Minutes: COmanage-TAC call 15-June-2012


Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (chair)
Benn Oshrin, Internet2  
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2, scribe


SDCI Grant


- The SDCI Grant Year Two Report was submitted to NSF on June 18, 2012



Overview and Publicity:
- VAMP is scheduled for Sept. 6-7 in Utrecht, The Netherlands
- immediately after a REFEDs meeting on September 5
- VAMP announcement went out to REFEDs list and to TERENA EMC2 list
- will be mentioned by Remco at an upcoming Grid workshop
- there is a lot of interest in Europe
- NSF grant for travel for key US players has not been approved yet

VAMP Program Planning:
- Heather is working with Niels on the VAMP program
- working on identifying a speaker for the Opening Plenary
- plan is to have
     - panel presentations  
     - also an opportunity for some more loosely formatted discussions
      - with 4 breakout rooms available
       - also there will be a workshop "how-to" component

- Day 1 will focus on intro components
- Day 2 intermediate components

- At closing session
    -will ask the REFEDs people "what did you hear, what wil you bring back to NRENs?"
    - will ask the VOs  "what did you hear, what will you bring back to your VOs?"
    - will ask people developing CMPs, what did you hear, and what will you do differently?

COmanage PR / Outreach

It could be helpful to do more outreach about COmanage  to CIOs and Researchers, focusing on purpose, goals and benefits

- Heather started working on a 2-pager for CIOs and others, including a graphic, and Ken is reviewing this

- ScottK will be presenting info about COmaange to an upcoming gathering of astronomers in Amsterdam

- It was noted that a possible selling point is that IdM is an area where there is overlap in the needs of many big science VOs
(whereas in other areas each VO is quite unique)

- When the new Internet2 PAGS (program advisory groups) spin up to replace the Advisory Councils, some outreach to the new PAGs will be helpful

- A case study on how LIGO is benefiting from the COmanage registry would be useful. Hope to create this before long, but not sure if it can be done by FMM; possibly the case will not be ready until after FMM.

Fall Member Meeting

- Heather submitted a session proposal titled  "Recursive Collaboration: combining collaboration tools to support e-science"
- Speakers would be ScottK, Remco and Heather
- This was submitted in the "Emerging Collaborations and Applications" Area of Interest

- Emily will submit a request for COmanage WG session at FMM

- Will most likely want  to hold a COmanage Developers meeting at FMM, perhaps on Sunday, Sept 30.
- A REFEDs meeting is not expected to happen on that day, since the REFEDs will have met recently in Europe.

Next COmanage-TAC call: Friday, 20-July-2012 at 2pm ET

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