Topic #Requirement
ID-1Maintain a central data repository that uniquely identifies entities (individuals/organizations)
ID-2The unique identifier (UFID) is never re-issued to a different entity.
ID-3Provide Identity search-match capabilities
ID-4Provide Identity merge/ID resolution capabilities
ID-5Maintain UFID record statefulness (i.e., active, inactive, error)
ID-6Provide notification functionality to entities/units of changes to selected attributes
ID-7Provide basic workflow capabilities for review and approval of selected changes
ID-8Provide ability to publish changes to subscribing service providers
ID-9Provide interface to postal validation, standardization and formatting services
ID-10Support multi-national formats for phones, addresses, etc.
ID-11Provide or support a scheduled event processor
ID-12Support multiple credentials
ID-13Support multiple identifiers
ID-14Support effective dated values (i.e., start and end dates for affiliations, addresses, etc)
ID-15Support and interacts with identity federation to internal/external service providers
ID-16Support the InCommon Identity Federation standards and protocols
ID-17Support SOAP messaging to other IAM components and service providers.
ID-18Support REST-based web service interfaces
ID-19Support an ESB (Enterprise Services Bus) for communication (e.g., BizTalk)
ID-20Support the eduPerson, eduOrg and eduCourse Internet2 MACE standards
ID-21Support a file/batch interface for importing data, including support for XML, CSV, .xls, fixed width, and other formats
ID-22Support a file/batch interface for extracting data, including support for XML, CSV, .xls, fixed width, and other formats
ID-23Provide a management interface (UI) for authorized registry authorities (Identity Coordinators, Administrators) to manage information in the data store.
ID-24Provide a management interface (UI) for administrative troubleshooting and configuration
ID-25Provide a set of APIÕs (SOA, SOAP, REST, etc.) for programmatic interaction with the registry along with security for authorized access
ID-26Maintain a permanent audit log/history of ALL activities/events within the data store (adds, changes, deletes) with record of entity making changes with timestamps and comments
ID-27Provide a UI to the audit log/history of ALL activities/events along with reporting capability
ID-28Support a self-service user interface (UI) to change selected registry attributes
ID-29Provide services to add, update and archive persons
ID-30Provide services to add, update and archive address information for a person
ID-31Provide services to add, update and archive email address(s) information for a person
ID-32Provide services to add, update and archive emergency contact information for a person (who to contact)
ID-33Provide services to add, update and archive name information for a person
ID-34Provide services to add, update and archive telephone number information for a person
ID-35Provide services to add, update and archive net id information for a person
ID-36Provide services to add, update and archive credential information for a person
ID-37Provide services to add, update and archive Identity Assurance information for a person
ID-38Provide services to add, update and archive affiliation information for a person
ID-39Provide registry attributes that can be entered or computed based on other existing registry attributes.
ID-40Provide multiple levels of privacy and publishing indicators/attributes/flags
ID-41The data model should support unlimited new categories and/or types of names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, identifiers, relationships, locations, etc.  See Appendix B for logical ERD diagram.
ID-42Identity proofing to support NIST Level 2
ID-43Logging and management of Identity Proofing
ID-44Data driven attribute definition of all >>>> entity object types.
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