The InCommon Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC) will hold a community assurance call to discuss the new Baseline Expectations and the potential shift in focus for the AAC. The call will take place Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at noon ET.

The Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC) was initially established to manage the US Government-approved assurance program to enable access to Federal services requiring 800-63-2 conforming credentials. However, uptake of that program has been primarily by schools interested in showing credential due diligence to their stakeholders, and the US Government services in InCommon currently don't require an assurance profile.

But the AAC has been active in finding ways to increase the trust across the InCommon community, including developing the MFA Interoperability Profile – which is now under the wing of the international federation operators (REFEDS) – and of course the InCommon Baseline Expectations program.

Come join us on how the AAC is evolving and provide input on where the group should go by attending the upcoming webinar Refocusing Community Guidance of InCommon's Trust Programs: Baseline and Bronze. The discussion will cover:

  • Baseline Expectations and AAC responsibilities
  • Membership changes needed in the AAC
  • Survey results of InCommon Bronze members
  • Adjustments to AAC charter and recruitment of new members

Host and Presenter
Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska and Chair of the InCommon Assurance Advisory Committee (AAC)

Connection Details

Slide sharing and audio (one-way) via Adobe Connect:

eDial Connection Information (for participating in the conversation via phone vs. chat function):

+1-734-615-7474 (English I2, Please use if you do not pay for Long Distance)
+1-866-411-0013 (English I2, toll free US/Canada Only)
PIN: 0129048 #

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