dwcarder@wisc.edu
Deniz Gurkan - dgurkan@uh.edu
Chris Small - chsmall@uw.edu
John Moore - jhm@mcnc.org
Rich Cropp - rac111@psu.edu
Dave Pokorney - dave.pokorney@flrnet.org
Heidi Picher Dempsey hpd@bbn.com
1) Agenda Bash
2) GEC19 highlights & observations
"Programmable WANs" - on-demand path changes, etc.
E. Boyd reviewed Flow Space Firewall
3) Can SDN & flow managers (e.g., FSF) help solve the TR-CPS vs. R&E traffic conundrum? 
4) wg-SDN face-to-face at I2 Global Summit
Still being tested and developed - available for volunteering experimenters
Reconfiguring of racks for jumbo frame support (trying it with some for testing now--not sure if we'll do more)
More info on VTS: http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GEC19Agenda/ProgrammableWAN/VTS.pdf

And, this was the first one: http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GEC18Agenda/GeniSdnOffering/SDN%20Overlay.pdf

GENI (GEC19) demo session: http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GEC19Agenda/EveningDemoSession

Interconnection of testbeds: discussions between testbed representatives
No definition for SDN exchange yet: even GeorgiaTech vs StarLight is different
NSI + GLIF were there

Next GENI in UC-Davis at the same time with USIgnite
GENI is lookign for suggestions from people about good groups to bring in at GECs for colocated sessions or joint demos, or similar work.

NTAC list discussions on TR-CPS vs R&E: can wg-sdn help? 

1.3 deployment - better way to handle traffic with higher subscription levels
Degree of flexibility may be higher - how do members want their traffic to be treated?
QoS capabilities dependent on OF 1.3: L2 profiles feeding into L3 decisions on routers
Attach profiles to traffic - assess behavior expected vs observed

Testing in labs?
1.3 stuff does not exist yet.
Rate-limit traffic going into the controller
Users may not be interested in QoS necessarily
Deployment during 4thQ-1stQ15 planned by I2

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