Minutes: COmanage-TAC call 19-Oct-2012


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (Chair)  
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin - Madison  
Benn Oshrin, Internet2
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2, scribe  


2012 Fall Member Meeting

COmanage BoF at Fall Member Meeting was successful and  included:

Demo of COmanage Registry
      Account Linking
      Enrollment Flows
Discussion of Roadmap


CoCoA demo went well at the Recursive Collaboration session:http://events.internet2.edu/2012/fall-mm/agenda.cfm?go=session&id=10002574&event=1149

-  positive comments from the audience on the CoCoA demo
- people pleased to see the good progress to date
- Paul Caskey was eager to get started with the CoCoA work as a prototype
   - follow up with Paul seems worthwhile
- Michael Grady from Unicon was also interested in CoCoA

2012 Advance CAMP

Several ACAMP sessions touched on issues connected to COmanage.

Keith summarized the ACAMP session titled "Research CI and IAM"https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/ACAMPScribe2012/Thurs+2.15pm+Salon4+Research+CyberInfrastructure+and+IAM
Possible activities going forward from "Research CI and IAM" at ACAMP:

CI Roadmap, Toolkits for IdPs a la CIC CI Working Group
IAM team outreach to the CI developers: e.g. XSEDE annual meeting
Working with existing VOs
Getting out in front of emerging VOs
Outreach to tool developers: Important but difficult;
Tool developers want to integrate via RESTful APIs (LDAP, ECP); Federated access
COmanage as a Service, offered by whom? Threat or menace?
Offer help to, e.g. the new NSF-grant funded Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure (CTSC) team (Von Welch and Scott Koranda)
Aggregated requirements for things important to Researchers fed back to Campus IAM teams
Net+ for VOs
Constituency Group for Researchers within InCommon (InC-CyberInfrastructure?)

Benn:  progress was made at the ACAMP session: "Attribute options for LDAP to express metadata about directory attributes"


-  COamange will need to work on getting data into LDAP
- so the work discussed at this ACAMP session will be relevant to COmanage
- relates to the CIFER provisioning and extraction conversations
- there will most likely be VO interest in the hierarchical representation of role data that attribute options enable

Keith: Scott Cantor was pleased about the "Attribute Options for LDAP" breakout and said we made more progress there than in many previous attempts.

Q: where to do the work going forward?

- have talked with Roland
- plan is to use EMC2 list for discussion
- use MACE-Dir wiki spaces for write ups
- will not have conference calls, will do this work electronically
- and do a 10-minute update on MACE-DIr calls occasionally
- new attribute options will need to be defined (currently there are only 2 defined)
- this will require an RFC

- Benn will send a note to MACE-Dir regarding how to sign up for the EMC2 list, to follow this work

- Benn spoke with Japanese colleague about internationalization of software

- Learned that the Japanese are using attribute options (at least of the language attribute)
to prevent a name being in a directory multiple times with different spellings


Heather - Update on CANS in Seattlehttp://pnw-gigapop.net/CANS2012/

Heather, Rob Carter, Tom Barton, Jack Suess attended CANS in Seattle
- It was a series of updates
- will be interesting to see how collaborations develop
- Kevin Thompson was in the audience for presentation about CMPs


 CoCoA Next Steps

There is a meeting Oct. 24 with SURFnet partners to talk about next steps for CoCoA

- may talk about which applications would be integrated (domesticated):
- possibly  Foodle, File Sender, Sympa

- will talk about a SURFnet hosted CoCoA service instance


LIGO F2F (Nov 29-30)*

There is a LIGO Face to Face on November 29-30, 2012 in Pasadena
- this is a milestone for the grant
- the NSF SDCI grant requires a presentation on work being done with LIGO


TNC 2013


TERENA networking conference call for papers went out
-CoC0A will be a strong contender for a presentation at TNC
-will tak about this with SURFnet partners on Oct. 24

For the TNC 2013 presentation, need to think about
- to what degree should this be a survey
- versus a show and tell of CoCoA
- versus frontiers, such as how do CMPs talk?

Ken: Andreas is developing something that may fall into the CMP category
- ask Andreas to speak?
- ask Swiss to speak?

-should discuss this more at the upcoming International Collab Call


Q: what do we want to see as COCOA next steps?

Keith: The CTSC grant has as possible targeted VOs
- ICECUBE   http://icecube.wisc.edu/
- and Milwaukee institute HPC Center   - http://www.mkei.org/mgrid
- both of those VOs will want a CMP

Q:  is there a downloadable demo for CoCoA?

A: We don't have a CoCoA demo yet, since the demo environments are changing

Ken: agreed, a CoCoA demo instance would be very helpful
- will talk about that with SURFnet

for the next stages for CoCoA
- should have links to proprietary products like Adobe Connect and Google Docs

Keith: this could relate to the CIFER Provisioning and Integration work
- and be a good use case

Ken: need to verify with the SURFnet team on which proprietary product they have in-house
(Webex or Adobe Connect)

Ken: another step is bringing Social to SAML gateway into CoCoA
- would be great to include this in the demo

Benn: yes we showed linking to a Google account at the CoCoA demo at FMM

Next COmanage-TAC call: to be announced on list

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