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GrouperShell v0.0.1

GrouperShell (gsh) is a shell for administering and interacting with the Grouper API. It can be used in both a batch and interactive manner.

Build GrouperShell

% cd grouper/contrib/gsh % ant

Test GrouperShell's scripting capabilities

% ant test

Grouper must have a JDBCSourceAdapter for subjects for the test suite to complete successfully. This need is adequately met by testing GrouperShell using the same grouper/conf directory contents used to test the Grouper API.

Note: In some environments the tests may fail due to a bug exposed by the testing procedure which might not indicate any actual error with the gsh utility itself. This is known to occur, for example, under cygwin on Windows. An alternative testing process is to run each of the test suites, which are gsh scripts, individually as follows:

% bin/ src/test/test.gsh % bin/ src/test/groups.gsh % bin/ src/test/stems.gsh % bin/ src/test/composites.gsh % bin/ src/test/privs.gsh

Build `gsh.jar` file in the `dist` subdirectory

% ant jar

Build javadoc in `doc/html`

% ant html

Use GrouperShell

  • Run GrouperShell in an interactive manner from a Unix-like environment:

    % ./bin/
  • Run GrouperShell (crudely) from Ant:

    % ant shell
  • Read GrouperShell commands from STDIN:

    % ./bin/ -
  • Read GrouperShell commands from a script file:

    % ./bin/ /path/to/your/script.gsh

GrouperShell Commands



addComposite(group, type, left group, right group.

Add composite membership.

addGroup(parent, extension, displayExtension)

Add group beneath parent stem with the specified extension and displayExtension.

addMember(group, subject id)

Add subject as a member to the group.

addRootStem(extension, displayExtension)

Add root stem with the specified extension and displayExtension.

addStem(parent, extension, displayExtension)

Add stem beneath parent stem with the specified extension and displayExtension.

addSubject(id, type, name)

Add a HibernateSubject to the Groups Registry.


Delete composite membership from the specified group.


Delete group with the specified name.

delMember(group, subject id)

Remove subject as a member of the group.


Delete stem with the specified name.


Terminate shell.


Find a subject.

findSubject(id, type)

Find a subject.

findSubject(id, type, source)

Find a subject.

getGroupAttr(stem, attr)

Get value of group's attr attribute.


Find all groups with name in any naming attribute value.


Get members of the group.


Find all Subject sources.

getStemAttr(stem, attr)

Get value of stem's attr attribute.


Find all stems with name in any naming attribute value.

grantPriv(name, subject id, privilege)

Grant privilege to subject id on name. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN) or NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM) constant.

hasMember(group, subject id)

Is subject a member of this group.

hasPriv(name, subject id, privilege)

Does subject id have privilege on name? privilege must be a n_AccessPrivilege_ (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN) or NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM) constant.


Display usage information.


Print commands that have been run.


Print the last N commands that have been run.


Run the last command executed.


Execute command number N.


Pretty print results. This command is more useful when GSH_DEVEL is enabled.


Terminate shell.


Restore the Groups Registry to a default state.

revokePriv(name, subject id, privilege)

Revoke privilege from subject id on name. privilege must be an AccessPrivilege (e.g. AccessPrivilege.ADMIN) or NamingPrivilege (e.g. NamingPrivilege.STEM) constant.

setGroupAttr(group, attr, value)

Set value of group's attr attribute.

setStemAttr(stem, attr, value)

Set value of stem's attr attribute.


Return version information.

In addition, any Grouper API method can be directly invoked just by referencing it, inclusive of the class in which it is defined. And methods return a java object which can be stored in a variable. For example, the following gsh session determines all of the groups to which a given subject belongs:

gsh-0.0.1 0% subj = findSubject("SD00125") subject: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' name='Barton, Tom' gsh-0.0.1 1% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj) edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 29c40f97-9fb0-4e45-88bc-a14877a6c9b5,'SD00125','person' gsh-0.0.1 2% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj) member: id='SD00125' type='person' source='kitn-person' uuid='d0fa765e-1439-4701-89b1-9b08b4ce9daa' gsh-0.0.1 3% member.getGroups() group: name='etc:wheel' displayName='Grouper Administration:Wheel Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'

GrouperShell Variables




If set to true, stack traces will be printed upon failure.


If set to true, summaries of returned objects are not automatically printed.


If set to true, the time taken to evaluate each command will be displayed.


gsh-0.0.1 4% GSH_DEVEL = true gsh-0.0.1 5% subj = findSubject("SD00125") gsh-0.0.1 6% sess = GrouperSession.start(subj) gsh-0.0.1 7% member = MemberFinder.findBySubject(sess, subj) gsh-0.0.1 8% p(member.getGroups()) group: name='etc:wheel' displayName='Grouper Administration:Wheel Group' uuid='6f77fb36-b466-481a-84a7-7af609f1ad09'

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