
Attending: John O’Keefe, Klara Jelinkova, Mark Johnson, Sean Reynolds, Michael Gettes, Ted Hanss, Chris Phillips

With:  Kevin Morooney, Ann West

Action Items

(AI) Kevin will propose some membership categories and/or recommendations.

(AI) Kevin will develop a working group to review and comment on the eduroam business model

PAG Future Membership

There was discussion about the need to begin formalizing the PAG membership process, with term lengths, rollover of membership, and recruiting from various important constituencies. Initially the PAG was populated primarily with representation from InCommon Steering and the TIER Community Investor Council. Steering needs to continue to have representation in some manner (and the roles of Steering and the PAG should continue to be clarified), and there is a need for CIO involvement. There are other areas - such as regionals and research organizations - that would provide valuable perspectives.

Kevin reinforced that the PAG is the organization he wants to leverage to guide all of the things that happen as part of trust and identity. (AI) Kevin will propose some membership categories and/or recommendations.

eduroam Status Update

While eduroam has operated in the U.S. for some time, it is only recently moving from a “wild west” environment to something more structured. We last year developed a contract framework then went on a long journey to get 500+ colleges and universities to sign the agreement. We’re also taking eduroam through a series of processes to harden and mature the service, such as a security review and technology review. This is happening in parallel with an expansion of the service.

eduroam represents a large distributed infrastructure change management project that involves Internet2, our contractor (Anyroam), and all of the subscribers. We are finding that we don’t have the same strong community as with the InCommon Federation. We’re engaging people that are likely more involved in the network area than the identity area. One challenging aspect of engaging this community is that, on setting up eduroam, you can pretty much set it and forget it.

Added to this is the desire of some of the regionals to provide eduroam regionally, particularly to K-12. InCommon has been developing a pilot with Utah to explore this.

Chris Phillips said that there are similar issues in Canada - particularly providing eduroam via regionals and ensuring the technology stays current and competitive. One potential concern is  5G service coming out in some large cities.

After discussion, the PAG recommended developing a subgroup to review the business model for the service and make some recommendations. (AI) Kevin will develop a working group to review and comment on the eduroam business model

InCommon Fee Increase Update

Kevin has been working with Internet2 CFO Jay Pflasterer on communicating the fee increase at the Internet2 board meeting the last week in November.

Kevin and Sean will present a webinar to begin a community discussion on the fee increase on December 5 (2 pm ET). Kevin anticipates spending the ensuing 60-90 days talking with individuals a groups about the need for the increase. The goal is to be ready for a vote by InCommon Steering in March or April.

Next Meeting - Monday, December 10 - 4 pm ET

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