
In January 2017, InCommon began to plan for a series of much-needed updates to this application, in partnership with talented business analysts, software developers, engineers and project managers at several firms. The work has resulted in the following roadmap.

Bug Releases

Fed Certificate Management

High Level

RA Workflow

SA Workflow

V2.0.0 - RA Layout

V2.1.0 - SA Layout

V3.0.0 - Initial Dashboard

V3.1.0 - Update View Page

V3.3.0 - Certificates (IFMC-362)

3.2.0 SIRTFI Updates

3.2.1 - Refactor / Automate Testing

v4.0.0 - Entity Attribute Handling Overhaul

Seq_IIY - Rework Phase 3 (RA functions - Intake)

Seq_V9U - Rework Phase 3 (RA functions - Other Requestor Functions)

Seq_59S - Automate Domain Control Validation

V3.5.1 - Baseline Expectations - Field Edits

Seq_OKR - Baseline Dashboard for RAs

Seq_N9O - Executive Functions/SA/RAO

Seq_45S - Delegated Metadata Administration Overhaul

Seq_2AK - Rework Phase 1 (RA Functions - Organization/People)

V3.10.0 - Rework RA functions - Metadata Approval

V3.12.1 - Adding to_saml method to models

V3.13.0 - Rework RA functions - Auto-Approve Metadata

V3.11.0 - Reassignment of Metadata

SEQ_ZED - Support for international strings/URLs in metadata

SEQ_DQK - 2020 Baseline Expectations requirements

V3.0.1 and V3.0.2 Bug Fixes

V3.2.2 - Bug Release

Rel_3.2.3 - Org Roles Export API Bug

V3.2.4 - Bug Release

V3.3.1 - Bug Release

V3.3.2 - Bug Release

V3.4.0 - Bug Release

V3.4.1 - Bug Release

V3.4.2 - Bug Release

V3.5.1 - Bug Release / Baseline Exp. Release

V3.7.0 - Bug Release

V3.6.0 - Bug / Feature Release

V3.8.0 - Bug Fixes / Feature Release

V3.9.0 Enhancement / Bug Release

V3.12.0 Bug fixes and general feature release

V3.12.2 Minor Improvements with Bug Fixes

V3.14.0 Minor Improvements

V3.14.1 Emergency Bug Fix

V3.15.1 Emergency Bug Fix

V3.15.0 Improvements with Bug Fixes

V3.16.0 Backend Improvements to Storage of Entity Attributes

V3.17.0 Backend Improvements to Storage of Entity Attributes

V3.18.0 Backend work for self-asserted entity attributes

V3.19.1 Entity Attribute User Interface Work with Bug Fixes

V4.1.0 Rails Upgrade to 5.0 & other enhancements

V4.2.0 Enhancements and Bug Fixes

V4.3.0 - New Features & Bug Fixes

V4.4.0 - Enhancement / Rails 5.1 Upgrade

V4.5.0 - Enhancement / Refactoring / Bug Fixes

V4.6.0 - Enhancement / Refactoring / Enhancements / Bug Fixes

V4.6.1 - Bug Fix

V4.6.2 - Maintenance Task

V4.7.0 - Enhancement Release / Upgrade Rails 5.1 to 5.2

V4.8.0 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.9.0 - Enhancement Fixes

V4.9.1 - Bug Fix

V4.9.2.0 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.9.3 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.9.4 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.10.0 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.11.0 - Enhancement and Bug Fixes

V4.11.2 - Improvements & Bug Fixes

V4.12.0 - Improvements & Bug Fixes

V5.0.0 Major Release

V5.0.1 Emergency Fix

V5.0.2 - Feature & Bug Fix

V5.0.3 - Improvement & Bug Fix

V5.0.4 - Bug & Feature Update

Automate Testing / Round 1

Refactor / Round 1

Automate Tests

Seq_3DQ Containerize Development FM

Seq_ODC Containerize Production

Older Roadmap Chart

Apr2017 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan2018 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Bug Releases

Fed Certificate Management

High Level

RA Workflow

SA Workflow

V2.0.0 - RA Layout

V2.1.0 - SA Layout

V3.0.0 - Initial Dashboard

V3.1.0 - Update View Page

V3.3.0 - Certificates (IFMC-362)

3.2.0 SIRTFI Updates

3.2.1 - Refactor / Automate Testing

Seq_7OC - Entity Attribute Handling Overhaul

Seq_IIY - Rework Phase 3 (RA functions - Intake)

Seq_V9U - Rework Phase 3 (RA functions - Other Requestor Functions)

Seq_59S - Automate Domain Control Validation

V3.5.1 - Baseline Expectations - Field Edits

Seq_OKR - Baseline Dashboard for RAs

Seq_N9O - Executive Functions/SA/RAO

Seq_45S - Delegated Metadata Administration Overhaul

Seq_2AK - Rework Phase 1 (RA Functions - Organization/People)

V3.10.0 - Rework RA functions - Metadata Approval

Seq_7B3 - New Update Functions for Site Admins

Seq_9DF - New Add Functions for Site Admins

Seq_Z8N - Adding to_saml method to models

Seq_2GZ - Rework RA functions - Auto-Approve Metadata

V3.11.0 - Reassignment of Metadata

V3.0.1 and V3.0.2 Bug Fixes

V3.2.2 - Bug Release

Rel_3.2.3 - Org Roles Export API Bug

V3.2.4 - Bug Release

V3.3.1 - Bug Release

V3.3.2 - Bug Release

V3.4.0 - Bug Release

V3.4.1 - Bug Release

V3.4.2 - Bug Release

V3.5.1 - Bug Release / Baseline Exp. Release

V3.7.0 - Bug Release

V3.6.0 - Bug / Feature Release

V3.8.0 - Bug Fixes / Feature Release

V3.9.0 Enhancement / Bug Release

Automate Testing / Round 1

Refactor / Round 1

Automate Tests

Seq_3DQ Containerize Development FM

Seq_ODC Containerize Production

General Federation Manager Themes

Special Section on Rework RA Functions

The development work for the redesign and development of the updated RA administration function will consist of the following 5 development phases:

  • Phase 1 - Organization/People - Implements the search and display for the organization and people information
  • Phase 2 - Intake - Implements simplification of the intake process for the RA.
  • Phase 3 - Other Requestor Functions - Implements the addition of requests from external users in the Federation Manager.  This will provide action item notification on the RA Dashboard and integrated web pages to replace the current smart forms.

Follow-on Work: Themes Farther Off on the Horizon

Released Versions

Older, Archived Versions

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