Wiki space for work on 2010 Advance CAMP Action Item:

Document and promulgate best practice for syncing Google groups from campus groups






Group Members

Steven Carmody, Spike Henning (U West Florida), Jim Fox (University of Washington)


to help tracking, please keep adding to the status info here with summary of current status and date

Working Area


Steven reported on the 30-March-2011 Follow-up call:

  • Brown has deployed Grouper integration with Google Groups
  • Brown leveraged code provided by University of Washington, using a message bus
  • For the most part, the syncing between Grouper and Google Groups works well, and things have settled down
  • A challenge is that things change regularly with Google
  • Google is about to completely change their main directory groups infrastructure (possible mid-April timeframe)
  • Changes will affect tags and properties on groups created in Google

Q: What is the deliverable or outcome this Action Item?

  • As the code settles down, Brown can make  the code and documentation about the Brown experience available to other interested campuses.
  • Ann remarked that the Brown experience could potentially make an interesting Advance CAMP presentation. 
  • Where should we post this information so folks know where to find it?
  • Documentation on replicating groups from Grouper to Google could be a contribution to the Grouper wiki. 


Also: University of Washington reported on using Grouper with Google Groups at 2010 FMM in the session "Using Grouper: Campus Case Studies".

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