Research Technology Collaboration SIG

Minutes for 6/2/05

Attending: Sandy Sprafka, NDSU; Jennifer MacDougall, UPENN; Boyd Knosp, Les
Finken: UIOWA; Gurcharan Khanna, Dartmouth College

Thanks to Jon Tyman for making the Internet2 Commons available for this meeting.

GK: potential collaboration project involving remote musical performance between Dartmouth College and sites in Mexico; conflicting interests of stakeholders in this project may prevent it from happening rather than any technical issues.

SS: project involving archaeological artefacts at NDSU online;

JM: helping with Fall I2 Member Meeting in Philadelphia; the performance event will be archaeological demos with Alaska, Egypt, Peru; there will be a Research Channel meeting Saturday night at a cafe; are there collaboration opportunities with McGill's Health Group? Megaconference Jr. successful with over 200 sites participating

BK, LF: Networking projects--Northern Tier, Boreas Project; CIC: research computing meeting with Big 10 + Chicago; guest speaker for our SIG? will draft abstract for a formal session at I2;

Pursue listserv, website move to I2 through Jonathan

Discussion on SIG name change. Conclusion: "Collaboration SIG". it's simple, short, and inclusive, avoiding the specific narrow interests of individual members of the group and the redundancy of "research", "technology" in an I2 group.

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