InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - January 7, 2019


Attending: Ted Hanss, Melissa Woo, Brad Christ, Laura Paglione, Chris Sedore, Sean Reynolds, Christine Miki, Marty Ringle, Pankaj Shah, Mike Erickson, Ann West

With: Kevin Morooney, Brett Bieber, Janemarie Duh, Steve Zoppi

Introductions were made.

Conflict of interest statement

This statement is Appendix B of the InCommon LLC charter and Steering members are asked to acknowledge this each year. Members either have already received a DocuSIgn link for signature, or soon will.

Officer Elections

Each January, Steering elects a chair, vice-chair, and secretary. Those three participate in an additional monthly call (one week prior to the Steering meeting) to set the agendas.

Steering members can nominate (including self-nominations) for any office through the close of business Friday, January 11, 2019. Send nominations to Dean Woodbeck; he will outline the voting procedure.

Trust and Identity Program Advisory Group

Kevin provided a brief overview of the Program Advisory Group (PAG) and the need for substantial Steering representation. The practice for the last year-and-a-half has been for the Steering officers to represent InCommon on the PAG, but that could be changed. Other representation on the PAG includes international, regional network, members aware of software  development activities at InCommon and Internet2, and ensuring a diversity of higher ed voices. After discussion it was determined to allow the nominations process to reach conclusion, then discuss PAG representation.

InCommon Future

A webinar scheduled for Wednesday, Jan 9, at 2 pm ET will outline the repositioning of the TIER software under InCommon and begin more closely tying together the software and Federation, since one cannot exist without the other. The webinar will also proposed a fee increase to allow continuation of the progress made under TIER.

Global Summit

There is not a separate Steering meeting, but all Steering members are invited to the Trust and Identity PAG meeting, 8:30 - 10:00 am, Wednesday, March 6, at Global Summit.

Next Meeting - February 4, 2019 - 4 pm ET