Debian COmanage Packages

The following Debian packages are available through the COmanage Debian Repository:

An analysis and explanation of each package follows.

Package Information


This is the base package for COmanage that ensures all other general dependencies are installed.


This package drops in files and configs for the initial bootstrapping of COmanage. 

  • /etc/init.d/co-setup - This file kicks off vasetup.
  • /usr/bin/vasetup - This file creates the initial passwords and starts the co-setup webpage.  This will not run if /etc/comanage/setup.ini has state=configured in the setup section.
  • /usr/bin/vapkgconfigure - This file does several things:
    • it bootstraps the LDAP directory including adding the first person.
    • it creates passwords for mysql and ldap and stores them in the passwords ini file.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Open questions:

    • where is the mysql database being setup?
    • where is the mysql user for comanage created?
    • where is the mysql privs granted for the comanage user to the comanage database?
    • where/how is the first user added during the setup?