Community Update - InCommon TAC (Technical Advisory Committee)
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
2 pm ET | 1 pm CT | Noon MT | 11 am PT

The InCommon TAC will provide one of the regular updates of its work plan and discuss some of the projects that are currently underway. This one-hour session will include a general overview, plus information about several specific areas in which groups have either continued work, or are starting to work. There will be opportunity for your feedback, discussion, and suggestions.

The webinar will include an overview of the TAC 2016 work plan, plus information about current working groups:

  • Per-entity Metadata Working Group
  • Deployment Profile Working Group
  • OIDC/OAuth2 Survey Working Group
  • and a number of other topics

We will use Adobe Connect for slide-sharing and audio.

Discussion will take place in the Adobe chat window, but to participate by voice, you will need to join the conference bridge:

734-615-7474 (please use if you don't pay for long distance)

866-411-0013 (toll-free US/Canada)

PIN: 0101010#

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