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Grouper UI Development Environment


    This document is current as of release v1.2.0.  For current info, please refer to this page 

There are many ways to set up a development environment using a variety of open source and commercial tools and application servers. The environment described here is the one used to develop the Grouper UI - however, you are free to use whatever setup works best for you.

I am an active developer, so the directory layout and build scripts I use are designed to facilitate development as well as final deployment. We normally use Eclipse as a Java IDE, and so some choices I made are biased to cope with the way Eclipse works.  - Gary Brown, UoB

Directory structure

In order to verify the extensibility of the UI, I have developed the Grouper UI and a custom (University of Bristol) version in parallel, using the same environment. A minimal implementation only requires a Grouper API installation in addition to a Grouper UI installation, however, any real world implementation will have site specific components as well:


 Grouper UI Development at the University of Bristol, UK                                                                                                       




The Grouper API


The Grouper UI


Bristol customisations to the Grouper UI


Bristol implementation of the Subject interface.
Sites may be able to use a generic source adapter provided with The Subject interface distribution e.g. an LDAP adapter

grouper and grouper-ui are separate modules in the I2MI CVS repository.

uob-grouper-ui and i2mi-subject are separate modules in the CVS repository at Bristol.

I have all the CVS checkout directories as subdirectories at the same level (to help Eclipse), though this is not an absolute requirement, i.e., :        


*Both directories contain a subdirectory webapp which itself has a directory structure that is consistent with a web application (see Architecture document)..

During development I may need to debug source code from any of the projects. I may also want to make code changes in the appropriate CVS checkout areas*. In my ideal development environment I would be able to edit any source files and instantly see changes in the web application. A typical build script for a web application might create the web application directory structure in a new build directory and then either copy or make into a WAR (web application archive file), and then deploy to a Servlet container e.g. Tomcat. Using this approach every change requires a build and potential restart of the web application. Admittedly Eclipse will allow an ant script to be called when source files are modified, however, this can be overkill for a simple change to a JSP.

*I could edit JSP and other files in the build or deploy directory, however, I would then need to copy the changes back to CVS - something I may well forget to do.

Setting Up Eclipse

In Eclipse I create one project and pull in the java/src and lib directories from each of the 4 projects listed above. I can then set a single output directory where compiled Java classes are placed whenever I save a Java source file. JSP and other content files are trickier since they are saved in situ and not compiled to a separate destination. Normally I will be working on either the core Grouper UI or on Bristol customisations . In the Grouper UI file I can elect to have the webapp directory of grouper-ui or uob-grouper-ui be the web application root (configured in Tomcat)*. I manually configure Eclipse to compile Java classes to the appropriate webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory.

*Actually, any directory can be configured to be the web application root - I always choose either of the ones indicated when developing.

Any changes I make to the local JSPs are immediately picked up by Tomcat, however, I would need to run an ant script to obtain changes from the other project i.e. uob-grouper-ui to grouper-ui. Most sites which are not involved in the development of the Grouper UI should set <institution>-grouper-ui/webapp to be their web application root. If working with Tomcat and the deploy properties are set, the build script will automatically install your webapp on Tomcat such that Tomcat reads files from your work area.

A disadvantage of this approach is that it pollutes the CVS checkout area for one module with those from another, and I may be tempted to edit a file in the wrong location (though hopefully they are in different subdirectories). Assuming that site-specific changes are always in distinct subdirectories then on Unix it may well be possible to set up symbolic links from grouper-ui to, say, uob-grouper-ui.

Some changes e.g. adding new JAR files, modifying resources, changing Struts / tiles configuration files will always require a build and a web application restart.

The Ant Script

The following targets are available:

>ant help

 Buildfile: build.xml	help:

[echo] Please ensure you have read the documentation -
[echo] and created a file based on the template provided
[echo] The following targets are available - type the appropriate name:
[echo] 1) default
[echo]      Simply builds, without cleaning, to the default.webapp.folder
[echo] 2) nice
[echo]      Attempts to stop the Tomcat webapp before building.
[echo]      Attempts to start the webappp afterwards
[echo] 3) clean
[echo]      Always removes the webapp.class.folder. May remove the
[echo]      webapp.folder if webapp.folder.cleanable=true
[echo]      On Windows this may fail as Windows tends to lock files
[echo] 4) niceclean
[echo]      Combination of nice and clean
[echo] 5) dist
[echo]      Cleans and then builds to subfolder of dist.home
[echo] 6) war
[echo]      Does dist and then makes a WAR file
[echo] 7) resources
[echo]      Does not compile Java classes but 'refreshes' resources in
[echo]      webapp.class.folder
[echo] 8) niceres
[echo]      Does not compile Java classes but 'refreshes' resources in
[echo]      webapp.class.folder and restarts webapp
[echo] 9) help
[echo]      Displays this menu
[echo] 10) endhelp
[echo]      Subsequent invocation of ant with no target will run
[echo]      'default' rather than help
[echo] 11) starthelp
[echo]      Subsequent invocation of ant with no target will run 'help'
[echo] 12) html
[echo]      Generate Javadoc - you must have done a 'default' build previously
[echo] 13) exit
[echo]      Exit this menu without executing another target
[input] Make your choice (default)>

The nice targets will only work if you are using Tomcat and have configured the deploy properties in, and have installed catalina-ant.jar with Ant.

See Customising the Grouper UI: Customising the Build Process for details on how to customise the build process.

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